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Waiting is being interrupted by an unknown mod. Waiting is also behaving as sleep


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When I try to wait for longer than two hours, I get interrupted and the game tells me "Ahh what a nice nap" or whatever skyrim says when you've slept.

So basically if I chose to wait 12 hours it will just stop waiting at 2 and tell me I had a good nap.


I don't know what's doing it.

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Perhaps it would help if you posted your mod list (In spoiler tags of course) so that someone could better assist you.

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Ok. After reinstalling Skyrim, cleaning the Skyrim Masters again, checking mods of in groups of five and creating serveral back up lists, and patching the game several times, Ive manage to narrow it down.

The problem is ASIS. I don't know why its ASIS but, by a pains taking process of eliminate that took around an hour I can assure you, its ASIS. I just can't figure out why or how its doing this. lol.


This is my load order.



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I'm not even asking anyone to figure this out. I realize the list is far too long.


Can anyone advise me on a better way to locate the problem? Is there a tool I can use?


The problem happens after I leave the Alternate start area. After I load an alternate start, I can wait for as long as I want with no issue but, after I run in any direction about 100 feet the problem starts. From then on I cant wait for longer than two hours. The game will cancel the waiting an tell me I had a nice nap.

Edited by TheNexusLurker
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I've noticed that was missing from my load order this time around and it does seem to be working now. Thanks alot.


The odd part us I'm using mod organizer and the mod and it's esp were unchecked. It had to be totally uninstalled to get rid of this problem.

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  • 8 months later...

I have the same problem, but I have no sleep mods installed.


I went through the above list and marked those that I also have with ***.


Any ideas?



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