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Name: Mad Max

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Race: Hero

Combat Style: Anything that goes boom (then someones head starts gushing blood)


Specialties: Master at repair , Make Friends Fast , Talks like a pro , Has complete knowledge on how to use any weapon , Fights a deathclaw bear handed , Overdoes of Chems (especially Buffout) but Still Standing , Lucky at tossing the dice


Weaknesses: Cazadors & Radsocrpion stings


Likes: jingling caps in his pocket , looting from corpses , Chems that got the extra something for the body , all alcoholic beverages but prefers whiskey more , Cigarettes , Gambling , Legion


Dislikes: Fixers , BOS vs NCR , Caesar


Wants: a Chem that gives a BIG BIG BLAST!


Fears: Ghost People


Friendly Factions: NCR , Goodsprings , Freeside ,


Enemy Factions: Hated by the Legion


Companions: Works alone


Love interest?: the blast sound of his gun lodging a bullet into the brain of the Enemy


Parents: Never known


Early life: Khan Slave


Teen years: Rich a famous Drug Dealer but signed into the NCR for some action!


How did he/she become a courier?: woke up in Mexico with no memory of what happened almost beaten to death with no clothing or caps then gets free a ride from merchants heading to primm and thinks of restarting his life by becoming a Courier and lowering his addiction to Chems and alcohol.

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Currently I'm RPing my character as a Shi operative who--under the guise of a simple package courier--was sent to the Mojave to destabilize NCR interests, thus allowing more opportunities to subvert the government at Shady Sands. He specializes in melee weapons, unarmed combat and subterfuge (Sneak, C-4, Lockpick).


I'm thinking my run will work like this:





Side with the Powder Gangers by taking Eddie's quests.

Goodsprings is spared because they saved the operative's life.

Activate ARCHIMEDES II as soon as possible to take advantage of the NCR faction reset on The Strip.

Benny is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but I feel having him flee the Tops gives my character a better reason to accept Caesar's invitation.

Kill Mr. House so the NCR will mistakently believe they have the upper hand.

Get a decent rep with NCR, allowing access to restricted areas where information can be gathered.

Spread chaos in Freeside by advocating the Kings fight against NCR squatters.

Completely ignore the Four Fiend bosses.

Side with Caesar's Legion.

Assasinate President Kimball with the C-Finder.

Assassinate Caesar (because left unchecked, the Legion could spread to San Francisco).

Wipe out all NCR installations including Crimson Caravan and the 188.


Unfortunately none of the Yes Man endings complement my character's goals and it's difficult to ascertain whether destroying the Securitrons at Fortification Hill is a good idea. Effectively this character's story "ends" after the NCR outposts are obliterated.





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Name: James Hampton


Gender: Male


Age: 21


Race: White? D:


Combat Style: Marksman


Specialties: Survivial


Weaknesses: Melee


Likes: Sex, Nuka Cola, Semiautomatic rifles, Whiskey, Sleeping :3


Dislikes: The legion, Recoil, Mr. Vegas.


Wants: Smoke grenades :D


Fears: Ghouls, Heights, Seeing his loved ones die ..


Friendly Factions: NCR, Freeside.


Enemy Factions: The legion, Hates the strip but they dont hate him.


Companions: Misty(Mod), Rex.


Love interest?: Romance and general sex :3


Parents: His parents abandoned him at the age of 16, He has not seen them since ..


Early life: Ex-Marine, Used to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan


Teen years: Was not a nice kid. Often skipped school and didnt follow rules.


How did he/she become a courier?: He was kicked from the army for breaking rules so this was the only job he liked ..

Edited by BloXboX
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Name: Kayne

Gender: Male

Age: Adult, but will become older in 50 days thanks to Get Older mod

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Close combat and Guns

Specialties: Sneaking

Weaknesses: Endurance

Likes: NCR but has some doubts about it

Dislikes: Legion

Wants: to clean Vegas from the Tox, their leader was killed yesterday in Vault 3.

Fears: being corrupted

Friendly Factions: NCR

Enemy Factions: Legion

Companions: None so far

Love interest?: None

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Name: Chloe Autumn


Gender: Female

Age: 24

Race: Caucasian.


Combat Style: Ranged, energy weapons, and to a lesser extent solid-projectile weaponry and blades.

Specialties: Plasma weaponry and power armor. Infiltration and spying.


Weaknesses: hatred of mutations (ghouls, mutants) and compassion for some of the people of the wasteland whom as an Enclave Captain she should not care about. Veronica, which is just going to end badly.


Likes: Apple Pie, her father, Veronica (unfortunatly since they are both opposing sides), pure water, and most of all the Enclave. Addendum; watching vertibirds airstrike things.

Dislikes: what has become of the USA. BoS. NCR. Legion. Raiders (except perhaps the Boomers). Everyone who is either mutated or a borderline-savage. Irradiated food and water. Getting shot in the head.


Wants: to make her father proud, take the Mojave for the Enclave (via the Yes Man who can easily be reprogrammed by Enclave scientists), conivince Veronica to come around to the Enclave way of thinking, cleanse the wasteland of mutants.


Fears: the idea of a wasteland without the Enclave. Shaming her family name. Losing her Veronica.


Friendly Factions: ...hm. Not appilicable.

Enemy Factions: Everyone?


Companions: ED-I. Veronica.


Love interest?: Veronica, and if the worst happens, Sarah Weintraub.


Parents: Colonel Augustus Autumn.


Early life: Spent being indoctrinated, er, 'taught' the values of the Enclave and her duty to bring the American way back to the wasteland. Also being doted on by her father.


Teen/Adult years: Training as a soldier and officer of the Enclave; rising through the ranks quickly due to her skill and dedication. By the age of 24 she is a Captain and has been a member of a Sigma squad; her Hellfire armor her most prized possession.


How did he/she become a courier?: The Enclave have lost much over the years; they have decided that if they could somehow snatch the Hoover Dam from beneath the NCR and Legions noses, while also assassinating leaders and military commanders of both, it would give them a solid base in the West Coast to reclaim what they ahve lost - and rebuild. To this end they send the grieving daughter of the late Colonel Autumn, trained in spec-ops, to infiltrate the Mojave first as a Courier (as cover) and then to work her way into the NCRs trust, to assassinate who she could, and then use that to earn a meeting with Casaer - at which point she will call an airshtrike on his Fort and the Enclave would attack in force. However, none knew of the platinum chip, and how much easier it would make the Enclaves take-over.




Thought i'd make my playthrough interesting with Enclave Starter Pack, Yangtzee Enclave House, and most of all Enclave Commander. Using COC TheFort and calling an missile strike in Casaers throne was a special kind of beautiful.

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Name: Miss Darryl Scarlet



Age: 27

Combat Styles: Mid to Close Quarter Combat.

Specialties: Fix/know it all, Sneaky like

Weakness: Anything hightech, Flashbacks.

Likes: General Mercenary work, Hard Liquor's

Dislikes: Time Lord's and their workings.

Want's: Being back in their own time and space

Fear's: Dying in a ditch slowly

Friendlies and Enemies: None really. Generally money talk's and chooses that.

Companions: None.

Parents: The elderly Lord Tripp.

Early life: Grew up by the Ocean

Teen/Adult: Had the misfortune of tricking a Time Lord and paying the consequence of being sent through time and space unwillingly.

How'd they become said courier?: Woke up infront of the Mojave Express needing money and something to do which lead them to slaughtering whatever stood in their way.

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Name: ME - folks did not live long enough to teach ME my name


Race:Unknown - possibly Sucubuss

Age: Not sure - reached puberty about ten years ago I think

Combat Styles: Guns

Specialties: Really social type - party animal until those guns come out

Weakness: Like seeing Gecko's holding their heads, shortly before I grill them for dinner, always makes me feel guilty

Likes: Looking good in some sad victims gear

Dislikes: Ghoul breath and saliva in my face - reacts with the makeup

Want's: To have a clean bath without cooking slowly

Fear's: Having Doc Mitchells baby - did anything really happen while he was patching me up - I've had a funny rash ever since?

Friendlies and Enemies: Maybe Doc Mitchell on both counts - do not remember too much but keep going back to him for another fix

Companions: No, cannot be arsed dragging them around with me

Parents: Unknown

Early life: Brought up by a kind doctor in Goodsprings who apparently found me one day eating daddies arm

Teen/Adult: No comment

How'd they become said courier?: Doc Mitchell said i was old enough to do a paper round and it took off from there.

Edited by longprong
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Byron "Aka: 'Baron Buffout' Sharp


age: uncertain, mild albino-esq tendancies

species" Human Tribal, some genetic damage

eyes: greyish/hazel

hair: silver/white

skin: pale enough to be mistaken for a vampire

body type: freakin huge

note: sterile, and rather large/clumsy with hypersenitive eyes/poor vision due to his mother's prenatal use of combat drugs. While very poor vision, he has been known to be very sneaky, especially at night. He also writes poetry, cooking (don't ask what's in the food, you may not want to know), and seems to be good at a number of eclectic skills.

Traits: big bruiser

likes: darkness, consenting women, people who know how to sneak, cooking, poetry, painting, workbenches and lab tables, campfires. good sunglasses.

dislikes: brightlights, noises, boone ( I was trying to set some bombs, garrote a few people, etc), sunburns, energy weapons.

factions: tryies to be neutral.

Willing to deal honestly with just about everybody, even normally hostiles, prefers to try and talk through things first.

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Name: Darius

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Guns and Swords

Specialties: Melee Weapons, Guns, Speech

Weaknesses: Insects

Likes: Nuka Cola, Guns

Dislikes: Insects!

Wants: A good anti material rifle

Fears: INSECTS!!

Friendly Factions: Himself

Enemy Factions: Everyone else

Companions:Boone, E-DE, Ambassador the Deathclaw (mod)

Love interest?:None yet


Early life: Growing up in freeside, his parents were killed by the securitrons while trying to get into the strip

Teen years: Became a thug for a while, then joined the followers of the apocalypse to try to reform

How did he/she become a courier?: While looking for money to get into the strip

Motivation: After discovering Yes Mans Plan for an independant New Vegas, he decided to take revenge on Mr House and take New Vegas for himself, in memory of his parents.

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Name: Marcus Smith

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Race: Caucasian


Allied Affiliations: Lyon's BoS (past), New California Republic, Follower's of the Apocalypse, Boomers.

Enemy Affiliations: Enclave, Slavers, Caesar's Legion, Fiends

Neutral Affiliations: Brotherhood of Steel


Good qualities: Helpful, kind, heroic, defensive of civilians

Bad qualities: "Shoot first, ask later", quick to anger, addicted to Nuka Cola, obsessed with revenge


Love Interest: His only love interest was an escaped slave named Amber, but she was caught and taken while Marcus was out hunting. He eventually found her being killed by a group of raiders and not only killed them, but in a disheartening act of mercy, killed Amber. In this respect, he shares similarities with Boone. Since then, he no longer has any love interests.




Marcus Smith was born in Raven Rock in 2247. He became an Enclave Soldier at the age of 18 and learned most of his firearms, explosives and medical skills there. A month after his 19th birthday, he was sent on his first patrol around the local area. For the first time, he witnessed the horrors of the Capital Wasteland. On his second patrol, his squad came across a dying old man who had escaped slavery. Instead of helping the old man, his squad leader brutally killed him, and explained that the Enclave considers the people outside of Vaults and the Enclave to be "un-pure", only fit to be destroyed. Angered by this, knowing he didn't want a part of it, Marcus killed his squad in cold blood, destroyed his armor and fled.


Two months later, he was found by slavers from Paradise Falls while he was sleeping. After serving an unbearable 7 years of slavery, he finally found his chance and killed his master. He then infiltrated Paradise Falls and destroyed part of it using several grenades he had found. He also freed several slaves and spent the next 4 years hunting down slaver parties. In 2277, he fled the Capital Wasteland due to the Enclave's increasing presence and vowed to lay down his arms for good. He found a picture of the pre-war Las Vegas and decided he wanted to be there.


After two years of wandering and doing odd jobs to help his travels, he arrived in Nevada. He found an opening available as a Courier and took the job so he could get money to settle down. This however didn't go to plan as he was found and shot in 2281 while carrying a special package. From this point on, he swore revenge against the man who shot him. He began working for the NCR as a hired gun and assisted them with numerous missions and errands. Eventually, he was involved in the Second Battle for Hoover Dam , helping the NCR to eliminate the Legion threat from Nevada. He also succeeded at getting his revenge after shooting Benny six times in the head in the middle of The Tops Casino.

Edited by McclaudEagle
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