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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Hi everyone. I've been looking for a mod that I used to love back when I was playing Oblivion in 2008 or so. It's a house mod called "Anoicaar" and I've been looking around the net for awhile tonight but haven't been able to find it. I know back in the day I found it at the Oblivion Real Estate website, but that's been out of commission for a long time. If anyone knows where I can find this mod, I'd be really tickled. This is my favorite house mod ever, especially since I tend to "live" in the Shivering Isles most of the time and I'd love to have it again. : )


Thanks so much,

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  On 8/27/2017 at 2:48 AM, autumnsky38 said:

Hi everyone. I've been looking for a mod that I used to love back when I was playing Oblivion in 2008 or so. It's a house mod called "Anoicaar" and I've been looking around the net for awhile tonight but haven't been able to find it. I know back in the day I found it at the Oblivion Real Estate website, but that's been out of commission for a long time. If anyone knows where I can find this mod, I'd be really tickled. This is my favorite house mod ever, especially since I tend to "live" in the Shivering Isles most of the time and I'd love to have it again. : )


Thanks so much,


Isn't this wht you looking for ? http://tesall.ru/files/file/1581-anoicaar/

I personally didn't use it personally but the Name is Anicaar

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Thanks so much. This is the mod-although it was in English when I first found it! Hopefully I can translate this version, but even if it's in Russian I'll still be able to enjoy the mod. : )



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  On 8/24/2017 at 11:59 PM, darkdill said:

Looking for the following outfit: http://www.abload.de/img/15dl2isur40f.jpg




Please PM me if you know what it is.

I did some searching, and sadly I don't think the armour is for share, but here's the closest one I found:


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  On 8/1/2017 at 9:24 PM, RegulusDeLeo said:


I'm looking for this armor (Lancer Dread Armor), but I can not find it on Google or NexusMods, does anyone know where I can find it or have it happen to me?
Sorry, my English is not very good.
http://blog-imgs-38.fc2.com/o/a/t/oathexa/LancerDreadArmor03.jpg http://blog-imgs-38.fc2.com/o/a/t/oathexa/LancerDreadArmor02.jpg



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  • 2 weeks later...

Attempting to find a mod for Oblivion that allows you to place houses/buildings anywhere in the game and use them as homes.

This was the closest I got on some forum

'also, there is a mod which allows you to buy a portable house from a merchent near the inn of ill omens (i think). you can either buy a tent, lower class house, middle class house or a an upper class house. you drop the house which appears as a crate. you then possition it on the ground, activate it then the house appears '

Anyone know of anything or the nod name described above?




I thought i'd make this post in order to enlighten others and hope that people post any links to mods i have yet to discover.
Building mods:
Any contributions appreciated!
Edited by danman101203
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  • 3 weeks later...

I came here today to ask the great detectives for help, im looking for the mod that shows floating damage numbers whenever you damage an enemy as seen here.




Found it thanks to an amazing member named Contrathetix, here is a link if you would like to try it. Mod name is Scathe(hence why it was so hard to find) https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/29429

Edited by TriniXjin
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking for a mod that adds animations to looting/door opening/etc like the Skyrim mod "animations" and came across this video, but can't find any mention of the mod used except for on this video:








Does anyone know which mod this is? There are other animations used throughout the video such as door opening, harvesting plants, lockpicking, and reading a book as well, which I would assume are all from the same mod.

Edited by slapahotribe23
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