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A big "Hello" to the Community


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In response to post #27214924.

BlueGunk wrote: Hi Paul

Welcome to the Nexus community! I look forward to the things you'll be bringing!

Hi BlueGunk (love the name btw). Thanks for the welcome, I'm looking forward to seeing what I can bring to the table as well!
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In response to post #27213224.

[email protected] wrote: welcome to the website paul, any chance you could make sure all mods are updated for the 1.6.1 dying light game

Thanks for the welcome, it's good to be here.

You'll need to drop the Mod Authors a quick PM to ask if/when they will be updating their mods for the game.

On a side note, I LOVED Dying Light! Complete it in Single/Co-Op, plus the DLC. Looking forward to seeing what the community can bring to the table in terms of mods.
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In response to post #27213034.

CosmicRunning wrote: Welcome and cool! The job title and description is very intriguing. It sounds like streamlining and designing the site for the mods to be "delivered" easily to the users.

I'm just a little interested in "office culture" as in job titles and how it describes the jobs along with it. Anyways, that was very off-topic. Welcome, again!

Thanks for the welcome... We're already on the case in terms of making the NMM a lot more powerful and that too will have a bit of an overhaul eventually!

Drop me a PM if you want me to answer anything in particular in regards to the job :)
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In response to post #27212744.

roland113 wrote: Welcome - and good luck with the front and backside of the site renovation. That's never an easy task.

Nope, never going to be easy, but then if it was I don't think the end result will be as satisfying!

Thank you for the welcome, truly appreciated.
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In response to post #27212259.

Lice23 wrote: Unfortunately, I only thought of this stuff after taking the survey, so I thought I'd go ahead and post it here. I'm really a big fan of material design. I think it looks very modern and is easily accessible and navigate-able (take a look at the LOOT site if you'd like to know what I 'm talking about). Perhaps if the site's design were to take a step in that direction, I think it'd be quite the improvement. =)
Another, smaller, thing I'd like to mention is that I think the tags could do with an overhaul of sorts. Adding new ones, maybe renaming some of the more general ones... I suggested this in the survey, but I'll go ahead and say this again, it'd be really awesome if there was a tag suggestion box at the bottom of the tag tab. The way this would work is, after suggesting a tab, it'd be voted on, like the rest of the tags, and, after achieving a certain number of upvotes, it'd be formally added to the tags. Likewise, if this same tag (or something very similar, maybe mods/admins can take a look at the suggested tags once in a while) is suggested a certain number of times, it gets added to the default tags.
Let's take the wonderful Cleric mod by masterbobcat as an example (here's the link if you'd like to see for yourself: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59932/?).
Obviously, this mod was added to help roleplaying as a cleric. So, why not add a tag for this? There could be a general tag for roleplaying, and then a more specific tag for the Cleric "class".
What do you guys think?

Hey Lice23,

We have a lot of people mentioning tagging in the survey and it's def something that we will be looking at, the responses have been truly amazing and only now am I really understanding the affection people have towards the site. It's incredible and humbling!

Every response we've received I will be going through. (Just hit 11000 replies) and making note of everything said - my weekend is going to be busy, busy, busy!

If you think of anything else, then please drop me a pm.
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I've a question. Is the focus going to be more on the file side functionality at first or the forum side functionality? Or both at once?



I thought also of many things after I hit that send button but I figured there will be more specific places for further additions (and I may have run out of characters in the forms if I had remembered in time!!)


Thanks much! Hope you aren't too buried with the PMs.

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In response to post #27211894.

EliteSlayer242 wrote: Welcome to the community, BlindJudge! I hope you succeed in your endeavor, and wish you the best of luck.:)
The best Nexus subsites to connect to the community would be here, and the New Vegas section(imo).
Once again, welcome to the Nexus!

I truly hope we succeed in our aims as well, it would make the site even better than what it is now and rather than crowd funding, this is crowd designing at it's finest! :)

Thanks for the welcome :)
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