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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Hey, a few people posted asking for the mod that allows fast transactions with merchants (none of that "Sell X for X?"). No one seemed to answer them (it's 3 pages back).



The mod let you shift click on something in the purchase/sell screens so you didn't have sell a stack of 2 items twice.... or go through the slider when selling 3+ items. Can anyone help me find that mod?


I know I've seen it, but I lost the link and the name escapes me. Anyone know which mod this is?


Edit: Never mind, found it. A simple search of 'shift click' in this thread found it. It's called the TQP mod, or Toggle Quantity Prompt. Very useful mod.


Thanks a lot. This mod just saves my life when it comes to alchemy, arrows, and other stacks. It was just so hard to search for if you didn't already know the name. "Shift click". So simple, yet I never would have thought of it.

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does anyone know where to get the mod that adds a spell to change NPCs to essential/nonessential?


i know its out there, read about it a whiles ago on some website




This? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8414

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