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Timer on endorsement popup shown


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I don't know about everyone else, but frequently, I'll download a small mod, test it, find it works, great, and go back to endorse it. It'll tell me I can't endorse yet. Ooookay, got it, you want to be sure it's not just spamming the button. It does decrease the amount of endorsements given because people forget, but the relatively recent feature showing recently DLed mods helps with this.


So I wait a little, come back, and try to endorse. "Sorry, it's not yet been 15 min, you tried earlier so wait another 10 min". :realmad: :realmad: AAARGH. It makes endorsing a mod tons more tedious and often times I'll just stop trying and end up not endorsing the mod.


I get the reasons for the popup, but can we have something that, instead of postponing 10 min, will just tell us how much longer! Or, have a countdown on the endorsements button that will count down from 15:00 to 0 on the button (or show timer when hovering over) and then disappear at 0; and still have the postponement thing.


It's really, really irritating and I've talked to multiple people who are also frustrated by this.

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