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Hello, i'm looking for a mod that enables the player to buy forts and ruïns from many sources (counts from various places and/or Councilor Ocato) and at many times: before and after finishing main quest...


and also upgrade these forts and ruïns with for example: mercenaries and guards, and rebuild walls, barracks and more...


if such mods do not exist yet, I would like someone to help me build it, as i already have a list with possible places and stuff, and for the matter, i couldn't ever try to mod it myself as i have quite a temper and can get really angry if things don't work out as planned... and i want to keep my computer alive for that matter.......... :turned:


this is an idea to bring many forts and ruïns back to life... so it is for upgrading vanilla forts and ruins... :thumbsup:

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Hello, i'm looking for a mod that enables the player to buy forts and ruïns from many sources (counts from various places and/or Councilor Ocato) and at many times: before and after finishing main quest...


and also upgrade these forts and ruïns with for example: mercenaries and guards, and rebuild walls, barracks and more...


if such mods do not exist yet, I would like someone to help me build it, as i already have a list with possible places and stuff, and for the matter, i couldn't ever try to mod it myself as i have quite a temper and can get really angry if things don't work out as planned... and i want to keep my computer alive for that matter.......... :turned:


this is an idea to bring many forts and ruïns back to life... so it is for upgrading vanilla forts and ruins... :thumbsup:


To the best of my knowledge there is no such mod at this time, sounds very interesting though. Would be very cool to start you're own Bandit Gang and Fort Stronghold, wish you the best of luck and will keep a eye out for it to show up in the WIP's I'd contribute but my modding skills are amateur at best.


Btw, if you're looking for inspiration on Restored Ayleid Ruins for this idea AranMathi is a fully restored Ayleid home. a few mods have been based off this as well so I'm pretty sure Anakon will let you use the meshes/textures if you email him.

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i used to have a mod that added tiger as a companion and i would really like to find it again if any one can help


thx in advance


There are a few different Tiger companion mods out there, off the top of my head Maverick The Sinister is a White Tiger that you may ride, comes with his own special abilities and a sweet suit of armor.

thanks this is the exact one i remember and if u know of one with a black panther it would be much appreciated

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To Eweyr. I don't think there are more voiced companions besides Neeshka, Red Sonia and Vilja. There is COMPANION SONIA II but it's pretty much the same as Red Sonia she just looks different and also has a style pack where you can choose different look for her. You could always still use Stoker Wolff or Viconia DeVir they have friend paths you could choose instead of romance. Also there is Tears Of The Fiend it has two companions only one though has voice. There is also Mondstein she doesn't have voice but she's still pretty good.
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The first and third ones are the same armor in different colors: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15524 There's also a link to the original HGEC version in the description if you prefer.

The second one I used to have, but I don't recall if it's standalone or part of a pack.

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The first and third ones are the same armor in different colors: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15524 There's also a link to the original HGEC version in the description if you prefer.

The second one I used to have, but I don't recall if it's standalone or part of a pack.


Second is Twilight Assassin.

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To Eweyr. I don't think there are more voiced companions besides Neeshka, Red Sonia and Vilja. There is COMPANION SONIA II but it's pretty much the same as Red Sonia she just looks different and also has a style pack where you can choose different look for her. You could always still use Stoker Wolff or Viconia DeVir they have friend paths you could choose instead of romance. Also there is Tears Of The Fiend it has two companions only one though has voice. There is also Mondstein she doesn't have voice but she's still pretty good.

Actually, I managed to get another one: Ariana Trudeaux (not sure I spelled the name right). I haven't tried installing this baby yet, but I can see that she's packaged together with imperial voices.


*sigh* I wish modders that create these type of companions would take more pride in their works. This makes searching for voiced companions very hard. They should put "FULLY-VOICED" in front of their mod page in big red letters. I nearly missed getting Red Sonia, because I didn't see anything that indicates she has voices.

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