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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Is there any mods around that add houses that have both external and internal detail so they can be added to exterior cells without loading into an interior cell? or at least some good house resources, ie Walls that are straight without any unneccesary features, I'm trying to create a house that is purely external but creating an external house is hard enough on its own, the external houses the game has has doors and windows sealed to them on top of that even if I could remove the doors and windows the inside of them has nothing. Any help appreciated.


I at least need a wall that has external detail and on its flip side internal detail no invisible sides to it.

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This is not the mod request thread. Do not ask 'Does this mod exist?'. Only post here if you know the mod you want exists, but you can't find it. For mod requests post here.
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You cant actually change the in game music, but if you delete the original music and replace it with yours, you can hear Green Day in a Dungeon! but there are some alternate music packs for you to download, because there are kinda many music pack ill direct you to them:


1. go to advanced search on www.tessource.net

2. in the search by name thingy, type in music

3. download by pleasure!

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I have a ligitamate request now, I had a mod before my last uninstall that hide the little credits movie that caused me a lot of lag and some crashes. I assumed it was part of oldblivion but it's not. I remember in the description it said something about hiding the credits. I searched through 34 pages off tessourse and a couple of google search, but theres really no good keywords in finding it, I'm positive its on tessourse.
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I think it are the TNR mods ill list them :














these were all i could find, i think the others still need to come out, eh?


o yeah sorry raiken, i didn't found your mod, maybe pov will find it, but i couldn't find it

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I have a ligitamate request now, I had a mod before my last uninstall that hide the little credits movie that caused me a lot of lag and some crashes. I assumed it was part of oldblivion but it's not. I remember in the description it said something about hiding the credits. I searched through 34 pages off tessourse and a couple of google search, but theres really no good keywords in finding it, I'm positive its on tessourse.

You don't need a mod for that. I'm assuming that you mean the bethesda softworks logo and stuff like that which appears before you get to the main menu, and not the credits button in the main menu itself.


Look in your oblivion.ini (found in your 'my documents/my games/oblivion' folder) and find these lines:

SMainMenuMovieIntro=Oblivion iv logo.bik


SIntroSequence=bethesda softworks HD720p.bik,2k games.bik,game studios.bik,Oblivion Legal.bik

You'll have to set these to blank:



it seems you missed one the red guard


and thanks! is that it as far as those types go? i've since found beautiful people and it doesnt say anything about over writing the npc faces with better looking ones.

The TNR mods edit the faces of npc's through the construction set. It changes the shape of the face, and things like that to make npc's prettier. They do this for npc's individually.


Mods like beautiful people replace the face textures with those of a higher resolution to make them look better. This affects the face textures of every npc, and the player as well.

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waz up my homies!? im back from the west coast (vancouver b.c.) and its a lovely snowy day! ya get sick of all the rain after a bit eh? any whoo i have more mods i want but is to lazy to find on me own plus im a bit retarted when it comes to the internet. well i need that there mod that makes every thing priced. but all balanced like not just random numbers typed into the value box (hell i could do that!) that would be sweet. plus make my burgling a bit happying?


oh and my first 2nd question needs answerd please. it was a mod that gives you a lady friend whom transforms into a flame attronatch.


you guys do us dumb folk a great serves and i thank you.

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The TNR mods edit the faces of npc's through the construction set. It changes the shape of the face, and things like that to make npc's prettier. They do this for npc's individually.


Mods like beautiful people replace the face textures with those of a higher resolution to make them look better. This affects the face textures of every npc, and the player as well.


so then i could use both of those mods together ?

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