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Porphyric Hemophilia.


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Haaiii! :teehee:


So I got this disease, :sick: didn't even notice it at first since it happened in combat I think, only after a while I noticed I was missing 5 fatigue. Okay, so I'm like weird, whatever, and chug a Cure Disease pot. :woot: Alright, I keep on playing, going on the main quest yada yada then, for a random reason I decide to take a nap o_O WOAA YOU DREAM A VAMPIRE SNUCKS UP TO YOU WOAA HAVE SOME STATS AND SKILLS - I'm like "..." at this point, and then it dawns to me I guess I'm a vampire.


Great. WAIT WHAT?!? I go and wiki it and I need to do a crazy ass quest unless I want to be burned alive BY THE SUN.


...wonderful game. :wallbash:

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It wasn't a normal disease, as you know by now. ;) If you don't want to go through the rather interesting way of solving it that's in the game--along with discovering vampire clans, etc--open the console (if you're using a PC), and do that by hitting the schwa/accent key in the upper left of your normal keybard, below the F number row.


Type in:


Code: player.additem 977E4 1


Hit return, close the console, and you'll find a vampiric cure potion in your inventory. Chug it, and you're done.

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It wasn't a normal disease, as you know by now. ;) If you don't want to go through the rather interesting way of solving it that's in the game--along with discovering vampire clans, etc--open the console (if you're using a PC), and do that by hitting the schwa/accent key in the upper left of your normal keybard, below the F number row.


Type in:


Code: player.additem 977E4 1


Hit return, close the console, and you'll find a vampiric cure potion in your inventory. Chug it, and you're done.

Okay, cool, I ran wiki on that command and it says that "This may not work due to occasional glitches," is that bad? Could I get into trouble for it? Sheesh. :mad: You'd think someone would'ave thought about it and either made the disease more noticeable or atleast name it something more obvious. I could come up with a few good ones right now, like "The Vampire Disease which is Bad" or "Cure Disease Quick Disease" or.....

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No I'm afraid Balakirev's method may not work, you will probably still have the appearance, give me a sec and I'll check the proper method.


EDIT: Got it. :thumbsup: It's a lot of commands but should work;


player.removespell vampirism100att

player.removespell vampirism75att

player.removespell vampirism50att

player.removespell vampirism25att

player.removespell vampirism100skills

player.removespell vampirism75skills

player.removespell vampirism50skills

player.removespell vampirism25skills

player.removespell vampirehunterssight

player.removespell vampireembraceofshadows

player.removespell vampirereignofterror

player.removespell vampireseduction


Hope it helps.

Edited by Daledge
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Uesp-wiki says:


Set PCVampire to -1

player.setfactionrank A319 -1

player.removespell 2C2A5

player.removespell 2C2A4

player.removespell 2C2A2

player.removespell 3DB3A

player.removespell 2C2B0

player.removespell 2C2AD

player.removespell 2C2AA

player.removespell 2C2A8

player.removespell 2C2B1

player.removespell 2C2AE

player.removespell 2C2AB

player.removespell 2C2A7

player.removespell 3BEDA

player.removespell 3BEDB

player.removespell 3BEDC

player.removespell 3BED9


So which ones are the right ones!!! Aaarghh! I'm gonna go vampire hunting with lots of cure disease pots after I get this sorted out!! :pirate:

Edited by F4c2a
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Actually that would probably be better, use the Wiki method. Also don't bother with the cure disease potions because you can get Porphyric Hemophilia again but you can only catch vampirism once, thankfully.
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There's no harm in using the vampiric cure potion, and it's much easier to enter. It usually works if tried early enough.. Just attempt it, and if it fails, you'll know at once, because you'll still look like someone who hosted a horror film series on Saturday TV. You can just exit the game at that point, and reload your last save. You'll then need to enter the series of console commands Daledge listed. :) Edited by Balakirev
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