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I've searched far and wide but can NEVER seem to find the Khajiit mods at 3:33 or 3:36 of -Youtube Video Snip-

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!


Looks like stock Khajiit with Ren's hair to me.

Could you provide links please?


I know some cosmetic mod like Beautiful People does it, but you can add any hairstyle to any race with Construction Set.

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I see that your reply was just before I edited it, I meant for the Khajiit hair, face, etc. But I didn't know about the armor/clothing either, so thanks for giving me the armor links!


Oh! LOL Well then. Yes, it's a stock Khajiit race with Ren's hair added. I don't think there's any links to it, the person probably added the hairs manually through the construction set.

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I see that your reply was just before I edited it, I meant for the Khajiit hair, face, etc. But I didn't know about the armor/clothing either, so thanks for giving me the armor links!


Oh! LOL Well then. Yes, it's a stock Khajiit race with Ren's hair added. I don't think there's any links to it, the person probably added the hairs manually through the construction set.


With cobl races you can add any eyes/hair to any race. it's got some pretty decent ammount of each btw.


Cobl Races provides a large assortment of popular hairs and eyes plus five new races.


* Eyes from Capucine and Miss Onatop.

* Hairs from: Rens, Capucines, Babe, Soya, Throttlekitty, Saram, Corean, Kafeid.

* Races: Playable Aureal, Mazken and Xivilai. Plus Ohmes-Raht (based on Luchaire's Tabaxi), and Hidden Elves (based on Ren's Mystic Elves).

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It seems that my 2 previous request were too dificult to find. so now, i'm wondering if anyone knows what dress is this and if possible, what is the location of this screenshot (a custom castle perhaps to add to my colletion?)



the screenshot is from dwemer spectacles

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