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quick endgame question


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the main quest does not even finish once you get the amulet of rings there is still abit more to do, but end of the main quest does not end the gamne you can play after it.
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Oblivion doesn't actually end

after you do the whole battles, there is one final battle in the Imperial City, after which you will get your reward for completing the main quest (which quite frankly sucks), and you are free to continue playing as you wish

The quest was ok imo but I agree about the reward...


ME: "Hey look, there's your statue."


NEPHEW: "Why am I wearing a dress?"


Lesson 1: Don't go through the main quest as a low-profile Scout. :)

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The Oblivion game engine is quite forgiving if you decide to get side-tracked as well, up to a point. I'd advise reading through the Main Quest walkthrough on the UESP Wiki if you want to avoid some of the quest glitches. If you don't want to spoil you experience by reading the step by step walkthrough you can skip down to the bottom of each walkthrough to the 'Bugs' and 'Notes' section.


I was tempted to go buck naked at that point MastersSon. :biggrin:

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As stated before, Oblivion never actually ends, although in a sense Oblivion the REALM does end. So if you're enjoying closing those gates, fighting daedra, and getting the rewards from the planes of Oblivion, you'll want to avoid completing the main quest for the time being. If you complete the quest where you confront Mankar Camron, I'd strongly suggest stopping the main quest progression for the time being. You can go a little ways further, but eventually events will start triggering on their own that may force you to complete the main quest.
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Yes, but Martin is so sexy, you'd miss out on talking to him if you didn't do the MQ. I actually feel a sense of accomplishment after doing it. The high point for me though is the confrontation with Kamron. Everything else just feels like cleanup.
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