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Who am I?


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Sure its quite silly but not hard to play

When so many times you have read what I say

I WAS FIRST AGAIN! Yaaayyy-(Its a 'ME FIRST' disease!)

That thing on the wall-(but don't flip it off please)

Catch my sig: "I'm stupid, therefore I am."

Hey, welcome to the forums! Have fun and don't spam!


Who am I?

*ducks and covers, cowering before the wrath to come. LOL

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:ph34r: Hmm what a curious poem...


*Whips out Spam-Cleaver*


Oh Caveatar... come here dear... :ph34r:


Oh wait I was meant to reply in verse...


Caveatar how brave thee are

To attract me here, perhaps to spar

Erm ah forget it!! Die Caveatar!!


*Brings down the wailing wrath of Spam-Cleaver on Caveatar*


Ahh. Much better... now that's over with, it's me isn't it! Ooo ooo do I get a prize?? Do I do I huh huh?? :D

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A guy best known as Malchik

Has replied quite promptly, quite quick

To get his chance

At making me glance

And getting me to throw a brick?


Yeah, that was terrible.


*Unleashes the wrath of Spam-Cleaver on Malchik*




Who next!? :P

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To Switch, oh honourable Moderator


For one who says he's not a verser

*Your reply could have been a lot worser ( :blink: )

*Your reply could have been a lot worse huh! (:unsure:)

Your reply could have been a lot terser ( :)

But you quite missed my head

So I'm sure not yet dead

Be more accurate placing the cursor.


*Examples of the creative genius working to find the mot juste!

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I will do better to aim the cursor

For my aim could not have been worser

I aimed for the head

But I hit instead

A wall... well I managed 4 lines! ;)

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When assaulted by the cleaver of spam

I ducked quickly and therefore I am

Still alive and still posting

And I say without boasting

of my substance I lost not a gram


We talk of Spam-cleaver and switches

But does anyone know what or which is?

AC/DC ? Do you know?

Single Pole/Single Throw?

The thread has me rolling in stitches

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Ah my beloved cleaver of spam

It has slain many a lamb (newbie :P)

It does it's job well

When I send 'em to hell

Can't say much for my aim though, damn!

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