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Lag when looking around


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Hi, I'm trying to nail down why I get 60fps when looking straight ahead but lag spikes and freezing and stuttering when turning my mouse around. Here's a performance monitor:






And a video:




I'm willing to try any tweaks to reduce this lag/stutter. I'm running Unbleak ENB at present. I have optimized textures but some are probably 2K and I'm only running in 1366x768 mode.



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I've been wanting to post something here--I've been back and forth 3 times now--but what do I know??


vram, I'm not a tech guy, but I do know a little about graphics. When I read your OP, I was surprised that you'd be having the render problems you described. I have the same problems (but surely lots worse), and I've always been confident that the problems were due to the limitations of my old computer. (My brother cobbled it together for me 4 years ago using leftovers lying around his apartment. :) )


When the camera is moving forward, the game has much of the material ready-at-hand that's needed for each subsequent rendering. But when the camera swings to the side, the amount of new material that has to be processed jumps through the roof. Even if the objects to be rendered are the same sorts of things as those viewed before the swing, they are not the same objects.


If you think there's anything to what I'm suggesting here, you can try a little test. When you encounter the render problems, take a few minutes and stop moving and just look around. Look in all directions. Look at everything. Then, after the game has had time to fully process every object within sight, swing the cam around fast like you would when playing. See if the rendering isn't a lot smoother.


Also, I remember a posting by a tech guy talking about how Skyrim had a "leak" that contributes to render lag. (Bethesda has confirmed that there is such a leak in the game.) I have no idea what's involved in a leak, but I very much understand what it does when I'm playing. The longer I play non-stop, the greater the lag becomes--everything slowly gets increasingly sluggish. This is especially true of rendering. So I routinely just close the game (to my desktop), let Steam do it's sync, and reopen the game. The difference for me with my tired computer is striking.


Anyway, I can't help but think that, if you could upgrade one of your hardware components, you'd get past a lot of the sticky rendering. I say "hardware components" because I know you're a tech guy and could figure out where your weakest link is on your rig when playing Skyrim.


Hope there was something helpful in what I wrote, but, either way, good luck smoothing out your game.

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Hi ruvuk, thanks for the answer.


My weakest link is probably the CPU, however it's 2012 technology which is newer than Skyrim (2011).


I suppose what's frustrating is that in March 2015 I purchased a new video card (AMD Radeon R9 270x 2GB) plus a new power supply to handle the current ($400+ Canadian) to improve performance and it bothers me that maybe I made a mistake and should have upgraded the whole computer.


I run on an AMD Athlon 6700 with 12GB of DD3 RAM plus my "new" video card.


I'm beginning to suspect maybe I added too many NPC to the game and this is also causing my stutter problems. I made many tweaks last night but none of them solved my problem.


I also run in 1366x768 (not 1920x1080 native resolution of my new video card) in order to get better performance so I am already sacrificing a lot to run this game. $400 of hard earned money to run in 1366x768 mode (like video games in the 1990s) is quite annoying.

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". . . added too many NPC to the game," you say?! Can't imagine how many that might be. If I tried adding extra animated characters, my overloaded computer would probably shoot sparks, blow smoke, and die. Even keeping a single follower for very long is pushing my luck.


But, OTOH, I have a beautiful old-style monitor w 1600 x 1200 resolution; it was surely among the last ever manufactured. My enthusiasm for my 4 x 3 monitor probably sounds silly, . . . but it allows me to play skyrim with a Field of View of 110. (I believe the game's default FOV is 65.) The higher FOV doesn't replace peripheral vision, but it really helps a lot. (I'm forever impressed by players who can fight really well with 1- and esp. 2-handed weapons. How can they do that wearing horse blinders??)


Just my personal preferences, I know, but I'd have to take the beautiful skyrim landscape over followers any day. When I did the arithmetic to get your total pixel count and saw that you'd given up half your pixels, well, I had no words.


Anyway, . . . if you wind up saving for a new machine with a more powerful CPU, allow for the fact that you already have the video card and power supply. Maybe you can spec a new machine with a junk video card & PS and then replace them with you own? You really gotta get you pixels back, sooner or later; bad karma thinking that one of the helpful tech guys on the Forums is having to play with only half his pixels! :ohmy:


Best of luck to you.

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