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Skyrim Screenshots


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Its high time that games had fantastic graphics Graphics look great with the dynamic shadows and we haven't even seen the lighting or animations yet AND indepth and involving stories/quests Again, you don't even know what they are yet AND longevity and replayability Replayability? Seriously your bitching about a game that lets you change EVERYTHING in the game at a whim? You could make everyone into flying cucumbers if you want, how can you hesitate on the prospect of replayability?


For realz. And the game is going to cost $50. I can swing a hammer for 5 hours and afford this game. I would pay that much just for the construction set with no content in it.



Hey I'm not bitchiing, I'm making a point, so calm down.


The fact remains that nowadays with all the resources that game studio's have to hand there's no excuse for bad graphics, Beths games have graphics that are better than some but worse than others, how many games have come out on pc lately that have console standard graphics and not even any in game AA support, they cost just as much to buy as games that do. If Skyrim comes out with console standard graphics I will be disappointed.


As for the replayability side of things the point I was making wasn't directed at Beths games (although the main quest in Oblivion could have been,,,,,better), lets face it, theres a whole host of games out there that should have a decent construction set.


To emphasise that point I've got a carrier bag full of games in the cupboard that have taken me less than 10 hours to complete and I won't play them again.


Ask yourselves this question, why shouldn't we have our cake and eat it?


People keep making comments like "good graphics dont make a good game", thats right, they don't.




Good and involving quest/storyline and lousy graphics/clunky gameplay = average product.


Lousy quest/storyline and superb graphics/gameplay = average product.


Good and involving quest/storyline and superb graphics/excellent gameplay = excellent product.



Shouldn't all game studios be trying to attain the latter of the three?

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The fact remains that nowadays with all the resources that game studio's have to hand there's no excuse for bad graphics, Beths games have graphics that are better than some but worse than others, how many games have come out on pc lately that have console standard graphics and not even any in game AA support, they cost just as much to buy as games that do. If Skyrim comes out with console standard graphics I will be disappointed.

You know, there's a reason games has console graphics - so that they can work on consoles... If they release a game with graphics that can't run on Consoles, you know what will happen? You guessed it; they can't run on the consoles...

For PC Exclusive Graphics, we have to rely on Modders to make them, and this is the fact with every game that is also developed for the consoles.


So, when it all comes to it, you should blame Microsoft and Sony... They are the culprits for "bad graphics"!


Good and involving quest/storyline and lousy graphics/clunky gameplay = average product.

Lousy quest/storyline and superb graphics/gameplay = average product.

Good and involving quest/storyline and superb graphics/excellent gameplay = excellent product.


Shouldn't all game studios be trying to attain the latter of the three?

Well, there's another one:

Good and involving storyline, superb Gameplay and "outdated" graphics = Excellent Product.


I don't see why you somehow connected graphics and gameplay as one... They are two very different things.

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Not only that, Skyrim has the best graphics out there when it comes to an open-world RPG. Of course, when you compare it to, say Uncharted 2, then it is inferior, graphics-wise. But the difference is, Uncharted can focus on tiny environments one at a time. Skyrim on the other hand is huge. Open world games take MUCH more time to make/debug, and are much harder on the requirements as well. So it's completely normal for Skyrim to not be quite as impressive (visually) as some other games. Regardless, you speak as if Skyrim looked terrible. I was impressed by the quality. Edited by Prophecies
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Good and involving quest/storyline and lousy graphics/clunky gameplay = average product.



Two words: Minecraft, Mount & Blade


Minecraft DOESN'T have ANY quest or ANY storyline because it DOESN'T NEED ONE! And it already sold a million copies and the game is in BETA PHASE!

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I am calm lol, sittin on mah couch eatin mah Mac typin on mah phone.


I submit that you just have bad taste and poor judgment in this case. I'm a professional artist and have studied 3d modeling at one of the best schools in the nation. Myself and another earlier poster claiming to be a professional designer both find the graphics to look great. Sure they arnt mind blowing or make me want to make love to my computer monitor but they look pretty damn good.


So what if the game isn't dx11? I would be disappointed but I would still buy it. I would buy it if it was on the same Gamebryo engine as oblivion and fo3. Hell if they made a new Baldurs Gate game on the original engine from wayback I would crap my pants andre order it right now.


I'm going to enjoy it immensely along with many others. Sorry your disappointed at something that isn't even in beta form yet.

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I don't see why you somehow connected graphics and gameplay as one... They are two very different things.



Agreed, of course they are, point I'm trying to make is that its the sum of the parts that make up the whole, how many time have you seen comments like "great storyline let down by poor gameplay" or "fantastic graphics but poor quests" or "great graphics, good and involving quest but clunky gameplay" ?


Wouldn't it be great if more and more game studio's got it all right, not just parts of it ?



RE your comment:


You know, there's a reason games has console graphics - so that they can work on consoles... If they release a game with graphics that can't run on Consoles, you know what will happen? You guessed it; they can't run on the consoles...


I know that, its the constant porting of console graphics straight to PC without even tickling them up a bit and allowing ingame support for AA & AF thats narking me



As for the consoles, I gave my Xbox 360 to my mates 10 year old son, and I bought a PS3 a couple of weeks back as I wanted to play "Demons Souls" (PS3 release only) and thought it would be handy for blurays. Took it back and got a refund the next day. Microsoft & Sony ? Hmmph, think I'll stick to my PC's.



Guys, as far as the screens go I think Skyrims looking pretty good so far, I just hope it lives up to all of our expectations.

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...honestly, this game looks like crap compared to its potential. i cant stand to see so much money go in to a piece of garbage that will be outdated three months after its release, and will not support developers that waste my time and theirs with that kind of pollution.


and these guys are professionals, wth.


So.. what you're saying is that graphics is everything? Graphics is the least important thing about a game. It could have Morrowind Graphics, yet still be better than any games made nowadays! It's all about the Gameplay, depth and story; these things are what makes a game. no, i am not saying graphics are everything. I still play mount and blade: warband, even though the graphics suck ass, just because the combat is amazing.


i understand that some people dont mind recieving a piece of turd for their hard earned money (or in some cases not so hard). but unlike everyone else, i dont have enough money to throw away $60 every time a game comes out. i want a game that i can play for a long time, not a game that will last me four hours.


i also understand that the modding community will most likely fix all the issues with the game, but WHY does the modding community have to do NEARLY EVERYTHING to make the game great? we have to make our own textures, because the ones they provide us with are bottom line, almost outdated. we have to make our own quests, because they only put twenty all together in the game. we have to make our own animations, because theirs blow. hell, if we are going to freaking build their game for them, why dont they just release the source code?


I really don't understand what you're getting at...

We have only ever seen one animation from Skyrim, and that is a great animation of a centurion! We have no idea how many quests are in the game, only that they have stated there are hundreds of hours of play with the side-quests (Because of Radiant Story) Hell, we haven't even seen what the graphics really are! Only some screenshots from the Xbox!


4 hours?! Where do you get this from? It has already been confirmed the Main Quest is approximately 20 hours long, and as already stated, hundreds of hours with the side quests. Bethesda has never released a game that lasted 4 hours or less!


I'll say, wait till the game comes out before you start complaining - as of now, you have no ground to complain about!


I was speaking about oblivion, and morrowind.

oblivion's animations sucked, even for when they came out.

oblivion's textures sucked, even when they came out.

oblivion's quests were boring and uninspired.

the landscapes were crap, but they are fixing that supposedly.

the oblivion quest was supposedly like 15hrs long too, but it takes like four hours to complete.

If their track record holds true, the same thing will happen again.


dont get me wrong, TES:V does SOUND like a good game, but they have a penchant for over exaggerating their miniscule acievements.

by no means does it LOOK like a good game though.

Edited by evilkoal
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