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Bain/OBMM Load Order


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Hi! Everyone:


I'm trying to install as many mods as I can with Bain although I also have OBMM install. Now, every time that I update the BOSS Masterlist it sends unknown mods to the bottom of the load order in OBMM, even when Bain has the same mod on lower order of importance. I would like to know if there is a cure for this. Better Cities as well all the DLCs requires priority over almost every other mod. Although this is not a major problem, I would like to know if there is a fix. I will appreciate if someone can give me some ideas on this. Thank You for the help



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Now, every time that I update the BOSS Masterlist it sends unknown mods to the bottom of the load order in OBMM, even when Bain has the same mod on lower order of importance.


You are misunderstanding BAIN. The BAIN list is the order in which things are INSTALLED, and not the load order. Do not use OBMM to order your unknown mods, use your BOSS userlist.txt, that is what it is there for. Here is an example of adding unknown mods to your userlist:




ADD: MODRoadRogue.esp

AFTER: MODArnTemplar.esp


ADD: GuardWyrmFemale.esp

BEFORE: Guide Cities of Cyrodiil.esp


ADD: JQ-Studio.esp

TOP: Quests J




Read the help file for more option.

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Hi! Hickory and LFact: Hickory, I must be blind, I looked in the Data and BOSS folders, and then the Oblivion Folder in Documents and could not find Userlist.txt There are 3 in the BOSS folder: masterlist, modlist, and modlist old. Do I have to make one myself? It seems that the Installation Order in Wrye Bash has nothing to do with Load Order, I say this because all my mods are installed with Wrye and running BOSS will order them differently. I even tried right clicking on a mod on the Install and change order without success. By the way, I converted Obscuro's Overhaul to Bain and I wander if I could replace 133 .esp and .esm,, including some folder with the ones from 134 beta? I would like to make one package from the two. I ask you because I know you are very knowledgeable and someone that can give me an answer on that. I want to thank you for the advice and hope you can help me further. LFact, I understand that Lock Times should be OFF when I run BOSS.




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Yes, just make an ordinary text file called userlist.txt in your \Oblivion\Data\BOSS\ folder. Comments can be added to the list with double back strikes, like so:

// Custom User Sorting Rules file for Better Oblivion Sorting Software.
// Define your sorting rules below:
// See "BOSS - Custom Sorting Rules Readme.rtf" for more information.


Regarding BAIN, read again what I said above regarding you misunderstanding BAIN.


For OOO, create a separate folder in your package (something like 06 Beta Upgrade and place the contents of 1.34 in it. Make sure it is the last (highest) numbered folder in your archive. Wrye Bash should recognise that the archive has been changed. You can now select the extra folder and right click / Anneal. BAIN will install the new files and update as necessary.

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Hello! Hickory:


I followed your instructions and everything is working fantastically. I have to be honest with you, I thought that BOSS was an auto sorter and nothing else to look for so I never spent the time to read the instructions. I think today I learn that I need to read "everything" no matter what. It feels real good when things work the way you want, Thanks many times for that great help.


I will follow your advice on Obscuro's, I think that having one package makes sense. All my mods, except the DLCs, like Better Cities, Obscuro's Overhaul, DarNUI, Cobl, etc. are Bain Install. Wrye Bash is great, I feel I have more control over the install mods. Thanks again Hickory.




hanker 109

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That's great. I'm glad I was able to help. :thumbsup:


Hi! Hickory: I followed your instructions on Obscuros by adding a 06 folder and pasting all the 134 beta in it. It works perfectly. Yet, I wonder what would happen if I replaced the .esp and .esm from 134 to 133 and also copied the folder of 134 to 133? On folders, it seems to me that when you paste a folder into another, the first folder is not actually replaced but will absorb new info or allows to update some files, etc. I hope you can enlighten me on this. Another subject: I was reading BOSS, like I said I, will read everything from now on, and I found this statement in the BOSS Instruction Manual: "You will need to reorder "unknown" mods by hand using OBMM or Wrye Bash". I don't understand why they would suggest that there when the "userlist" is more practical. One small question, I notice that some utilities or mods have only one .esp, since all .esp(s) goes into the Data folder, would it be more practical to just paste does there instead of using and installer like Bain or OBMM? Thanks one more time.


Best Regards:



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With BAIN there is no point in directly replacing the 133 plugins with the 134 versions, because if for some reason you wanted to go back to 133 you would not be able to if you replaced them. With the BAIN method, uninstalling 134 will roll back to 133 automagically.


I'm not quite sure I understand what you are referring to regarding pasting folders with regards to BAIN. Can you elaborate?


Regarding the readme referring to OBMM, I think that is just an oversight in the readme, but I have brought the matter up with the BOSS team. Thanks for pointing it out.


Of course, when installing single esp mods it's a matter of choice whether you wish to just place it there or keep everything managed by BAIN. A single esp will have no performance impact on BAIN, so there's really no reason not to include it.

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With BAIN there is no point in directly replacing the 133 plugins with the 134 versions, because if for some reason you wanted to go back to 133 you would not be able to if you replaced them. With the BAIN method, uninstalling 134 will roll back to 133 automagically.


I'm not quite sure I understand what you are referring to regarding pasting folders with regards to BAIN. Can you elaborate?


Regarding the readme referring to OBMM, I think that is just an oversight in the readme, but I have brought the matter up with the BOSS team. Thanks for pointing it out.


Of course, when installing single esp mods it's a matter of choice whether you wish to just place it there or keep everything managed by BAIN. A single esp will have no performance impact on BAIN, so there's really no reason not to include it.


Hi! Hickory:


Thanks again for updating me on the Oscuro's installation issues. I'm sorry I was not able to explained myself clearly in regards to copying data folder into another one. As you know, some mod's installation instructions request that you paste its data folder into the Oblivion Directory and once done, allow it to replace Oblivion's original data folder.


My understanding, maybe I'm wrong, is that in reality, either the original folder will assimilate additional information or data and keep intact the rest of the data; the new data folder will upgrade existing data so the new mod will work properly and leave the rest intact. In regards to Oscuros, I thought this procedure would merge the 133 and 134 folders allowing me to convert the whole thing into one package. I understand that this should not be done with Obscuros for the reasons you explained, but maybe it could work with some patches on other mods.


I hope I was able to explain a little bit better this time, if not, please let me know.


Thanks and best regards,



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