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Name: Lou Pole

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Race: I prefer Demolition Derby’s

Combat Style: I kill you before you see me or shove a shotgun in your face, depends on range. (carry scoped 308 and shotgun only)

Specialties: Guns & Sneak & Lockpick

Weaknesses: Melee & Unarmed & Energy Weapons

Likes: Bighorn Steaks and Scotch

Dislikes: BoS, NCR, Legion and just about every authority figure

Wants: To kill the Mick & Ralph crier

Fears: To die before killing the Mick & Ralphs crier

Friendly Factions: Boomers, Kings & Goodsprings residents

Enemy Factions: Everyone else

Companions: Sunny & Willow

Love interest?: Sunny & Willow

Parents: Some doctors back on the East Coast

Early life: Mother died in childbirth when I was 7. I was sent to live with my uncle in Chicago while Dad tried to get into some vault with my infant sister. His name was James and he was a complete a**hole.

Teen years: Doing odd jobs and deliveries for the Enclave (my Uncle was associated with them).

How did he/she become a courier?: Kept doing larger deliveries for the Enclave. Eventually I struck out on my own.

Motto: Shoot it! If it moves, Shoot it again!

Edited by whodat1
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Name: Mara Jade (yes like the character from star wars)

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Race: caucasian

Combat Style: Prefers long guns and pistols. favorite rifle is This Machine and m16s. favorite pistol is a colt 1911, also likes old fashioned revolvers.

Specialties: Guns, Medicine, and repairs.

Weaknesses: damsals in distress, cazadors, and a thing called chocolate.

Likes: Guns, a safe house, the idea of the NCR, friends, BoS (when they don't have a stick up their ***)

Dislikes: Hates the legion, raiders, energy weapons, BoS paladins

Wants: for people to live as the want, a safe place to call home, and for the NCR to be reformed.

Fears: out of control goverment, cazadors, deathclaws, and party ghouls.

Friendly Factions: NCR, followers of the appocolypse, Primm, Novac, Goodsprings, BoS when theyre not being pricks.

Enemy Factions: The legion, Omertas, Mr. House

Companions: Arcade, Cass, Boone, Veronica, Raul

Love interest?: Veronica

Parents: Mother and Father where farmers in the core regions. Mom was a nurse, Dad was a soldier in the NCR. The met at hosiptol after Dad had been wounded in fight with the Khans. Dad later retired and settled down with Mom becoming small time farmers.

Early life: Grew up on a farm learned to shoot from dad and learned medicine from Mom. Loved going to school (was a pretty new thing at the time).

Teen years: worked at the family farm but felt compelled to do more in the world.

How did he/she become a courier?: Joined the NCR at 18 and excelled in the army becoming a crack shot and the squads unofficial medic. 1 year later Mara was deployed to the Mojave and heard of the bitter springs massacere. Mara lost faith in the NCR after seeing the state of things and how politics rather than peoples needs where driving policies. Fought at the first battle of Hoover Damn where most of mara's company was wiped out due to an officers incompitance(officer was appointed due to political connections). After the Battle Mara left the NCR traveling around taking up odd jobs before becoming a courier.

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Name: Cade Thomas

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Long Range Combat

Specialties: Sniping

Weaknesses: Close Range Combat

Likes: Bolt Action Sniping, Technology, Scopes

Dislikes: Machine Guns

Wants: Advanced Sniper Rifles, A Wife and a Son

Fears: Crucifix

Friendly Factions: Brotherhood of Steel, Vegas, Great Khans, All Tribals

Enemy Factions: NCR and Legion

Companion: Tex, his childhood best friend and spotter

Parents: My father was a NCR 1st Recon sniper and my mom was a Tribal from a place i was never told about.

Early life: I rarely saw my dad and was always with my mom. When my dad was home he would always teach me about sniping techniques and bring me parts for my pre-war M40 that I found on a dead Marine.

Teen years: I enlisted in the NCR when i was 18 with my best friend Tex who i met when i was takin pot shots at Legion camp and we were quickly invited to join 1st Recon. I worked side by side with my dad and Tex until i was 23... when i was ordered to be taken out by my own squad. I was shot in the head by a guy in my squad who i didn't even know. My dad and Tex killed everybody in 1st Recon and deserted. They dragged my body to a local doctor and he pulled out the bullet. Tex has been with me ever since and my dad resided with my mom in the mountains. I only kept my dog tags, that's all the NCR gave me... and that's all i want.

How did he/she become a courier?: After getting shot, Tex and me started to run packages for money and gun parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Characters name. wraith.

Gender Male.

Age unknown.

Master of anything that shoots with a specialty of explosives. Isn't a slouch in melee either. Can fix anything.

weakness doesn't remember his past.

Friendly factions BOS, super mutants Boomers Khans Fiends Raiders.

Enemy factions NCR, enclave, MR house Caesars legion. (isn't shoot on sight or to be hunted down can enter their territory but is watched like a hawk.)

Companions cass, veronica Sarah girl he rescued from a slave camp.

Early life. Has only vague images mostly of guns and soldiers.

Teen years. guns and lights.

Adult life. cass was heading to the mojave when she stumbled upon him unconscious and surrounded by two dead enclave troopers and a enclave deathclaw. Searching the area revealed at least 50 more dead all of whom appeared to have died by his hand. Some caused cass to help him and nurse him back to health when he awoke he had only one memory, Sarah. After several hours of search mostly by his instinct they were able to find the cave where she was hidden. The only information she could give about him is that he rescued her from a slave camp and that somehow the BOS was important. After reaching the mojave they went about searching for any information of the BOS. Finally after encountering veronica who took them to the bunker were they able to start piecing together his past.


Even now the only things known about him is that he despises the NCR caesars legion and the enclave. He has ties to super mutants in unknown ways. upon further testing did they discover his ability to regenerate limbs and heal almost any wound. How he lost his memory is a mystery. Who he is and the circumstances around his amnesia is a mystery


He because a courier in order to see things in hopes that his memory returns. After getting shot by benny something clicked a mission he has something for the good of all people something personal.

Edited by Brethern
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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Erin Drake

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian - DS

Age: 24 (but don't let her youth fool you!)


Combat skill(s): Marksman, scout, technician (Guns, Sneak, Repair)

Favorite Weapon(s): Scoped rifles (not necessarily sniper-only designs though), Silenced pistols/SMGs (for indoor/enclosed areas), Long-blades (Katana). If she could find one: an F88 Steyr A1M3

Weaknesses: Unarmed combat, Energy weapons, Explosives (if explosives are necessary, she prefers the increased precision of a proper launcher).


Likes: Independence, precision, skill, respect, honour, underdogs (those that at least TRY anyway), anything black.

Dislikes: Control through force (not to be confused with control through organization), people who expect something for nothing, weakness, natural light, bright colours.

Hopes: Securing independence for Vegas (but preferably without actively antagonizing the NCR), Stability for the region, a 'home life' (and someone to share it with).

Fears: That Vegas will be over-run by either the NCR or the Legion and its unique identity lost as a result... Also, Deathclaws, I mean seriously! Have you SEEN those things?


Liked Factions: Followers, Khans, Boomers, peaceful/defensive tribals.

Neutral Factions: NCR, BoS, Enclave, Mr. House.

Hated Factions: Fiends (and all junkies and 'petty raiders'), Legion.

Companions: Normally a loner, but ED-E is a bot, so he doesn't count. Boone, as a sniper has similar (combat) priorities. Willow...

Love Interest: Willow, Veronica. ((Technically only Bi-sexual, just hasn't found a decent man... yet?))


Birth/early life: Born to a couple of middle-class farmers inside the borders (but not close to any settlements) of the NCR, Erin was the only child of her quiet, reserved, and maybe a little backwards (but certainly smarter than they looked) parents. From a very early age, she had to learn to keep herself entertained, the remoteness of the farm leaving her with very few friends.

Teens: Fortunately, she adapted well, never needing social interaction, but making the most of what little there was, even if her intellectual focus left her seeming a little 'cold' (emotionally) on occasion. The counter to this was that her agile mind quickly absorbed most any skill she decided she wanted to learn... Being of farming stock, that meant she spent a lot of time tinkering with tools and farming equipment, and later hunting Geckos and other wild critters. The end was a woman with a strong practical intelligence who was already a crack-shot and capable scout... Even if she was a little on the anti-social side, and showed little tolerance (or mercy) for those who weren't 'self starters' like her...

Adulthood: Left home the day after her 18th birthday to join the NCR army where she served for 2 years as a trooper, then a further 3 as a 'patrol ranger'. Left the military because she felt her skills weren't being taken seriously, as she showed 'Veteran' level ability, but was never recognized as such... Hearing about the events of Bitter Springs didn't help. Ultimately, the stupidity of the higher command structure under President Kimbel soured her opinion of the NCR as a whole, leaving her feeling like the young nation had lost its way...


How she ended up as a courier: Wanting to be where should could try to re-direct and re-inspire the NCR from the 'outside' she traveled east, finding a strong (if somewhat suppressed under House) independent Vegas. The fact that both the NCR and the Legion (which she had already heard rumors of) were trying to take Vegas for themselves made it obvious to her that the city was the perfect tool to use as an example to show the NCR that they had lost their way... At least it would be with a few 'adjustments' anyway. To further this goal, she took a job as a courier for the Mojave Express as a way to quietly 'acquaint' herself with the various factions, organizations, and 'power players' in the region... Little did she know she'd end up with a bullet to the head that would force her to re-learn he life from scratch!


((I'll edit in a picture a little later, I accidentally lost all my old ones :( ))



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This character of mine is one of a pair. If one is around, the other is probably in the world as well, doing great heroics.


Name- Zoe


Skin- Caucasian

Hair- Black hair with ponytail

Eyes- Green

Armor- Enclave Advanced Power Armor MK 2 or NCR Courier Duster with Ulysses' breathing mask.

Faction Allegiances- NCR, Boomers, Brotherhood of Steel, Followers of the Apocalypse, Freeside, Goodsprings, White Glove Society, Novac , Great Khans, Enclave Remnants


Enemies- Caesar's Legion, Fiends, Powder Gangers, Mr House (Eventually)


Alignment- Good

Combat Style- Capable at all ranges

Weapons of Choice- Dinner Bell (magnum shells or slugs), Callahan Fullbore Autolock and Anti-Materiel rifle (.50 MG match-grade & Explosive ammo), Avenger Minigun (5mm JSP Hand-loads), LeMatt revolver (.45-70 Government JSP hand loads.) Nuka cola grenades, Nephi's Golf Driver.


Special Notes- Bears cybernetic upgrades, thanks both to the Big Mountain Think Tank and Dr Usanagi of the New Vegas Medical Clinic. As a result of this augmentation, she is strong enough to carry a quarter of a ton on her back,


Powers (RP-wise only)- Empathy psionics- Zoe has the ability to detect the general emotional state that people around her are in, as well as the residual emotions of an area. It also shows her what kind of person she is looking at, with evil people having far blacker auras. The disadvantage to this power is that if she is in the presence of someone especially nasty, or in an area with massive negative residual emotions (like the Divide or the Sierra Madre), she will suffer an overload of negative emotion which can lead to nausea and even unconsciousness. She is able to shut the ability off with some concentration.


Bio- Zoe was born in a vault on the west coast of the former united states. Her empath abilities were more low-key at the time. The vault wound up opening, with Zoe and her friend Jacob leaving to seek their fortunes in the outside world (taking the customary 10mm pistol each). They were captured by the Enclave and separated. Jacob wound up being shipped to chicago, while Zoe was tagged as a minor psychic and placed in the "care" of a scientist at Navarro. The result of that was her empathy abilities increasing to the point that they are at now. She was freed when the NCR attacked and destroyed the Navarro outpost. Zoe ended up becoming an NCR citizen, before joining the mojave express as a courier.

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Name:Emile Zheng


Age:No exact age yet, but he's from mid-twenties to mid thirties.


Combat Style:

Prefers any sort of ballistic rifle, shotguns, bolt-action, lever action.

Uses a 10mm pistol as a secondary and a knife for skinning/close range

Specialties:Luck I guess, but it's been more of a burden at times.

Weaknesses: Crippled limbs or low health. When Emile feels like something isn't right, he starts to freak out.

Likes: Feeling like he's being a gentleman to all the ladies and learning/trying new things

Dislikes:His addiction to Med-x and being crippled or injured/heldback

Wants: To find a cache of pre-war holotapes and watch them until he dies of old age,a sailboat, and adventure

Fears:Failure, being trapped, drowned, feeling helpless.

Friendly Factions:NCR,Khans,followers.

Enemy Factions:Caesar's Legion(obviously) and the Omertas

Companions:Used be in a team of six, they're all gone now

Love interest?:Anyone pretty(just pretty), smart and talented.

Parents:I don't know, a lady and a guy from vault 63, I guess

Early life:Spent his entire life in Vault 63 until the age of 20 when he was assigned the job of scout. Joined his team and was later kicked out for stealing Med-x


How did he/she become a courier?:After Emile was left alone with his Med-X addiction, he went to McCarran for work as a bounty hunter. He become bored to he went North to Freeside and worked as a bouncer/guard for caravan company until the became bankrupt due to lost caravans(VanGraffs). Traveled up farther to the NorthWest and is currently associated with the Khans as a come-and-go trader, though he isn't actually part of them. He also does some prospecting and trade his junk with small towns and the NCR. One day he went to the NCR for a job and ended up being assigned the role of "Courier Six".You know the rest.

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Name: Mike Moronee

Gender: Male

Age: Probably in late 50s

Race: No, I hate racing.

Combat Style: Shooting the enemy with a highly uneffective .22 Revolver.

Specialties: Tasteless fashion senses (Motorcycle helmet with a wasteland settler outfit)

Weaknesses: Getting shot. Because getting shot kills you and makes you dead.

Likes: Nuka-Cola.

Dislikes: Willow. He actually shot her head off with a combat shotgun because she's an obnoxious *censored*.

Wants: Nuka-Cola.

Fears: Nothing, because Mike Moronee is a moron.

Friendly Factions: Himself, NCR

Enemy Factions: Legion

Companions: ED-E, African-American Goodsprings Settler (until his death in a heroic skirmish at the Divide) Various robots

Love interest?: Nuka-Cola.

Parents: Some pricks.

Early life: He did a lot useless stuff and huffed powdered Nuka-Cola.

Teen years: Same as above.

How did he/she become a courier?: He didn't, everyone is just too damn demented and thinks Mike is the courier. The courier actually died from the gunshot.

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Name: Melissa Wolf

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (minimum age from Fallout 2)

Race: Asian

Combat Style: Stealth sniper (What she can find at first, endgame gear: Christine COS silenced rifle, A light shining in darkness for close combat, Stealth Suit MKII)

Specialties: Medicine, Science, Repair, tinkering with her gear to make it more powerful.

Weaknesses: Bad at instinctive and/or hip shooting (Because I'm bad at FPS gunfights), easily crippled limbs, the gear she tinkers with breaks down faster (Build to destroy, small frame).

Likes: Medicine, Science, Repair, helping people

Dislikes: Raiders, slavers

Wants: To make the wasted lands a better place to live

Fears: failure

Friendly Factions: NCR (NCR has a corrupt government, sure, but a lots of people in NCR are trying to make a good difference), Followers of the Apocalypse (Because Melissa shares their ideals)

Enemy Factions: Caesar's Legion (though she would prefer infiltration to straight fight.)

Companions: none yet, will pick some along the way.

Love interest?: None

Parents: A couple of NCR farmers. Melissa is the youngest child, and the only one whom did not joined the NCR army after they died from old age (she was very young).


Early life: It became clear that Melissa was the smartest of the kids her parents had, and she always tinkered with stuff. Her physical life helped her build an impressive stamina. She always loved to know how things worked. Her parents were getting old however, and died when she was 10, in their seventies (the world record of the oldest mother is 73 years old, so that's possible). In the end, she became the apprentice of an old follower doctor, aged 76, whose mind was still sharp but whose shakes were so bad he couldn't operate anymore.


Teen years: She learned science, medicine and practiced her repair skills under the care of the follower doctor, fixing farming equipment, and doing the odd medical work when it was needed, in exchange for food (she might be altruistic, but she still needs to eat you know...). And a few years later, her mentor died from old age, leaving her a note telling her that she was his best student, and wished her the best of luck.


How did he/she become a courier?: As she wasn't her mentor only student, she decided to go out and help people where it was needed. She became a courier, in order to earn a living and do her quest at the same time. One day, she was tasked with delivering a platinum chip in New Vegas. She took what she though was an easy job with a disproportionate pay because she wanted to buy more medical supplies. She would then try to track the one whom shot her, picking up combat and sneaking skills and helping civilians along the way, racking up an impressive body count for someone whom never intended to fight...

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