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Who am I?


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Who am I?


Laying about him left and right

On in the pleasure of battle he goes

Rends the flesh from bone for spite

Death he deals with each of the blows


Heart he has none, that is, of his own

Youth matters not, he spares not the old

Never shows mercy, he is harder than stone

Dealing dark death he grows ever more bold


Innocence is what makes him most savage

Rotten carcasses he most loves to smell

Kittens and puppies he keeps but to ravage

Only one thing is worse but that is in hell


Venomous snakes draw back from him in fear

Ever killing with joy he chuckles and chortles

Revels in bloodlust, sheds never a tear

Killing as though a mad god among mortals


In milder moods he will loot, burn and pillage

Late one mad night slew two towns and a village


Likes some stuff, other stuff doesn't like

(Name him and then through his chest drive a SPIKE!)


There you are Daggerbutt. :D

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The Moderators' Meeting observed


"Tis Daerk as HeLLL in here," the Dark0ne says.

"Turn on the Switch , so I can see who's here."

Bright Theta particles appear and all encraze.

The moderators then Stampede in fear.

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its me its me! and stop calling me daggerbutt...its ass dagger! :P

Right you old 'stick-in-the-.......mud'.

That thing on the wall guessed wrong. (Now isn't that a switch? :D )

Was it the sharpness of your daggeras.....I mean dagger sharp mind? or was it that you read the initial letters from the top down?

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There is a modding member of this board

Not Lordoverkill but he is the 'overlord'


if all dimensional barriers should crash

He'd likely be in Middle Earth in a flash


to this one in feudal times fealty was due

if you think for a bit it will come to you


So you will not have to wrack your brain

just fill in the blank for _____________

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