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Is there any sort of mod that has an NPC enchant your stuff? I just started a new character that i decided would refuse to use magic; only problem is, i have no way to enchant my gear and I am VERY underpowered. I suppose i could use any of the billion portable enchanter mods out there but for the sake of my roleplaying I would really like an NPC to be doing that magicky stuff. Sorry, I know its kind of nit-picky.
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Is there any sort of mod that has an NPC enchant your stuff? I just started a new character that i decided would refuse to use magic; only problem is, i have no way to enchant my gear and I am VERY underpowered. I suppose i could use any of the billion portable enchanter mods out there but for the sake of my roleplaying I would really like an NPC to be doing that magicky stuff. Sorry, I know its kind of nit-picky.

Well you're right, theres a lot of mods that allow you to enchant outside of the mages guild. I'd suggest you search Enchant and see what you can find.


What you need to do is go to Advanced Search, click on the NPC category from the drop down menu, and type in enchant for the description contains box. Submit and browse through and take your pick. :thumbsup:

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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The feather headdress is originally from Gizmodians Featherwynd amazon outfit, no idea if it is now part of the Apachii store. The hors however, are. If you open both the featherpiece and the horns in nifskope, you can combine the two and turn them into one accessory. Just copy the main node of one of the accessories over to the other. Done.
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Thanks for the reply; however I already tried that and didn't find anything. I was just hoping someone might have stumbled on a mod with that threw it in as a feature. Searching npc with "enchant" in either the filename or the file description yields nothing :'(

Edited by Knobody13
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Hello fellow detectives, I know the base mod for this one is R18PN 02 - Lingerie Set, but I'm interested in finding that altered version. Anyone know how this mod is called and/or where I can find it?


Thanks :)





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Thanks for the reply; however I already tried that and didn't find anything. I was just hoping someone might have stumbled on a mod with that threw it in as a feature. Searching npc with "enchant" in either the filename or the file description yields nothing :'(

Really? There's like two in the first page that I see.... :mellow: Are you sure you did it right?

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Is there any sort of mod that has an NPC enchant your stuff? I just started a new character that i decided would refuse to use magic; only problem is, i have no way to enchant my gear and I am VERY underpowered. I suppose i could use any of the billion portable enchanter mods out there but for the sake of my roleplaying I would really like an NPC to be doing that magicky stuff. Sorry, I know its kind of nit-picky.


Here ya go:



There's also a quest mod called "Lost Spires" which rewards you with a portable enchanter and spell maker. (Don't remember if you're rewarded or you have to find them, but they're there)

Can be found here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12997

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I could be wrong here, but isn't Knobody looking for an NPC character to do the enchanting, sort of like how you can get Rhossan to repair your armor only in this case you'd get Joe Blow to enchant your sword for you.
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I could be wrong here, but isn't Knobody looking for an NPC character to do the enchanting, sort of like how you can get Rhossan to repair your armor only in this case you'd get Joe Blow to enchant your sword for you.

If that's the case, there's an NPC who does this for you in the Hoarfrost Castle mod.

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