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0% for flying grenade in VATS


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Hello peoples

As said in he title, i'm posting here to find out why since the update 1.7, i always get a 0% when i'm tryin' to target a flying grenade ( or molotov cocktail ) in VATS ...

Is it a bug ? have this been made on purpose by Bethsoft (way to balance things) ? and moreover is there a fix or a tweak to remove that ??? :blink:

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Shooting grenades and missiles mid-air in VATS was broken by one of the patches. Supposedly, it has remained broken because Bethesda could not find a way to re-enable it without causing other problems.
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thx for your answers... btw, d'you think that any modders around there would try to fix it since it look like bethsoft won't ?


oh and i must say that i've find a way to avoid this problem : I'm now using the DK timebullet mod instead of the buggy VATS :D

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I never knew that was possible.


I dont know of a fix but looking at the other comments and with my experience dealing with Osbidian's development and updating. They dont do it so well, something that needs to be improved on their part Imo.


You can try to shoot a flying grenade or missle without vats if you have a sharp eye, just a suggestion XD.

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Yeah, i manage to do this sometimes but it's was pretty difficult... though , it's no longer with the bullettime thingy :thumbsup:


The guy who made that mod had a simple but REALLY good idea...

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You can still target the grenade if they have it in their hand. I use MMM and usually get 1 or 2 mutants that want to use grenades. I try to cycle through with VATS and see if any are going to use a grenade and target accordingly. I know it doesn't help if its already been thrown, but it does do wonders if you can shoot it before it gets thrown.
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