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About why Bethesda took so long to release the next Game


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Is it one team that makes TES and then FO

Yes, one team. The switch back and forth between the franchises, usually starting concept-work as soon as the previous title launches, and starting proper development around the time the alternative franchise launches a new game.


So, they have probably settled on the province, story and a good deal of the concept for TES6, and will be starting on the underlying mechanics shortly, if they have not already. Level design and graphics guys will likely stick with Fallout for the next 8-12 months, working on DLC, and then everyone will shift entirely over to TES 6.


That's been the pattern they've been following since Oblivion, anyway.

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Is Bethesda too poor to hire two teams, one for Fallout and TES

It the main team for a reason. Maybe Todd trusts these guys the most.



This is basically it. Todd Howard is given pretty free reign with the studio, and he's the one who decides how big the team is. It's not a matter of cost (they could easily fund a studio the side of Ubisoft at this point) its a matter of what Todd is comfortable with, and how the team works together. They only hire people who click well with the current team, rather than just hiring people with the skills to do X job.


Howard has also stated that having the team move back and forth between projects, rather than being on the same project all the time (for instance, having a dedicated Fallout team, and a dedicated Elder Scrolls team) helps prevent burnout, and keeps everyone engaged.

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I also think that Todd is concerned about distinct variances slipping through. I'm sure that anyone playing both FO games and TES games recognize just how similar they are. (I even describe FO as being "like Oblivion or Skyrim, but with a Science Fiction focus.") The similarities are so distinct that they seem like they intended to make it so that players of one game can take up the other, almost seamlessly. Having crews for each game series working simultaneously would assure that distinct differences in the game mechanics would start to develop. Being a player of both series, I find it annoying when my Skyrim reflexes keep tripping up my Fallout 3 gameplay. (Like in TES, "take all" loot is R. But in Fallout 3, "take all" is A, because R is used for Reload.)

Edited by CaptainPatch
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I think it has to do with waiting until the ps4 and xbob one have a large user base because they will not bother making ps3 and xbox360 versions of fallout 4

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FO4 is supposed to be a huge game with a different engine as most of their other titles. Beth isnt using gamebryo anymore i do not believe. Correct me if i am wrong :)
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