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Name: Cassandra (a name for my female characters who have zero patience; kinda like Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry).

Gender: Female

Age: late twenties

Race: Hispanic (looks like Sunny Smiles -but without the smiles.)

Combat Style: Stealth, sniper rifles and shotguns or SMG's when cornered.

Specialties: Shotgun Surgeon, long-range rifles.

Weaknesses: short temper, not very sociable and not much of a negotiator.

Likes: directness, shotgun-diplomacy.

Dislikes: diplomacy, negotiation, people who don't listen when she lays down the rules of engagement. People who do not heed her warnings or threats. People like Benny. Mr. House's arrogance. People like Pacer, who refuses her access to The King, unless she pays him a bribe or manages to persuade him; she does not pay people anything -unless she buying from a merchant- and she's low on persuasion. So she'd rather shoot him, which would make The Kings hostile. (Sadly most RPG's do not accommodate my preferred playing style.)

Wants: revenge on Benny; and killing everyone foolish enough to step between her and her target.

Fears: her near total-amnesia she suffered when Benny shot her. The human mind is incapable of dealing with a void that big. People like to pigeon-hole and classify the world around them in a vain attempt to impose order over the natural chaos. No longer knowing where she came from, where she grew up -no attachments to a former life. She has to start from square one, without knowing the path she travelled prior to that fateful day when she was shot in the head.

Any information others provide about her past, is met with reservation and distrust. It all lacks any type of context she can relate to.

Friendly Factions: anyone who is willing to accept her help with no strings atached.

Enemy Factions: anyone who is trying to use her, deceive her, or otherwise take advantage of her. (Which is why I don't play the Sierra Madre DLC; if the former BOS Scribe cannot use her.... As for the Honest Hearts DLC; since the Burning Man tries to manipulate my character, things don't end on a friendly note. With the Old World Blues DLC, she can only try to survive long enough to exact revenge on those [insert your favourite expletive] who took her bodyparts).

Companions: ED-E. She finds human companions too bothersome. She would've loved Rex, I suppose. but Pacer's earlier refusal to permit her an audience with the King made that impossible.

Love interest?: none; she is driven by darker emotions.

Parents: she cannot remember. She has dreams -nightmares- of faces that appear familiar, but she cannot put names to them.

Early life: anyone's guess.


Teen years: who knows.

How did he/she become a courier?: that's a big unknown as well. But it seems evident that she probably chose that profession, because she already had talents and abilities that would make such a hazardous occupation survivable. Those skills must have been like a second nature to her -because even though she cannot remember who taught them to her, she knows how to wield them without any hesistance or second thoughts whatsoever.


Favourite or Applicable Quote: "Everyone can live or burn. It's up to them." -Smiling Jack, in "Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines" (Troika / Activision).

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Name: Chuck
Gender: Male
Age: Presumably under 30, maybe under 25.
Race: Hispanic with ginger combination facial hair and pompadour hairstyle.
Combat Style: Big guns, unwieldy melee weapons and grenades. Hits hard and without finesse.
Specialties: Guns, Explosives, Lockpick, Repair. Dabbling in Energy Weapons and Barter for all that expensive gear. Also a bounty hunter and debt collector.

Weaknesses: Speech and Medicine, goes hard for big weapons which take precedent over common knowledge, booze, robo-scorpions.
Likes: anything that is either heavy and automatic or goes boom, huge targets, power/combat armour, Legion for fodder, trench coats and dusters.
Dislikes: Nightstalkers, Cazadores, Pyramid Head, Mannequins, desert eagles (what a stupid weapon).
Wants: more heavy weapons for my arsenal, to get everyone in the Mojave to dance to "I'm Your Boogie Man". Would mention my own base but I already have The Sink. Maybe add David Mitchell as a companion and a radscorpion pet.
Fears: Carry limit, addiction to Steady and booze.
Friendly Factions: All except raiders, powder gangers and Legion.
Enemy Factions: See above.
Companions: ED-E, Veronica or Boone.
Love interest?: None. Caps? Do caps count? Man, this sucks.
Parents: Can't recall.
Early life: Can't recall.
Teen years: Can't recall.
How did he/she become a courier?: Hey, I need money for my big weapons and ammo.

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Name: Barron "Barry" Lake

Gender: Male


Age: 23


Race: African American

Combat Style: Skrimishy

Specialties: Speech, Barter, Science (Hacking skills mostly), Guns (Rifles and revolvers)

Weaknesses: Naive, Impatient, Sneak, Explosives, slight temper

Likes: Honesty, Politeness, Adventure, Change

Dislikes: Bullies, Rudeness, Staying in one place for too long, Animal Abusers

Wants: To travel the wastes and see new things

Fears: Bugs and Spiders (Due to almost being killed when he was a child)

Friendly Factions: He's never really had any major interactions with any of the factions so he's impartial to all of them (besides Legion)

Enemy Factions: Legion, from what he's heard from others

Companions: He's not opposed to them, but has never really met anyone willing to constantly move around as much as he does, he also is really fond of dogs

Parents: His father is a former trader and prospector who taught him how to shoot, cook, and gave him a few tips about trading. His father taught him the value of a cap and taught him to spend his money cautiously. His mother was a former medic in the Followers of the Apocalypse who taught him how to read and write. His mother made him a keep a journal in a terminal she brought with her from her Follower days (which also gave him some decent hacking skills) and had read pre-war books she had brought with her as well. Barron loved reading about the pre-war times. History books were his favorite. He could never really get into the science textbooks, much to his mother's dismay. Barron's mother brought with her a lot of pre-war trinkets and toys and Barron kept a small collection in his chest. She also taught him basic first aid, nothing groundbreaking, just how to patch up minor wounds. Barron and his parents were very close, and he still writes them to this very day.

Early life/Teen years: Barron grew up on a farm in California with his parents who taught him everything he knows. Life was pretty good for growing up in these trying times. He spent his days farming, going to other settlements and trading for food and supplies with his father, and being educated by his mother. Barron didn't have many friends growing up, but he had his dog and best friend Scout.

How did he/she become a courier?: As the years went by, Barron found himself increasingly dissatisfied with the easygoing farmer lifestyle he'd been leading. He wanted more out of life. He wanted to explore the world and have adventures. He had heard from people in the settlements he and his father had visited of the Mojave Express, a courier service. He'd get to travel around the Mojave desert and get paid for it too! Barron knew he had to strike out and find his own destiny. His parents had begrudgingly decided to let their son go out on his own and live his own life. Barron left with his father's old rifle, a necklace his mother had made for him, a duffle bag full of his things, and his best friend Scout. After a teary eyed goodbye, Barron was off to see the world.


Personality: Barron is an easy-going, carefree guy. He treats everyone with respect as long as they treat him the same way. Barron is restless and can't stand to be in the same place for too long. He's also very curious and is constantly examining his environment for something new or interesting. This can cause him to be easily distracted and turn a 3 day trip into a week-long one. Barron also loves collecting anything he finds interesting, toys, guns, trinkets, decorations, you name it. Barron also has a slight temper, that comes out whenever someone hurts his friends or family or treats him with disrespect. Barron tries to be as friendly as possible and prefers talking his way out of situation rather than fighting. He's always willing to lend a helping hand, and although he won't outwardly ask for reward, he wouldn't turn one down. Barron tries to see the good in people, even when it's apparent that it's not there. He can be naive at times. Barron could be described as book smart, but lacks a little common sense and can make stupid decisions that end badly. Barron usually shys away from conflict, so he little rusty with his guns. He's been shot at before and even had to shoot back, but he's never killed a man before. Is Barron prepared for what awaits him out there?

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Ah, what the hell. Been kinda wanting to tell her story anyhow.






Name: Arisa (Haven't made up a last name yet)


Gender: Female


Age: 23


Race: Asian


Combat Style: Stealth/Sniper


Specialties: Field Medicine, Science, Robotics, Marksmanship


Weaknesses: Bad at open gunfights, Poor interpersonal skills, Farsighted, Doesn't feel comfortable in most armors, spiders, and Mirelurk Cakes (thankfully, a life of adventure keeps her from getting too fat).


Likes: Honest people, Lyon's Pride/DC BOS, her Daddy.


Dislikes: Scoundrels, the Enclave, willful ignorance, the fact that the reality of wasteland survival means her hypocratic oath must (at times, and as a last resort) be ignored.


Wants: To help people... and a pony!


Fears: That she is wrong, and human nature is immutable. That all things being equal, the human heart will tend to run the path of least resistence.


Friendly Factions: Followers of the Apocalypse, DC BOS, Underworld, Jacobstown, NCR.


Enemy Factions: Cesars's Legion, the Enclave, Slavers of ANY kind.


Companions: ED-E (strained, at first, but she came to love him), Sidney, Sarah Lyons, Fawkes, Boone, Veronica, Cass.


Love Interest: None, but the closest would be Ulysses. She can spend hours with him, overlooking the divide, talking about philosophy, politics, history, and morality. He has a unique mind the like she's never encountered before, and when she returns to the DC Wasteland, she will miss him terribly.


Parents: James and Catherine


Early Life: We were born in the vault; we die in the vault. Spent much of her youth getting picked on by Butch, playing with Amata, and sitting in on her daddy and Jonas's discussions - pretending that she understood what they were talking about... but really just wanting to be a part of it.


Teen Years: We were born in the vault; we die in the vault. Grew a bit more distant from her father as her friendship with Amata deepened, but still every-bit a daddy's girl. Stayed up late at night studying medicine and science to step into her father's role as Vault Doctor one day. Learned to stand up for herself against bullies like Butch and his gang, and even kicked their asses a few times.


How did she become a Courier?: Despite delivering two critical blows to the Enclave, Arisa soon noticed that Enclave field agents were still filtering into the Wasteland and terrorizing locals and raiding Project Purity. Determined to discover the source of their continual presence, she scoured the Citadel's archives until she determined their point of origin... the ruins of Posideon Oil and their Navarro outpost. Scribe Rothschild agreed to allow her to ride along on a captured vertibird as they attempted to re-establish direct contact with the Western chapters (using Liberty Prime as a trump card to validate their mission deviation to the Elders). Unfortunately, the previous Enclave facilities in Californa had been destroyed and stripped by the NCR... and all Enclave remants had gone into hiding.


To uncover clues as to the history of the Enclave after their defeat, Arisa took on the role of a courier in the hopes that the connections she would make within the NCR and outlying regions would prove fruitful. Ultimately, this effort would pay off, though not before embroiling her into a massive war between Cesars's Legion and the NCR. Thanks to Arcade Gannon, she discovered a small cabal of former Enclave soldiers who delivered the bad news. There was no more Enclave, so far as they knew. Wherever the soldiers terrorizing the DC wastelands were coming from, she was to find no answeres out west. After helping the NCR defeat the Legion, she established the preliminary groundwork for a future sattelite communication system between her New Vegas outpost and DC, - and then lead by a clue from ED-E's logs, continued East - towards Chicago.


She hopes that one day, the lessons she learned on the West coast about the nature of societies, and what makes a successful one, will help tame her homeland and make it a safe place to live and raise a family - much like Arroyo and Shady Sands had become. Although she initially was inspired by Mr. House's vision for humanity, she found his inflexibility towards peaceful comprimise to be grating, and ultimately had to abandon his vision after he would not aquiece on his demand for her to destroy the BoS. Although they were not the BoS she knew and loved, she knew that she could never face Elder Lyons (let alone her new friend Veronica) again if she did. Although rife with corruption, greed, and bloated bureaucracy - the NCR was at least open to non-violent reconciliation, with the right guidance, so long as it got the job done. She worries about the tenuous and strained compromises she helped broker when managed by a less metered temperment in her abence.


Arisa lost her left eye to a Super Mutant attack shortly after the Battle of Adams AFB, while on "sweep and burn" patrol of Takoma Industrial park with the Lyon's Pride. Despite her apt willingness to upgrade her biology with synthentic augmentation, she has never considered replacing it. It has become a cherished symbol to her of all the sacrifices that she, and others, have made to make the DC Wasteland a better place. Besides, she reasons, "Infinities are all alike, but it is our limitations - in all their varieties and configurations - which come together to define who we are." By accepting her injury, by embracing it, it has become almost symbol defining who she is.


Personality: Arisa is a good natured and fun loving (although geeky and awkward) girl who genuinely loves helping people, and tries to the best of her ability to find non-violent solutions to problems. However, a lifetime's worth of near death experiences and the deep-seeded sense of vulnerability she feels having grown up in the Vault ocassionally cause a personality "break" - causing her to seek revenge by eliminating any opponent who has greviously crossed her or offended her sense of morality. She lies to herself, blaming the impromptu brain surgery recieved in Point Lookout as the cause for "rampages". Jessup, Tobar, Roy Phillips, Col. Autumn, and Benny, have been among her victims. In spite of this, she didn't seek revenge against the Enclave Remnants. She even managed to remain civil to Moreno despite his violent outburst. After all, these people were no longer the Enclave she hated so much. They were just old people, people like her, on the wrong side of a lost war that was over long ago.


Although she has trouble relating to people, she loves humanity in all it's various mutated flavors. She has always been open minded and kind to ghouls, and even Super Mutants, treating them like any other human and will staunchly defend them against bigots. She is extremely curious about the difference between the DC Supermutants and the remnants of the Master's Army on the West Coast. Although there is still that twinge of defensive posturing when she first catches sight of them, due to bad first impressions, her experiences with Fawkes and Uncle Leo helped prepare her for the possibility of kind, even gentle, Super Mutants elsewhere. She has spent much time discussing the matter with Marcus, whom she considers a close friend.


Arisa has an especially soft spot for robots and androids, prefering to sneak up and deactivate them rather than destroying them. She views them as a sort of proto-human, because they were designed by humans to serve human interests and interact in a human world. Those qualities make them, in a way, human to her. Humanities children, if you will, and as such they should be treated kindly. Especially since, as Harkness proved to her, that sythentic humans can laugh, cry, and feel pain. That Common Wealth androids are more advanced than your standard RoboCo service droids is incidental. Dogs may not be as advanced mentally as humans, but isn't it still wrong to abuse them? She's even become part robot herself, using extensive cybernetic implants (in Vegas) to help her speed up her physical therapy and recovery after getting shot in Goodsprings... and then again in Big MT to surpass her old physical limitations. However, her impants have become a vulnerability to her, as she is now more susceptible to pulse weaponry and EMPs from nuclear blasts. A tragic mishap could send her back to square one again. (Will use her again for Fallout 4 if the story allows)


She also has a bad habit of dealing with the stress of the Wasteland by dipping into her own medical supplies. Though she's had brushes with addiction before, her only true addiction is to cigarettes, which she claims to simply enjoy the taste of. Her drink of choice is, predictably, Scotch... just like her dad's.



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Name: "Hex" Monroe (her first name was forgotten overtime as she switched it with Hex, no idea where did she take that from).
Combat Style: Tactical / Infiltration if possible. Silenced weapons, traps, sniper rifles. Prefers toying with her enemies in closed areas, buidlings, hit and run tactics implemented.
Specialties: Recon, Use of melee tools to instill fear (terrify her enemies in lets say...legion-like way).
Weaknesses: She is prone to snap when her strategy fails and tends to go all-in. Sometimes charges head-on thinking about consequences later. Her ways of "punishing" people indicates earlier Legion influence.
Likes: NCR, her machette, night raids, exploring and Cass.
Dislikes: Alice Lafferty, Chem addicts, Legion, Big Sal...yeah the list is quite long.
Wants: Never was really sure what she wants exactly, though her big dream is to explore most of the wasteland.
Fears: Deathclaws, Herself (sometimes), NCR discovering that she is from Denver.
Friendly Factions: NCR, Followers, Kings....
Enemy Factions: Legion, Fiends, Anyone who badmouths NCR or did hurt Cass before.
Companions: Cass
Love interest?: Not sure about that, but she is quite obsessed with Cass.
Parents: Doesn't remember anymore.

Born and raised in Denver.

Teen years / Early life: Spent her naive years preparing to enter the Legion as back then she was quite intrigued by Caesar's way. Though she mostly admired Joshua to begin with. Later she realized that women aren't supposed to fight in the legion and decided to snuck out into the world. A lot later she found out that Joshua was "punished" for his failure at Hoover Damn and most recently the "Lottery at Nipton" which finally made her to admit that her vision about Legion was blurred. While she is maybe not openly hostile to Legion as considering Nipton full of junkies and gangers is something even she wouldn't let go that easily, the Legion colors remind her of her shattered dreams thus she may or may not attack on sight. Mostly depends om her mood that is.

Yet as she travelled around she found out about NCR and to her greatest suprise even women were allowed into military service among other things.


How did he/she become a courier?: Doesn't remember anymore to be honest. Think it all begun in Navarro from which she was supposed to deliver a package to Great Divide.

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  • 2 weeks later...



19Race:albino caucasianCombat Style:laser sniping

Specialties:helping ladies

Weaknesses:bottle caps

Likes:see weaknesses



Fears:losing friends

Friendly Factions:almost everybody

Enemy Factions:powder gangsters


Love interest?:anyone


Early life:thug

Teen years:hospitalised

How did he/she become a courier?: gotta pay chems

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Smoky
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Race: Russian
Combat Style:Every type of weapon

Signature Weapon: Jolteon, a modified pulse gun, with EVE effects, it's critical kills are similar to recharge rifle/pistol. has Anti-Material rifle damage, but lower fire rate and accuracy. Jolteon has turned many good people into bone fragments, ash bits, and many types of ash piles during my journey to a more chaotic wasteland.
specialties: Deathclaw hunting with nothing but a shovel.
Weaknesses: running out of ammo
Likes: helping Caesars Legion, killing, explosions, blowing peoples heads off with snipers.
Dislikes: getting below very evil karm
Wants: Caesar's Legion victory
Fears: NCR victory
Friendly Factions:Caesar's Legion, Followers, Goodsprings
Enemy Factions: Powder Gang, NCR
Companions:Willow, Krystal the Kitten, Sparky (deathclaw), General. Uranium, J.T.
Love interest?:Willow (more of my characters GF)
Parents: unknown
Early life: Talon Company Merc. he is now a Talon Company Veteran and uses his gear from when he was helping them work towards a more chaotic wasteland, he still works for them by helping Caesar's Legion.
Teen years: Mad Bomber
How did he/she become a courier?: looking for caps, and house was the richest person in New Vegas. he found benny and fed him to sparky and Krystal. J.T. gets dog biscuits from willow.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Sigrid
Gender: Female
Age: Early 20s
Race: Caucasian
Combat Style: Guns, until she runs out of ammo, then explosives, followed by melee.
Specialties: Seduction, she can sweet talk anyone.
Weaknesses: Back problems.
Likes: Spending time with friends, looting clothes and weapons from corpses (that she made) and selling them, being an underdog, and pink.
Dislikes: Misogynists and slavers, especially the Legion
Wants: To go out of her way to help others and make the world a better place.
Fears: Death of friends and companions, death of innocents due to poor decisions.
Friendly Factions: Everyone not listed below.
Enemy Factions: Legion, Powder Gangers
Companions: Willow and Bittercup. Sometimes Veronica, but she refuses to leave the Mojave. Previously Boone, Cass, Arcade, Lily, and Raul.
Love interest?: Willow, though she has had relations with Red Lucy and Benny before she offed him.
Parents: Mother died in childbirth, father died in her teens.
Early life: Grew up in a vault.
Teen years: She was a popular party girl in the vault with little concern about the outside world, until circumstances forced her out of the vault at 19.
How did he/she become a courier?: Once outside of the vault, she was deeply affected by the destruction, corruption, and people she met on the outside. She decided she wanted to devote her life to helping people and making a difference in the world. As she had already made a difference in the wasteland around her former vault, she decided it was time to move on and decided to head west. Being a courier allowed her to travel the country, while making enough to live on.


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Name: Sigrid

Gender: Female

Age: Early 20s

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Guns, until she runs out of ammo, then explosives, followed by melee.

Specialties: Seduction, she can sweet talk anyone.

Weaknesses: Back problems.

Likes: Spending time with friends, looting clothes and weapons from corpses (that she made) and selling them, being an underdog, and pink.

Dislikes: Misogynists and slavers, especially the Legion

Wants: To go out of her way to help others and make the world a better place.

Fears: Death of friends and companions, death of innocents due to poor decisions.

Friendly Factions: Everyone not listed below.

Enemy Factions: Legion, Powder Gangers

Companions: Willow and Bittercup. Sometimes Veronica, but she refuses to leave the Mojave. Previously Boone, Cass, Arcade, Lily, and Raul.

Love interest?: Willow, though she has had relations with Red Lucy and Benny before she offed him.

Parents: Mother died in childbirth, father died in her teens.

Early life: Grew up in a vault.

Teen years: She was a popular party girl in the vault with little concern about the outside world, until circumstances forced her out of the vault at 19.

How did he/she become a courier?: Once outside of the vault, she was deeply affected by the destruction, corruption, and people she met on the outside. She decided she wanted to devote her life to helping people and making a difference in the world. As she had already made a difference in the wasteland around her former vault, she decided it was time to move on and decided to head west. Being a courier allowed her to travel the country, while making enough to live on.


can "sweet talk" almost anyone, except my character, cause only my gun or a fox (yes, the animal) can "sweet talk" me


my gun http://static2.nexusmods.com/130/mods/images/50668-1-1371736457.jpg

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can "sweet talk" almost anyone, except my character, cause only my gun or a fox (yes, the animal) can "sweet talk" me


my gun http://static2.nexusmods.com/130/mods/images/50668-1-1371736457.jpg



Yeah, my character doesn't get along too well with legion sympathizers; most of those conversations are a bust. On the other hand, she is she has racked up many speech points by reading every copy of Lying, Congressional Style, while also keeping abreast of the latest issues of Meeting People. So there have been many situations she could talk herself out of even when the odds were stacked against her.


Speaking of foxes, do you have this fox in your game? I found that awhile back, seems like your character might get along with her.

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