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Which gender do you usually play?


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In Skyrim, always females and always Nords. I'm female and playing male characters doesn't work nearly as well for me, so I no longer try.

The way i see, it doesn't matter if you're male or female behind the screen, as long as you enjoy the game and the company of others on here, gender shouldn't matter at all, it's such a cliche that girls don't game, that's complete B.S. Half of my guild in The Old Republic is female, incuding my guild leaders wife. Role playing male or female is a personal preference, nothing more. :)

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The way i see, it doesn't matter if you're male or female behind the screen, as long as you enjoy the game and the company of others on here, gender shouldn't matter at all, it's such a cliche that girls don't game, that's complete B.S. Half of my guild in The Old Republic is female, incuding my guild leaders wife. Role playing male or female is a personal preference, nothing more.

i wouldnt say that for my guild IRONFIST, we have a large number... but sadly its about 60-70% male at the moment. though we have been getting a large influx in females since our Archage division got so freakishly huge. though i do agree with the fact that it is a BS cliche, i believe the Nexus has about 51% male to 49% female population last i heard.

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The way i see, it doesn't matter if you're male or female behind the screen, as long as you enjoy the game and the company of others on here, gender shouldn't matter at all, it's such a cliche that girls don't game, that's complete B.S. Half of my guild in The Old Republic is female, incuding my guild leaders wife. Role playing male or female is a personal preference, nothing more.

i wouldnt say that for my guild IRONFIST, we have a large number... but sadly its about 60-70% male at the moment. though we have been getting a large influx in females since our Archage division got so freakishly huge. though i do agree with the fact that it is a BS cliche, i believe the Nexus has about 51% male to 49% female population last i heard.


Honestly over the last few years, the gaming population is about dead even when it comes to male and female players, the only reason why most guys, or kids age 15+ say that females don't game, is because most use gaming as a form of control that they don't have in their real life, I'm not saying this to be ignorant, I'm saying this as a fact, there are a lot of hardcore players who are threatened by females, because they are usually better and more skilled, this is coming from experience, but like i said i don't care if you're male or female, gaming is a place to come to forget about everyday reality and a place for others to enjoy the same games and or role play, because we can identify with each other, i love the fact that most of my guild is female, we all have a lot of respect for each other, and we enjoy talking about the franchise, or whatever.

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i wouldnt say females are better, just most underestimate how good they are. i dont, i think it's balanced.

From what I have observed (am older female Gamer) I think people get this impression because as a general rule (not all) Men have a tendency to take more chances and not get quite so emotionally involved with the Characters they create, Women (once again as a general rule) tend to be more cautious and connect more so with their characters emotionally...and so thus reflected in their Game and how they approach their choices in Game, giving the impression of greater care and strategy.

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