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A trend I suggest avoiding...


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We'll for sure have to disagree on what constitutes objective evidence, the EULA doesn't get any more objective than you can hope for. Like I said, been down this road before, rarely if ever do people making claims like yours manage to back them up with relevant court citations.


Since the absolute best you could conclude from that is that it's untested, we'll just have to leave it there and indeed agree to disagree on that point.

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Not willing to talk about the above legal situation, but something occurred to me - Why not add a review of reason for deletion? This way the staff does have some control of files waiting to be deleted, and if it seems unconvincing, the staff can deny deletion of files. This might make the person who wants to delete the submission consider the satisfied users before his or her own feelings...
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As the newest Moderator here at the Nexus, I don't have enough experience to even imagine ALL the possible situations, but on the face of it, I cannot picture a situation where we would ever "deny" the deletion of files. For all files/mods that meet the Terms of Service ("working", "not malware", "not inappropriate/illegal") that means the decision to make the mod available is left totally up to the author.


The position of this site is that mods "belong", (in the sense of having control over their publication and distribution) to their authors; not to Nexus, nor even "the Community". If authors choose to share their works with the rest of us, great. If, for WHATEVER reasons, they change their minds, that's fine too. Here at the Nexus, we will respect their wishes.

Edited by Thandal
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Not willing to talk about the above legal situation, but something occurred to me - Why not add a review of reason for deletion? This way the staff does have some control of files waiting to be deleted, and if it seems unconvincing, the staff can deny deletion of files. This might make the person who wants to delete the submission consider the satisfied users before his or her own feelings...


I've read a lot of your posts recently in different threads and you have an unusual way of looking at things. Legality and the Eula aside, how did modders suddenly lose any voice or rights in your scenario?


It seems it's all what you want and the modders themselves lose any rights or control over what they do with their files. How can you deny a mod author the right to remove his or her own files that they freely contributed, or ask them to give a reason why? What's next, having to ask permission to update files or demanding a mod be made a certain way because it doesn't suit someone?


This would be a very fast way to ensure mod authors remove their files post haste and never add anything new to the database.


Thandal has the right of it as far as I see. There is a limit on rules.

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The creator/uploader has control over their work...they can share or withdraw their work at their discretion. The way it has always been here and I hope it never changes.


If a mod author decides to leave the active community he has the right to do with his work what he/she wishes, take them down, leave them up or have a moderator/staff member move them to the caretaker account.

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