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Mod load order


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Check my load order, I have DarnUI installed.

As for Fellout, well, I didn't like it because when i play a post-nuclear game i want something darker/"ugly", not beautiful. Metro 2033 was the best in this case for me (the book), a shame they managed to ruin it with that awful game.

The only reason I installed Project Beauty is because of the amount of recommendations and... this thing:




Seriously? Is that even a woman? :P


As for your Linux comparison, heh, any noob these days can install Ubuntu or any easy as hell distro and be done with it. Linux didn't expand too much because people still believe it's the 7 headed monster from its earlier days.


As for Wrye, I'll give it a try, but my question is, will it give me any benefits? I have no plans to mod for FO3, and the amount of time I've spent "fixing" and tweaking this game is just absurd, and I'm starting to lose any form of entertainment the game could provide me.

FO3 vanilla is too boring and stupid for my taste, so I have two choices, fix my modded stuff or get the f*** out.






* Python 2.6.5

* wxPython

* comtypes

* psyco 1.6 for Python 2.6

* PyWin32 for Python 2.6


Oh man, I don't have Python installed on my Windows partition, and i don't feel like installing it on my gaming OS.

Unless you tell me something i really want to hear, i guess I'll stick with FO3Edit.


Also, i tried changing the variable bMultiThreadedAudio from 0 to 1, and the process hangs after i close it, requiring me to force kill it. Any idea why?

Edited by robx99
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Check my load order, I have DarnUI installed.


OK, blind = me. Nothing to see here; move along. :whistling:


As for Wrye, I'll give it a try, but my question is, will it give me any benefits? I have no plans to mod for FO3, and the amount of time I've spent "fixing" and tweaking this game is just absurd, and I'm starting to lose any form of entertainment the game could provide me.

FO3 vanilla is too boring and stupid for my taste, so I have two choices, fix my modded stuff or get the f*** out.


Wrye is by far the best way to make a merged patch and the most powerful tool for getting multiple mods to cooperate. So if your choice is to fix your modded stuff, then Wrye is your ticket. If yer just gonna cut yer losses and get outta Dodge...well...I would have a hard time blaming you. If you do decide to stick it out and want help getting started with Wrye, just lemme know.


Edit: to match your ninja edit: for Python just get this one file here: Wrye Python 03a; and here is where you get Wyre Flash; lastly, here is the complete online manual for Wrye Bash, which is basically the identical program for Oblivion - just disregard the sections about save editing, since that was never ported from Bash to Flash.


Edit#2: as for the multi-threaded audio crash, vanilla FO3 is more or less capable of multi-threading, but not completely optimized for it. When you add FOSE, and then add multiple overhaul mods with their multitudes of scripts, then "not completely optimized" can quickly turn into "not completely safe from extinction-level calamity". I have found that when I run heavily modded that I get the most stability from an almost completely vanilla ini file - the only edited line being the one that chooses the font for DarnUI.

Edited by proconsu1
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I already installed it, still installs Python though, which was my main complaint about it.

I simply don't want to install it on Windows, since i heavily use it on Linux/Unix, with both Perl and Bash/SH.


If the game continues to crash after that, I'll simply crazy laugh for 5 minutes, and then hang myself.

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I already installed it, still installs Python though, which was my main complaint about it.


Bright side, dude, bright side. Have you seen the recent posts from people getting hosed over by Windows updates screwing up their .NET frameworks, thereby killing FOMM? At least with Wrye running over Python you know you will never have that particular problem.


If the game continues to crash after that, I'll simply crazy laugh for 5 minutes, and then hang myself.


Ummm....might I suggest a multitude of beer and a dartboard with a picture of Bill Gates on it in place of that last step there?

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I don't drink, that's the problem.


By the way, pythonw.exe won't open, i can open the console and the Windows GUI platform.

If i can't open pythonw, then i can't open Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw, which is a problem.




Nevermind, i executed this script via the console, and it said it needed to be in the same folder as Fallout3.exe.



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*Sigh* I spent the whole night trying to figure this thing out.

Created several Bashed Patches, all causing the game to crash at the title screen.


I've seen some games not so friendly to modding *cough*VtMB*cough*, but Bethesda takes the cake.

Do you need to get nuts to pledge insanity in the court? No problem, try playing a modded Bethesda game.


I'll wait for your answer, and if i can't find a solution after that, I'm uninstalling this game. I just ran out of patience.

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If I am reading you right, you installed Python and Wrye just fine but now are trying to launch Python in order to run Wrye. If that is so, stop doing it that way - Python is just background code and should be ignored from now on. Just go to the Wrye installation folder and run this executable, which is cleverly disguised to not LOOK like an executable: "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw" - with Python properly installed the file extension .pyw should have become an executable.


As for creating a merged patch, lemme cut and paste the steps as I sent them to another friend recently. And forgive the fact that the instructions tell you things you already know and/or have already done. Like I said, they were originally written for somebody else who hadn't gotten as far as you have. And give special attention to step 6 below, cuz I suspect that may be where things are going off the rails for you - that was where I first went awry the first time I tried this.


1. Get and install both Wrye Python 03A and Wrye Flash, in that order.


2. Run the WryeFlash program: note that it's executable will look odd; the filename to run is "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw" . It will open a screen that lists all your installed mods, with their names color coded, check marks by the active ones and so on. It will look similar to FOMM's load order screen except in color. I strongly recommend that you click on the column labeled "Load Order" to arrange your view based on this field. Otherwise things will list in a different order than what they will actually load in, and that can be very confusing. Note also that when you arrange based on load order you may see that some inactive mod components appear higher in the list than some active ones - this is normal, as they are listing in the order they would load in if they were all active.


3. BOSS - along the bottom of the WryeFlash window there is a row of small buttons on the left hand side. One of those is for BOSS. Click it to launch BOSS from within Wrye and have it sort your load order prior to making your patch. Note that this requires that you must already have downloaded and installed BOSS.


4. At the bottom of the now sorted load order you should see a file called "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". Right click on this file to open the context menu and click "Rebuild patch..."


5. It will almost certainly open another dialog window that lists some of your esps, says that they are mergeable, and asks if it is OK to deactivate them. Take note of which files it names and then click "Yes".


6. Now it will bring up a window with a bunch of options listed on the left side and an empty frame on the right. The second option listed on the left will be "Merge Patches". Select it and click to put a check in the checkbox next to it. You should now see a list in the right hand panel which names all those mods that were listed in step 5. Check the boxes next to all of them.


7. Click the button at the bottom of the window that says "Build Patch". A status window should appear to confirm that the patch was built successfully. You should also see "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" still at the bottom of your load order and now activated (if it wasn't already activated).


8. Now close Wrye, launch FOSE and test it out.

Edited by proconsu1
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Man, i did every single step you post below yesterday, with the inclusion of importing some tags when building a bashed patch.

Wrye says that PB - BS and PL, should be deactivated (BOSS puts a Deactivate tag) and imported.


As for the Launcher, I've found it as soon as installed Wrye (experience with Python), i just didn't know it had to be in the same folder as Fallout3.exe, which i found out pretty quick once i ran it via the console and got the message.


Anyway, do you mind entering steam so i could have a word with you?


Thanks again, normal people should have stopped helping me by now, mostly after my rage post above.

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After your help it seems to be working almost correct.


Some effects from EVE which weren't present before, are now working.


So far only one crash, which seems to be a common crash with FO3. When returning to Megaton (semi consistent, since reloading a save won't crash again, but it seems to occur a lot when returning to Megaton);

And one freeze, occurs when I'm abusing the quickload function (which seems to be common for a modded game).


Anyway, the problem now is, i can't use WMK for DLC and modded weapons, only vanilla weapons.

Isn't this a problem caused by the lack of a merged patch?


I tried to rebuild the Bashed Patch, now without the tweak settings for weapon codes (I thought it could be causing the problem for not recognizing the weapon's name), but alas, no luck.


Any idea?




I tried with FO3Edit's Merged Patch, and the problem was solved.

So it's definitely the Bashed Patch.




Pftt, forget it man, my mistake.

While i asked you about formids and leveled list, i actually managed to forget to check the box... twice.


I rebuilt the Bashed Patch, and this time with calm i told myself "Wanna bet i forgot to check the boxes in the first place?", meh it's okay now.


Anyway, could you check this and see if I'm not forgetting anything.


Checked Boxes:




All selected




NPC Faces: Project Beauty BS + PL esps


[Tweak Names]


Ingestible codes

Weapon codes

Sort inventory






[Leveled lists]






Anything else i should check or is that all?


There is a Contents Checker, should i check this box aswell?


Race records at the bottom has a description saying it would merge race records, and it has Project Beauty.esm only.

Since Project Beauty.esm wasn't deactivated, i left both boxes unchecked (Race Records and Project Beauty.esm). Is that correct?

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Yep, that's all good. Only use the contents checker if you suspect that there is a misbehaving bit from one your mods showing up where it shouldn't. For example, if you suddenly find that a junk dealer like Crazy Wolfgang is stocking Bozars and HK-11s, then the content checker might clean that up. Or if you see a can of Pork N Beans being labelled as a melee weapon, time for the content checker. As I understand it it's supposed to clean up any bleed-over where leveled lists get mishandled by a mod and start crossing categories and similar erroneous behavior. But it is definitely for fixing existing errors, not for general use. As for race records, that should not really be an issue with FO3 like it was with Oblivion, since there are not really that many races and as far as I know there are no multi-race cosmetic mods. So you were correct to leave that unchecked, too.
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