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The Witcher 2 Assassin of Kings

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Well i was like you indeed. I Changed the diff to Easy, Turned off the QTE option and i am good to go. Thing is with TW2 the combat is really realistic, it doesnt forgive. But on easy, it keeps the story going and you actually survive. You should use plenty of Block, Evade and Quen sign if you play on Normal. Once you get used to it, the combat isn't that bad.


Well not quite, I just wish they get rid of finishing moves. As much as the just scenes are cool, they detach me from combat enitrely and feels quite stupid (especially when you are facing many foes). I like how we can use the other signs though.

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Zero weight mod, kind of makes up for the lack of storage. I didn't make it.


nice...might use that. I was quite surprised there was no storage at all :( Atleast Geralt can carry a lot :P


Finally got to Chapter 1, the crashes aren't as bad...but still very random. I played for a good hour and a half without a crash last night, I play today and it crashes within 15 minutes! :( Glad they are releasing a patch soon, I sure hope it fixes this, it's driving me nuts! It CTDs most of the time...other times I get a BSOD with no explanation of what caused it. Checked my temps, updated my drivers, checked my overclock...it's fine. I think my PSU might have something to do with it though, think it may be overheating. I've had it for a few years. It's never been taken apart and cleaned...and we both smoke and have a cat...oh it's gonna be ugly haha.


Boyfriend just laughs at me about it...but he's the one that bought it for me :P I really didn't have my expectations too high that the game would run flawlessly without bugs...but sheesh! This is pretty bad..worse than FO3 lol. Maybe I should of bought a hard copy, who knows...


But so far, what a beautiful game! Voice acting is superb already, can't wait to get farther.

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Hehe, I have only had two PC crashes with the game so far, but I daren't play it until my computer doctor has been. Reason? A really daft one - the wire to my reset aka on/off button has disconnected AGAIN and pressing it has no effect. So I will have to get him to put a tiny dab of superglue in it this time. So I cannot risk the crash since I cannot reset ATM.
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Doest it work?


Well nobody has said one way of the other, it's from this thread... http://www.gog.com/en/forum/the_witcher_2/unlimited_carry_weight_mod


Savegame cleanup utility.... http://www.gog.com/en/forum/the_witcher_2/savegame_cleanup_utility this does work by the looks of things.


Someone needs to make a mod to fix blocking, it's slow and unresponsive plus it drains your energy.... Come on

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I'm so jealous. I wish that it worked properly on my computer. I can't wait to play it.


Also very jealous. Downloaded it from GOG.com; but, although I make it through the jail interrogation, the game won't move past the loading screen when the tent scene arrives. Strangely enough, I hear the audio portion and, at one point, it breaks through to Geralt in front of a red background talking about his dream, however, the video can't seem to get past that part. Running it in window mode because my computer specs are not top end, but I was able to get the "old faithful" to play Mass Effect 2, so I had a small hope...


Can anybody verify for me the bin sizes of a normal edition download off GOG? I have the following:


Witcher_2 bin 1 2,048,477

Witcher_2 bins 2-4 2,050,782 each

Witcher_2 bin 5 1,631.846

Witcher setup 129,131


Ask because it seems to differ a bit from what someone else posted. I've downloaded it twice though and it was the same both times. Also, does someone know a possible workaround to see if I can get past the video issue?


First post, let's hope it works :)

Edited by OtterNexus
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