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Moving ships


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Hi I wanted to know if there would be moving ships in Elder scrolls 5.


I think it would be a great idea to have them. I do not mean quick travel but ships that really cast off and sail along the coast or up a river that the player can ride while the crew works to maintain the ship. You could even do a story line in it or have some NPC's attack the ship in which the player has to fight. It would also be great just having the ships travel from port to port rather than quick travel. Yes it is slower but it can add a lot to the game experience and fun.

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Hi I wanted to know if there would be moving ships in Elder scrolls 5.


I think it would be a great idea to have them. I do not mean quick travel but ships that really cast off and sail along the coast or up a river that the player can ride while the crew works to maintain the ship. You could even do a story line in it or have some NPC's attack the ship in which the player has to fight. It would also be great just having the ships travel from port to port rather than quick travel. Yes it is slower but it can add a lot to the game experience and fun.

No info on it at the moment that im aware of but yo that woiuld be awesome kinda like world of warcraft that game has that feature

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I very highly doubt it, as there is only water on the northern coast of Skryim, and there wouldn't be much use for them, except for maybe special missions. If that was the case though, they would probably do the 'sleep and then we`ll be there' trick.
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I very highly doubt it, as there is only water on the northern coast of Skryim, and there wouldn't be much use for them, except for maybe special missions. If that was the case though, they would probably do the 'sleep and then we`ll be there' trick.

Look at the map again.



On the east side at least the rivers are fully realized all the way out to sea. We may very well see some moving ships.

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I very highly doubt it, as there is only water on the northern coast of Skryim, and there wouldn't be much use for them, except for maybe special missions. If that was the case though, they would probably do the 'sleep and then we`ll be there' trick.


Nords are known for being able seamen (lulz), and there are many major cities along the coast. It would make a lot more sense than the Imperial City Waterfront, with impassable bridges and Leyawiin acting as a dam.

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I agree with Worm, the Nordic style boats of the dark ages had a very shallow berth, and could easily traverse rivers. It seems like a good idea to flesh out boats and shipping finally. In Oblivion it seemed like there was just no trade. There was like one shipwreck, and on land at that. Also I could count off the number of ships in Cyrodil on my fingers.And there was no navigable route from the large Imperial port to any ocean or sea. It really bummed me out when after I became an Argonian to get cool stuff underwater that there was nothing cool about water in Oblivion. There should be some kinda dynamic trade system. Piracy would be nice. Maybe a navy battle between warring Skyrim factions. Definitely moving boats at least though, it's definitely possible, look at mods.
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It would be great for sure. I really wanted to sail in Oblivion, at least between the Imperial City and Bravil or Leyawiin. But I don't think they're going to work on that. They might, but I don't think they will. If they improve the immersion and "living in Skyrim" that will be a HUGE step forward. So we may have to wait until TES VI to see moving ships...


PS: I'm quite pessimistic.

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Yea, Some of the moving ships could go up and down rivers as part of trade and transporting the player. Also you could have moving ships on the Northern cost that could act like trading vessels with the northern towns and again you could use them to transport the player. Or maybe to an island off of the coast. Of coarse the player could always "quick travel" but I think that the player should have to option to change it up.

It helps to keep it fun and be more life like. ;)

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