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Which gender do you usually play?


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when did this become a discussion about how people talk down to guys who play girls and girls who play guys? seriously, it really doesnt matter. play whatever sex you want to play most dont care. the whole debate is just a load of non-sense and is just as over blown and stupid as the one about how thirteen year old boys are the ones who download the skimpy armor and the nude body mods. there are people out there who just want to piss you off, just freakin ignore them. why would you bother talking to them at all?

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I play Star War: The Old Republic, 8 of my characters are female, 2 are male. I find it funny that I get chatted up, invited to join a group, etc almost 2X as much with the female characters than a male one. And if I put my character in a skimpy outfit, that jumps up even more.


One of my more recent characters I created not long ago I was invited over and over on the starting world by someone, then called a stuck up b**** by the guy (or gal). I had to laugh as it caused a sudden flame war on chat. I finally posted I was only doing the class missions (love that 12X).

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I have multiple characters of both sexes. My play style is very slow; no fast travel, no running and is best described as sedate. It is natural, I think that, at this slow pace, it is more pleasant to follow a female form. The main male character is an old man, a Redguard with white beard and thin hair and tattoos. I figure that this is natural because I am 70. Just doesn't seem right to play as a young man.


Only problem is, even with weight set to zero and face aged a bit, my Redguard character has a youngish body. Someday, I must ask the creator of Prof Ben Doon how he fashioned that body. I hope that the answer is a simple one. In the meantime, Hannibal (named after the Carthegian General) will continue his slow plod through Skyrim.



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I'll openly admit, i play Female 99.9% of the time, i have been harrassed and even accused of having deep mental issues because of this, but i look at this way, as a fan of horror and fantasy, we usually see the female as the victim or the weak one, well the same goes for gaming, what is wrong with a busty beautiful female weilding a sword or any wepaon for that matter, If I'm going to play a game for hours on end, then i want something to keep me interested, yes my characters are hot and busty, that's how i like to play, i have played both genders and playing female in a game is more appealing to me personally.



I have played countless MMO's and people like to troll others for which gender they play, honestly i think it's no ones buisness why we play male or female, games are fantasy, they are designed to put us in a different world, that also goes for playing male or female roles. Honestly it's the reason i quit playing MMO's i enjoy my games for intense storylines and amazing scripts. The Characters i create are what i would envision if it were a movie or something i was writing about, They are usually independent and strongwilled, Beauty is something different to each and every one of us, how we design our characters is what i love about gaming the freedom to do what ever you want.


+1 to this


Whenever I see someone else judgng another player for playing a certain gender in a game and they accuse them of 'mental issues' the reality is the accuser is the one with the 'mental issue'. They get so hot and bothered that a female in real life is playing as a guy in a game or a guy in real life likes to play as female character in a game. As you said it's all fantasy and Skyrim is a good example of a game that offers vast customization. If anything, allowing people to create a character of their opposite gender will only open the door for more tolerance, understanding, and appreciation. Its just pixels on a screen and the people playing whatever character they have know this but those who judge seem to try and find alternative sick motives for why someone would play a certain way when the reality is there is no motive, its just to play a damn game and have a fun appealing time to the user. When the game app is closed its back to normal boring life and no affect of playing as a female or male character outside of the game is attached to them at all.


I have played and owned enough games that have male characters as the main role so whenever a game offers character customization I always choose female. I don't give a crap how un-immersive it may be, I don't play games for lore, 100% immersion, or realism. I get enough of that in real life, I play games to do and be something different. Every time someone asks me why I play the characters I do (I have a youtube channel so people see the characters I make/play as in my games) I explain and they no longer badger me about it. Their perspective on the matter changes and the assumptions they had about me as a gamer changes for the better. Saying to others "you got mental issues beasue you play a gender opposite of yours in a game" is a long stretch and ignorance. You don't know the person so don't be so quick to judge based on silly gender choice in video games. If that were the case then I guess I can assume any player who plays violent FPS's with guns would use guns like that in real life becasue clearly they are choosing to use guns in video games and have issues.


Thank you N7 for seeing where i was coming from on this, but yes i have infact dealt with people online and in real life about why we choose to play male or female, as you said it's fantasy we play games because we deal with so many other important things in real life, and sometimes those things drag us down or make us depressed, I love gaming it's my escape from what i really face everyday. I have never ever accused anyone of having issues over a game or as to why they play a certain gender, Everyone plays games like Skyrim for multiple reasons, The ability to build multiple charaters, to choose different paths, to try new skills, crafting ect. This is why these games are so popular, because we have so much freedom and creativity to do whatever we want. It's funny cause my girlfriend even thinks my characters are hot, she won't play these games with me, but she suppports whatever decision i make, That's enough for me.

Edited by shep8234
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I have multiple characters of both sexes. My play style is very slow; no fast travel, no running and is best described as sedate. It is natural, I think that, at this slow pace, it is more pleasant to follow a female form. The main male character is an old man, a Redguard with white beard and thin hair and tattoos. I figure that this is natural because I am 70. Just doesn't seem right to play as a young man.


Only problem is, even with weight set to zero and face aged a bit, my Redguard character has a youngish body. Someday, I must ask the creator of Prof Ben Doon how he fashioned that body. I hope that the answer is a simple one. In the meantime, Hannibal (named after the Carthegian General) will continue his slow plod through Skyrim.



one of the greatest things about Skyrim for me is the ability to vastly travel anywhere, and at my own pace there is soo much to see in Tamriel, and it's such a beautiful game, who wouldn't enjoy a slow adventure, Cheers!!

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I will always prefer to play as a female in RPG games that have a intriguing story simply because it offers some unique or just cool dialogue options or encounters. As a female character in some games I feel as most NPCs have the thought process of "oh a woman, what could she possibly do" then I shoot an arrow through their neck. As a male character I just feel like a typical bad ass guy that does typical bad ass guy things unless I have the choice to play a different race or species which Skyrim does. In Skyrim's case if I decide to play as a male I won't play as a Redguard, Nord, or Imperial because they're to close to home. I'd play as an Orc, Elf, Argonian, a Khajiit or even a Breton since Breton's are a hybrid of elves and human because it opens up a more unique male character gaming playthrough as I can then use the race history knowledge to role play that male character without having the "typical male" protagonist that you see in most games. Apologies if I went on for a bit, I quite enjoy discussing things like this and might have went a bit too much "nerd mode"

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I will always prefer to play as a female in RPG games that have a intriguing story simply because it offers some unique or just cool dialogue options or encounters. As a female character in some games I feel as most NPCs have the thought process of "oh a woman, what could she possibly do" then I shoot an arrow through their neck. As a male character I just feel like a typical bad ass guy that does typical bad ass guy things unless I have the choice to play a different race or species which Skyrim does. In Skyrim's case if I decide to play as a male I won't play as a Redguard, Nord, or Imperial because they're to close to home. I'd play as an Orc, Elf, Argonian, a Khajiit or even a Breton since Breton's are a hybrid of elves and human because it opens up a more unique male character gaming playthrough as I can then use the race history knowledge to role play that male character without having the "typical male" protagonist that you see in most games. Apologies if I went on for a bit, I quite enjoy discussing things like this and might have went a bit too much "nerd mode"

I enjoy reading your guys post about this, because it really is a good topic to cover, yes Sev you're right the female role just seems to be more intriguing, asi have played other RPG's the female dialogue offers options you won't get playing the normal male hero, for example when i first started playing Mass Effect i played the normal male Shep, it was a good play through, but when i played the female a whole different world started, many new dialogue choices as well as the occasional humor oneliners,

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i seriously started playing females after i played my first RPG KOTOR. when i decided to play it as a female (because i thought "oh wow i can play a girl in this one!? neat!) also my brother was playing through as a male and was ahead of me. but as i played i noticed a lot of options are often not available to the opposite sex. (in KOTOR on Taris you can talk to some guy who will try to scam you out of credits but only if you're a female. in KOTOR 2 you will either get Disciple or the handmaiden depending on if you play male or female respectively. that is the only reason i play both sexes in all RPG... okay actually borderlands 1 i play Lilith because she has an awesome power and in 2 i play Gage because Mechromancer.

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When possible, I self-insert, so I play female characters who generally look like me (same skin/hair/eye colour, hair style, etc.), although more idealised.

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i seriously started playing females after i played my first RPG KOTOR. when i decided to play it as a female (because i thought "oh wow i can play a girl in this one!? neat!) also my brother was playing through as a male and was ahead of me. but as i played i noticed a lot of options are often not available to the opposite sex. (in KOTOR on Taris you can talk to some guy who will try to scam you out of credits but only if you're a female. in KOTOR 2 you will either get Disciple or the handmaiden depending on if you play male or female respectively. that is the only reason i play both sexes in all RPG... okay actually borderlands 1 i play Lilith because she has an awesome power and in 2 i play Gage because Mechromancer.

I'm a huge fan of the original KOTOR series, it's probably one of my first major RPG's, i too played a female Revan, i loved the story choices, and yes I remember the choices on Taris, i played a male later on just to compare the differences between the two.

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