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A big "Hello" to the Community


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In response to post #27242054.

HolyJoe09 wrote: Best of luck to you, Paul! May the gods have mercy on your soul.

Tell me about it, have you seen the hours Robin works! It's been pretty crazy so far and only going to get more so... Looking forward to working with everyone :D
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In response to post #27241899.

flyl05 wrote: Power of the Atom...
"what a mind job!!
So you´re here to head for a redesign of this site ?
What do you say to something like that ?
*...a little piece of advice:
you see a deathclaw, you do what we do:
RUN...you run your a** off"

(altered from matrix part 1)
WELCOME so much and a GOOD GO too-!!-


Thanks for the welcome, it's awesome to be here. I'm guessing Robin is the agent and I'm Neo! At least that's what I tell myself. :D
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In response to post #27206019.

Dlichnum wrote: I wish the survey had options to explain why you're giving the number of stars you are. There's a lot of "Well, this site would be perfect if only this little thing were different. . ." That I thought of while doing that part, and I would have put into the survey itself if I had the ability. The second part helped a bit, but it would have been easier to put it together, if that made sense?

Yep, you made sense :)

I truly didn't expect the uptake on the survey that we've had. Truly blew my mind and I'm so grateful for every single one of them! I can print a report for all the responses that were either on a scale or multiple choice, the answers where people took the time to write a response will be print out and I'm going to read through each and every one of them.

If you think of anything at all then please drop me a PM, I'm incredibly receptive to new ideas and welcome any feedback, positive OR negative!

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In response to post #27205824.

Thumblesteen wrote: I always figured The Nexus was like an organic occurrence, like a mushroom or a waterfall. Never figured it had staff. I guess now in retrospect that it makes a lot more sense.

I jest, welcome abroad.

To be honest, it's fairly skeleton here. Each person just works INCREDIBLY hard to try and keep everything ticking over. I actually don't think Robin sleeps!

It's good to be here though and nice to make your acquaintance :)
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It should be easier to donate, I'm thinking a system like the Steam wallet, where I can chip in a few cents or a dollar to a mod project with one click of a button (or two). Give the Nexus 5% of the donation, and you have a winning formula.
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In response to post #27205534. #27245109 is also a reply to the same post.

DuskDweller wrote: Welcome Paul!!!

...no matter what your dubious hobbies are!
BlindJudge wrote: Hey dude, I'm guessing this is either Tiz or Fabio? :P

Good to be here, sure we'll be chatting a lot :D

It's Fabio procrastinating instead of working, as per usual!!
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