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Skyrim Screenshots


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I do think that in the screenshot there, the player is just about to cast a fireball, and therefore it looks like that. I don't think you run around like that.


And yes, that in the background is a ruined tower. You can see the stone bridge to it on the right side, and a wooden stairs going upwards on the left side, as well as a wooden fence on the top. :)

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1. It's still 9 months until the game's release...and you forgot better textures=less FPS

2. You speak like DX9/10 are old. DX10 still has bugs, and it runs much more poorly than DX9. I believe that DX11 does the same. If the developers make the game compatible with DX11, they will lose time for developing other important stuff.

3. Then you make a better game. And stop whining of what you want, its THEIR game, THEY are making it, not you. The only thing you do is to decide if you will buy it or not.


Don't take anything offensive. It's only my opinion.


I can agree with most of what you said, except for your third comment. It's true that Bethesda is the masterminds behind creating to the game, but you also have to remember that games are created for the gamers and not the developers. What this means is that if developers don't take considerations from the gaming population or do their researching on what made some games popular, then they risk losing out on profit when the game doesn't sell well. For example, Skyrim seems to have some stuff similar to the deadly reflex combat mod. Seems to me like Bethesda realizes that they should have implemented that kind of combat style into Oblivion in the first place because the mod is quite popular. Another example is Fallout New Vegas with the factions thing. Bethesda probably realize how mods such as OOO and MMM made Oblivion so much better so they implemented something similar into Fallout New Vegas. Speaking of OOO, I heard that Oscuro now works for Bethesda. I hope Skyrim will have his OOO influence in the creatures and quests. Loved his choices and consequences content courtesy of OOO.

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If you dual-wield spells are you really going to hold both hands up like you're about to strangle somebody?That might look alright in first-person, but in third-person if he runs around like that it's going to look as if though he has some serious issues.

It will probably be implemented similar to how Oblivion was done. When in 1st person view, the hands are raised to be in view so player can see what is being held...visually. But when you swap to 3rd person view, the hands and arms go back to a normal animation.


To see this effect in Oblivion, simply type "tfc" in the console while in 1st person view and move your camera out and you will see that the only thing visible are parts of the head, hands and arms. This is only to facilitate the view from 1st person mode. When you are viewing your character from 3rd person view, the entire player is visible...thus, issuing a "tfc" while in 3rd person view shows nothing different.



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After I saw the first few screenshots of the next TES game, I built a brand new rig just for the purpose of preparing for Skyrim. I want to make sure I can take advantage of Skyrim's new graphics technology. Heck, even though my new rig is sporting a fairly powerful video card (470 gtx with 1.2GB video memory), I'm still not satisfied at how Fallout New Vegas and Oblivion looks on my PC. I'm considering upgrading to an even better video card some time in the upcoming summer; this way I can be sure that when Skyrim is released, I'll be able to crank up the resolution and AA to high levels.
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@ redhorizon09


Pretty sure Oscuro works for Obsidian Entertainment, but I'm going to go look for info on that just to be sure.


Edit: Yep here it is: http://sites.google.com/site/jorgeoscuro/


@ LHammonds


That's what I'm hoping for, for your character to hold up his hands in first-person but hold them by his side in third-person, it might not sound like a big deal to some, but I've always wished for the ability to play a TES game in third-person, which was never been possible before, not only because of the animation quality, but also because the camera has never been suited for using magic or ranged attacks in third-person.Bethesda said that they took influence from Bioshock's plasmids for the spellcasting, now I've never played Bioshock before, but from what I've seen from videos the protagonist walks around with the plasmid readied, in fact here's a screenshot for comparison to the one I posted on the bottom of page nine of this topic.




If you look at the two, they do look quite similar.

Edited by Corakus
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After I saw the first few screenshots of the next TES game, I built a brand new rig just for the purpose of preparing for Skyrim. I want to make sure I can take advantage of Skyrim's new graphics technology. Heck, even though my new rig is sporting a fairly powerful video card (470 gtx with 1.2GB video memory), I'm still not satisfied at how Fallout New Vegas and Oblivion looks on my PC. I'm considering upgrading to an even better video card some time in the upcoming summer; this way I can be sure that when Skyrim is released, I'll be able to crank up the resolution and AA to high levels.



This was probably a mistake, not to offend you. You should probably wait to put money into a computer once you know what the game will take. The thing is PC gaming is that 1,000 into a computer no probably isn't going to be as good as 1,000 into a computer before release x.x


Just keep it in mind for any further purchases.

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^^ This ^^


You can buy a graphics card today and a new-and-improved one can be released next week that puts the one you just bought to shame. Whenever I buy a computer, I typically do a lot of research on all the components and do trend analysis to make sure nothing is about to release right around the corner to obsolete my selection...such as a new DirectX release, a paradigm shift in technology or the closing of a major manufacturer (yep, I bought the very last card made by 3dfx Interactive...Voodoo5 :wallbash: ).

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After I saw the first few screenshots of the next TES game, I built a brand new rig just for the purpose of preparing for Skyrim. I want to make sure I can take advantage of Skyrim's new graphics technology. Heck, even though my new rig is sporting a fairly powerful video card (470 gtx with 1.2GB video memory), I'm still not satisfied at how Fallout New Vegas and Oblivion looks on my PC. I'm considering upgrading to an even better video card some time in the upcoming summer; this way I can be sure that when Skyrim is released, I'll be able to crank up the resolution and AA to high levels.



This was probably a mistake, not to offend you. You should probably wait to put money into a computer once you know what the game will take. The thing is PC gaming is that 1,000 into a computer no probably isn't going to be as good as 1,000 into a computer before release x.x


Just keep it in mind for any further purchases.


Yea well my old PC was on its last legs anyway; it's over 10 years old so I needed a new rig regardless.


^^ This ^^


You can buy a graphics card today and a new-and-improved one can be released next week that puts the one you just bought to shame. Whenever I buy a computer, I typically do a lot of research on all the components and do trend analysis to make sure nothing is about to release right around the corner to obsolete my selection...such as a new DirectX release, a paradigm shift in technology or the closing of a major manufacturer (yep, I bought the very last card made by 3dfx Interactive...Voodoo5 :wallbash: ).


I actually did do researching before having my new PC built because I tend to do that anyway before making a big purchase in general. I read reviews and such for certain video cards, motherboards, cpu, etc. I got the opinions of several computer tech savy guys and took their information into consideration. I'm aware that the nvidia 470 gtx isn't top of the line anymore, but it's still way better than the 200 series. It's just that I thought the 470gtx would have ran Fallout New Vegas better than what I anticipated. Maybe I'm just expecting too much but that was on my end. I can play Starcraft 2 and Mass Effect 3 and they look amazing on my new PC so I'm fairly satisfied... for now. I still have extra money to spend so an upgrade is still possible.

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