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Mobile App


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Does the Nexus have a mobile app for browsing its sites via Android phones? While I can use the forums fairly well on Android without using Tapatalk or similar software, the sites themselves can be kind of brutal to check via Mobile. Is there a Mobile alt site with less pics and other bandwidth crushers or an app that presents a simpler format?
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  • 1 year later...

I definitely give thumbs up for the Tapatalk support. This is awesome application available for both iOS and Android (not sure about other mobile OS's), which is developed specifically for forum browsing.


It is precious little thing and I really encourage Admins to look into this. It does not cost anything to add the TT support for the forums (I should know, forum owner myself, and it is on TT :) ), and it is massive convenience boost when compared to using forum on mobile browser or to RSS feeds.


Dear Admins, please - look into this. It will make lifes easier for lots of us! :happy:

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  • 2 months later...

I think offering support for Tapatalk would be beneficial. After all more people start to use to mobile devices for keeping informed. My interest is having access to my favorite forum communities from a single interface with accounts and settings synced. That actually has come in handy when I switch from one device to another.


In regard to the concern about the browser popup, there have been two reported methods to disable the option. One is to remove the line of JavaScript code that sources "tapatalkdetect.js" while the other consists of setting an empty value for "iPhone Product Message" / "Android Product Message" in the Tapatalk admin options.

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  • 2 months later...

I fully support this idea, browsing on the nexus even on a tablet is painful. E.g. soundcload offers avery nice app, where you can see your stream, and the status of your friend. I think texus is very similar to that in this respect, and I would say this offers new features. Just finding the newest mos/photos/friend posts on a widget on you hone screen? This would be so fantastic, I even would pay some $€£ for such an app


Dark0ne, I know this is a lot of work to get this running, but I think you can push your site in the same liga as FB or G+, no doubt.

Edited by gruftikus
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  • 1 year later...

I'll resurrect this thread as I have been looking for ages to see Nexusmods on my Tapatalk app.


Is there any reason why it can't be enabled. As mentioned it is free and easy to add to the forum.


I have no idea where the comments about popups comes from. I haven't seen a single popup from it and I use Tapatalk in a handful of forums.

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