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Skyrim Screenshots


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I don't see any recycled meshes from any other Bethsoft games. Anyone see some? Maybe the rocks in the background behind that ruin..

It's so easy for a professional modeler to whip up something unique it really wouldn't make any sense to recycle anything. Besides it looks to me like they are using the "Epic Realism" everywhere in the game because judging by the rocks they look to be based somewhat on how rocks actually form rather than just lobing down blobs of dough randomly across the landscape.

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I think the graphics in the screenshots are awesome.


For those that think graphics are everything I would like to see you go back into the 90's and forget everything you remember about games now to see graphics change with time. (I know it's impossible just try to imagine what it was like.) I remember when I was on the N64 and I thought it was awesome. Now I look back and saw that it was not as good graphics but still as fun. First ES game I played was TES III Morrowind loved it, yes I played 1000's of hours back in the day when I was in High School. Not anymore as much though. I then played Oblivion then went to Daggerfall, Daggerfall was old graphics but the game was still the most fun CRPGs of all time, in my opinion. No offense to people I said to go back in time what I was basically saying was graphics change with time and they in my opinion don't affect the fun as much as how much content is in the game. More Graphics = Less Content/Gameplay. My opinion now back to the topic.


I see a dog in one of the pictures in my GI hopefully on this one you can get a dog. But I hope most of all that armor on the game is all playable and theres more variety than Oblivion's armor. Same with weapons. One of the reasons I switched from my 360 Oblivion to PC Oblivion was the Palace armor was not playable. Also I liked the Akatosh mod. Hopefully I can make armor different colors and same with clothes and armor. Like a dye. As everyone knows you can forge weapons, I hope you can build upon your weapons with materials to make it stronger. This is what I hope for. Oh well I pre-ordered it the day it was available to pre-order so I will still get it. Anyone else agree? Good gaming, Camonna Tong.

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The trees just look amazing. I think the largest steps forward, graphics wise are the realism in the trees, the overall proportion and aesthetic of humanoid models and the dynamic shows.


The shadows alone have me wanting to play this game right away. So few games utilize dynamic light casting and it makes a HUGE different in atmosphere.

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well, i just hope for their sake that the creation engine is not direct x 9


if it is, then they wasted a LOT of money


the oblivion quest only took me like four hours because it sucked? that was not the first time i had played it though.

for me, oblivion, fallout and nv were all about the RPG and dungeon diving, not bethesda's story. i could really give a crap less what the backstory is as long as i have a gigantic open landscape to explore that is full of detail and horrifying monsters to kill.


and is it just me, or are the monsters in video games getting more and more beautiful and less monstrous? i thought monsters were meant to make you cringe when you look at them, not make you go "oh wow how beautiful is that troll's face!" (now i could understand for a dragon, but that is different lol, dragons are not monsters!)


anyway, the screenshots are not looking any better, but i have not seen anything labelled PC.

the further and further along we get, the more and more i am expecting a direct console port, just like the last three times. (cheap B******S!)


i wish the devs knew how to read, then they would be able to see what the hell they were doing wrong ;)

and by no means to i expect them to give a flying f--- what i post on the web lol.

Edited by evilkoal
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well, i just hope for their sake that the creation engine is not direct x 9


if it is, then they wasted a LOT of money


the oblivion quest only took me like four hours because it sucked? that was not the first time i had played it though.

for me, oblivion, fallout and nv were all about the RPG and dungeon diving, not bethesda's story. i could really give a crap less what the backstory is as long as i have a gigantic open landscape to explore that is full of detail and horrifying monsters to kill.


and is it just me, or are the monsters in video games getting more and more beautiful and less monstrous? i thought monsters were meant to make you cringe when you look at them, not make you go "oh wow how beautiful is that troll's face!" (now i could understand for a dragon, but that is different lol, dragons are not monsters!)


anyway, the screenshots are not looking any better, but i have not seen anything labelled PC.

the further and further along we get, the more and more i am expecting a direct console port, just like the last three times. (cheap B******S!)


i wish the devs knew how to read, then they would be able to see what the hell they were doing wrong ;)

and by no means to i expect them to give a flying f--- what i post on the web lol.


I disagree Bethsoft listens to their fans and modders a lot, probably why they got the Sprint in the game because they thought the Sprint mod for Fallout was good. But you can't blame them for not reading everyones post, everytime you post on there forums there are probably 10 new threads plus 20 people commented by the time you did.



And about DirectX 11 even some new video cards I saw online don't even support DirectX 11. So I would rather wait a few years before they give support to it. Can't blame Bethesda Softworks when PC's get new updates every week or less and Consles hardly get Updates.

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if you are looking at NEW video cards that dont support Dx11, you are being mislead my friend. the radeon 5xxx series, and 6xxx series all support dx11, and Nvidia's new GTX 400 and 500 series both support dx11.


you might want to find a new place for computer hardware bro. dx11 has been out for a while now, and all new hardware that is worth a crap supports it.

the only reason we do not see developers making dx11 games is because these douchebags running microsoft and sony still think their 5 YEAR OLD hardware can still hack it against the new hardware, which it has NO chance of doing whatsoever. my quadcore cpu is faster than the freaking ps3's 8 core.


and if you would have read my post, i said i did not expect them to read anything i said and care.

Edited by evilkoal
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i will NOT buy this game if it is direct x 9. nobody else should either. why would you take an old rod up the pooper when you can get twice as much for half the cost elsewhere?

i will recieve this game either way, either from family or whatever, but i will not purchase this game if the engine runs direct x 9.

Plan on getting the game anyway but recommend that nobody buy it? Strike #1 for having the stench of a pirate.


then again, the people that made that game werent lazy americans that dont enjoy their work, i am sure. (i am american, before you get offended)


i wish the devs knew how to read, then they would be able to see what the hell they were doing wrong ;)

and by no means to i expect them to give a flying f--- what i post on the web lol.


the only reason we do not see developers making dx11 games is because these douchebags running microsoft and sony still think their 5 YEAR OLD hardware can still hack it against the new hardware, which it has NO chance of doing whatsoever. my quadcore cpu is faster than the freaking ps3's 8 core.


and if you would have read my post, i said i did not expect them to read anything i said and care.

Strike #2 earned for flaming and generally acting like a troll throughout this thread.


(cheap B******S!)


and by no means to i expect them to give a flying f--- what i post on the web lol.

Cuss much? You do realize vulgar language is also against the rules here don't you?


EDIT: Whoops, looks like you already had 2 strikes for vulgar language and based on these most recent posts, you still like to swear on these forums.


Goodbye and good riddance.



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Thank you LHammonds, now back to topic.


I agree the game looks awesome the faces are more detailed and more. "Dialog options are also available with hostile NPCs" That's a nice feature seems now I can tell Bandits to surrender, at least I hope.


I think the trailer should be out in two months but maybe later. As they usually don't get the trailer for a game until a month a two before it comes out.


Those skeletons look far more detailed and those who played Morrowind do those look like the Draugr on the Bloodmoon DLC? It seems like it to me just with swords and armor. Heck, those actually might be the Draugr if you think about it. Quote from uesp "Draugr: An undead nordic warrior known for feeding on human flesh." Just a thought, Camonna Tong.

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