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Name: Classified( I use my real name when i play or "Courier Six" Im not very creative in that regard)

Gender: Male

Race: Native American

Combat Style: Long range bombardment

Specialties: WW2 era and high tech combustion guns and propelled explosives. Chemistry, weapon maintenance, cooking, path finding.

Weaknesses: Must use console commands to get the ending relevant speech checks. Cannot pick locks, must blow the door open.

Likes: Personal liberty, Freedom, A society where every man woman and child a nice combustion or propelled explosive weapon, a Large bottle of wasteland tequila.

Dislikes: Oppressive government, Slavery, corruption in general.

Fears: Nothing on this earth.

Friendly Factions: Followers of the Apocalypse, Khans, Kings, Mr. House, Think-Tanks, Brotherhood of steel(kinda), Boomers.

Enemy Factions: NCR, Caesar's legion, Powder gangers, Crimson caravan, Van graffs.

Companions: ED-E, Willow, Audrey

Love interests?: Willow...and Audrey(secret)

Parents/early life, teen years, how i become a courier: Canon, see the lonesome road.

Needed Mods: Willow a better companion experience, Tales from the burning sands, New Vegas bounties, Run the lucky 38, Silver peak bunker, Food and Vending and Crafting Addons(my mod :) )


After forming the Goodsprings militia repulsing the powder ganger assault and mounting a counter attack with the help of the NCR he became a bounty hunter with Randal and Associates. After the death of the judge he took whatever independent work he could before wandering around and eventually joining the Followers of the Apocalypse and later the brotherhood of steel. after stumbling upon the Sierra Madre and the Big Empty he formed his own splinter faction in the brotherhood of steel and used his technological might to assault and terrorize the NCR the Legion and all their allies and rallied anyone he could to fight against them. This would lead him to Mr House who he saw as humanities last chance of rebuilding itself.

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Age:twenty something


Combat Style:Revolvers and Knives, lots of knives



Likes:Women, chems, and knives

Dislikes:Fiends, Caesar, and the Enclave



Friendly Factions:NCR, Brotherhood of Steel, and Great Khans

Enemy Factions:Caesars Legion, The Enclave(whats left of them), and The Fiends

Companions:Rex, Batman, JT, and Willow

Love interest?:WIllow

Parents:Killed by Fiends who were hired by Caesars Legion.

Early life:Raised in an orphanage(lucky to find one in the wasteland) left at the age of 16 to find and kill Motor-Runner and Caesar.

How did he/she become a courier?: Used it as a cover while finding information on Caesars Legion and the Fiends.

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Name: Fry

Gender: Guy, I guess.. If it means that much to you

Age: I dunno he's gotta be like 150 by now (I think of each different fallout game as either revolving around the same guy or some close descendant/mutation)

Race: Mutated human i guess (think of the ugliest guy you can imagine, then melt half his face with radiation burns)

Combat Style: Preferably sneaking around planting explosives in ridiculous places, but also sniping (if only long range ai could figure out what was going on)

Specialties: Mostly guns and explosives, but hey he'd throw a toaster if it would do the job and was hilarious enough

Weaknesses: Like, getting stabbed and stuff.. Doesn't have much defense against decapitation either.

Likes: Clouds, most other mutants, chems, scotch

Dislikes: Smoothskins, and mutants who want to wear my ass as a hat for no apparent reason.

Wants: To wander endlessly (i love sandbox)

Fears: Getting stabbed in his good eye, any kind of majority human civilisation (What do you call a fear of lynch mobs?)

Friendly Factions: Basically any non human faction, unless they're mutants trying to "cleanse" their mutatedness, and followers of the apocalypse

Enemy Factions: Name a human faction that isn't followers of the apocalypse.. Yeah, them guys.

Companions: Nooooohohohohooooooo, they just seem to get in the way of my bullets and give away my position.. Losers!

Love interest?: Perhaps.. If I can catch that rat running around freeside..

Parents: Now thats a long story.. But at least one of them was human..

Early life: Mistaken for a turd that "took the wrong tube" Fry learned to fight his way out of the toilet and into the wasteland.

How did he/she become a courier?: I wouldn't really call him a courier, see a courier actually delivers a package within the allotted time..

Mods; Lings for the ghoul skin, project nevada just for the awesomeness, classic fallout weapons (I feel more at home with those guns), new crafting recipes because homemade grenades always explode with that much more love, and of course, killable kids, because those little bastards have no right to survive a mininuke explosion.

Edited by adman85
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  • 2 weeks later...

So after losing my Fallout New Vegas *again* I decided to make a new character and go totally against what I normally do.


Name: Alexi Makarove

Gender: M

Age: 26

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Anything he can get his hands on. From a brick to a Gatling laser,if it can kill something,he will use it.

Specialties:Playing people for their trust,combat with any type of item,economics,tactical knowledge. IQ estimated at 175

Weaknesses: Due to facial damage,he wears a ballistic mask and eye patch to hide the scars. They were from a bombing of an NCR facility several years ago. Very few people have seen his face since then. But the remaining eye,is said to harbor something that normal men do not posses. Even his own squadmates have said he doesnt belong with normal people,but locked in the cage as he is pure evil,or an animal.

Likes: Money,money money. Could care less about how many lives it takes to earn that money,he just wants it.

Dislikes: People,ghouls,anything that talks.

Wants: More money,guns,anarchy.

Fears: None,perhaps being captured by bounty hunters.

Friendly Factions: None other than Good Springs and the Gun Runners.

Enemy Factions: All.

Companions: Willow. Everyone else wont go near him.

Love interest?: His money.

Parents: Alexi grew up in a rather normal parenthood,his mother and father were very loving and caring parents,but even as he grew older,something didnt quite seem right about him.

Early life: He spent many days reading,learning,and teaching himself a wide variety of crafts and skills. Alexi can make a weapon from anything,or he can make anything into art.

Teen years: He left around age 15,to find a life for himself. He had gotten a taste of money,and wanted more of it. He didnt care what the money came from,if it was money,he took it,no job was too risky for him. He was well known as the man you did not cross. he was captured by the Enclave when he was 17,but later kicked out and exiled when he was 21 for using methods even the Enclave would later deem far too inhumane.

How did he/she become a courier?: An easy job for his run to Vegas to see what trouble he can stir.

Edited by Azrael120782
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Name: Sarenna.

Gender: Female.

Age: as young as the (vanilla) CharGen allows.

Race: Hispanic (Sunny Smiles face and Domestic Goddess Hair)

Combat Style: long range sniper rifles, short range stealth mode, Silenced SMG's, Silenced Pistols.

Specialties: Shotgun Surgeon, stealing stuff that I need, good perception, stealth, chemically enhanced faculties and guns.

Weaknesses: if enemies lock on to my position at short range and my stealth is no longer a viable option, I usually end up dead.

Likes: Joana, Dazzle, Sweetie, No-Bark, Old Ben, Corporal Betsy, Julie Farkas, Sarah (Vault 21), Tabitha of Black Mountain, Rhonda, Angela Wiliams, Lt. Carrie Boyd, Sunny Smiles, Doc Mitchell (he saved my life).

Dislikes: Benny, Jason Bright, Santiago, any rank in Caesar's Legion, Manny Vargas, Cachino, Dr. Hildern, Dr. Keely, Miss McLafferty, Powder Gangers, General Lee Oliver, the Colonel at Hooverdam, Omerta Family, Neill (Supermutant near Black Mountain), Keene (Nightkin Commander), Mr House, Silus, Sgt Contreras, Deputy Beagle, Giant Radscorpions, Deathclaws, Night Stalkers and Gecko's.

Wants: revenge on Benny, independent Vegas.

Fears: (up until level 6) Giant Radscorpions, Night Stalkers & Deathclaws. Any Type of Gecko -they're a nuisance. Deathclaws who get a little too close for comfort. Powder Charges hidden in tall grass, CTD.

Friendly Factions: NCR (and affiliated locations), Primm, Goodsprings, Novac, Freeside, The Strip, The Kings, Boomers, Crimson Caravan, Followers, BoS, Great Khans.

Enemy Factions: Powder Gangers, Caesar's Legion.

Companions: ED-E, Rose Cassidy, Craig Boone, Veronica, Rex, Arcade Gannon, Lily Bowen, Raul Tejada.

Love interest?: too bad Joana has a boyfriend.

Parents: Benny's bullets caused amnesia.

Early life: Benny's bullets caused amnesia.

How did he/she become a courier?: I needed the money. (an educated guess, as Benny's bullets caused amnesia.)

Favorite Mods: H&K 416 (Fixed Version), Remington R700, Mossberg 500, D-Lite Arms & Armour (my own mod), SpaceSuit WetSuit (my own mod), Colt M1911 (Magnum .44 ammo), Walther P99, Walther WA2000 (Wood), HK MP7A3, HK USP Match, Desert Eagle, BNB (Big natural), Chem Fiend Perk (my own mod), Detox FNV (based on similar FO3 mod by RipperV), Beretta A9R Auto, Beretta M92 (ported HeroineZero FO3 mod; NOT by me), Mini Nuke IED, Heavy Laser, Friendly Fiends (wearing a Fiends helmet adds Fiend Faction), my own stealthsuit mod (has the same -yet constant- effect as a stealthboy, but absolutely NO DT. So it's as protective as a dress).

Edited by Alehazar
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  • 1 month later...

I know this is old but it helps me clarify my character when i role play :P :

Name: Herz

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Bolt action Rifles, handguns, and submachine guns

Specialties: Charismatic, gun smart, computer smart, barterer

Weaknesses: Weak melee combat against a group of enemies up close and personal usually leaves Herz dead

Likes: Herz likes the adrenaline of mid range combat or being in high places, walking under the night sky, also helping people who are in need of assistance

Dislikes: Oppresion, bad gov't. also drunks, thugs, or all around general a**holes..radiation, mutants, secrets, alcohol, drugs, being dismembered by advanced technology

Wants: His own faction of trustworthy people to help bring peace and order or assistance to the wasteland. Also, to Purge any remaining corrupt government or organizations.

Fears: Dismemberment whilst being conscious

Friendly Factions: Followers of the Apocalypse, Mr.House, Regulators

Enemy Factions: Any greedy biased faction

Companions: Any member of his trusted faction, but when exploring the waste typically a loner as it is easy to keep track of just himself

Love interest?: none, single and will remain so

Parents: Father was a US marine before the war and taught Herz many of his basic skills before leaving for the Sino American war. Mother was a Computer Technician and growing up taught Herz basic science skills.

Early life: Grew up in a moderate town in the country. Learned much from his fellow classmates on various subject. Life at first was tough and set Herz on the the course to better himself through self teaching and exploration.

Teen years: Advanced studies proved to be useless as Herz was not able to focus on his courses. in turn he set out on a mission to help others and bring some stability to the world as the thing he was best at was helping people with their problems. He used his skills from his parents and some he learned from military training to help him in his mission to restore the wastleland.

How did he/she become a courier?: Herz was running low on money and needed the job so he could continue expanding his faction and supporting himself day to day.

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