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Fallout 3 Crashing. Please help.


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So I've found some awesome mods for Fallout 3 but have been having big problems with crashes, I get a crash every 5-10 minutes.

Here is my Mod Load order. I used the Auto Load Order function on FOMM.



Can anyone tell me if this is okay? Should I have less mods? Is there a different load order I should do?

I really wan't to use these mods but I'm just getting sick of the crashes, I've heard of people with 100+ mods and no problems, I have around 10 and it wont stop crashing!


Is there a mod on my list that is known to be unstable that I should get rid of? Most of the mods I have loaded are of higher quality and have the most endorsements on this site, so I'm pretty sure if they worked for those 1000+ people than I'd hope they would work for me.



Any help would be appreciated.

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this isn't exactly how you should post the load order, and i'm saying this because this way, we can't see all of the plugins, nor their full name (which counts sometimes)


in FOMM, click on Load Order -> Export, save as a file, open that file, copy it's contents, and post that

this is how it should be (at least as far as i know)


a few basic questions:

is your game updated?? i think the last update is 1.7

also, do you have FOSE?? because as far as i know, RH Iron Sights can't run without it, and that will cause crashes


i would also recommend you to get FO3Edit, so that you can make a merged patch, and maybe even a Master Update (both help solve problems, and limit other problems)


once you post your full load order, i may be able to help you more


one final thing, and this is a piece of general advice to you

if there are plugins that you don't use, either move them to a different location (i have a folder called mods, that holds all my unused plugins), or at least move them to the bottom of your load order, to prevent these holes in it, to make checking it easier (at least i find it easier)

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That is my whole Load list, I just cut some of the bottom off for sake of the screenshot.


I am running FOSE, and I patched the game right when I got it because I assumed Steam didn't have it up to date.

Also, IF I do get it stable with FOMM, is there a way I can get that stability into the steam version, I like to run it through steam because I always have people messaging me and it's just a whole lot easier that way.


Thanks again guys.

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In the top where it says File, Launch-FOSE


I launched that, and I had it stable for 30 minutes, I stopped playing to post here.

I'm downloading FOSE manually now, should I place all the files and stuff in my Data Folder or main Fallout 3 folder?

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You should also install and run BOSS. It will check your load order and generate a listing of all your mods with comments to alert you to known potential problems and incompatibilities. Anyone running multiple non-FOIP mods should really have BOSS ready to hand.
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@Proconsul- FOMM has BOSS built in though, doesn't it?


Anyways, I tried launching through FOMM with FOSE and through steam with FOSE, and they were both stable...but it seems doors are my problem now, It's like I have to save before every door because I don't know if it's gonna crash or not.

Any ideas?

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@Proconsul- FOMM has BOSS built in though, doesn't it?


No. Though FOMM will check load order in a similar manner to BOSS, it won't generate a list of all your mods with notations to warn you about potential problems the way BOSS does. When you run BOSS it actually checks each of your mods against its own online database of known issues, and then it loads the results into your browser via a script, so that you can see specific known issues on each and every mod you have installed with potential problems in bold print to help you run through it quickly. It also works and plays very well with FOMM, FO3edit and WryeFlash.


Anyways, I tried launching through FOMM with FOSE and through steam with FOSE, and they were both stable...but it seems doors are my problem now, It's like I have to save before every door because I don't know if it's gonna crash or not.

Any ideas?


We still need to see your entire load order before we can really answer questions like this.

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