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Coming soon is boon and Winters gloom


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It is a shame to speed read through fine works of artistic text.

As I would prefer to sip wine than to gulp it down, but my power's of reason wont let me slow down.


Someone told me I was retarded when I was standing still. While I peered at the speaking male and entertained the consideration's of those who had passed just before me before the word's were fully dispersed.


When I walk about the way, I do, I find words dwindling around a street vendor's head, before they blur into the wind, and him, stock still, talking about the a girl he wore his heart on his sleeve for. When I stopped to gauge what all the thoughts drifting around him meant, his mouth spews forth word's telling me I was a stupid fire, also for slowing my gait, for stopping by, and speaking so rudely.


Thing was; I had not said a word; and I believe all he heard were the words of others who did not slow as they passed him by, and I only stood as long as it took him to curse the world twice, and left while he was still forming a plan to get the next bunch of his goods to the place up the road; tomorrow.


It was sad what he said, that I realized, he had paid for some desirous beauties attention's; only to receive a mirror, from her hand; so he could see why she gave him nothing else in return for the magic seed's. A mirror to see his misshapen head, grotesques teeth, distorted rosy checks above a crooked smile. A gentle pat upon his head, some cooling shade from an umbrella instead, would have been a better gift, but was not what he did receive as his heart fell off, to the ground, from his sleeve.


I will pass him again, heating his brow through that thin white skull; roasting his brain a bit much, I am sure, because it is my place in the sky; day as it is that I bring heat further north to the tidings of Spring, that seems only too, oh too bright, when I am nearly directly over ones head and my appearance is so, that I can burn out an onlookers sight if their peer at me just then.


Just when it seems I am but a brightly dressed bum; streaming yellow strips of cloth behind me; as I run, when they appear to be reaching down to touch anyone who stays out if the shade it whither's paper thin skinned ones. As I seem to be standing still overhead I am really passing by; and to him, as a tear left his good eye, I seemed to speed off into the night.


As ugly as Winter is he knows beauty well, as she walked away; with the sack of seed's he gave her, along the path she strolled so light of foot where his carved and gouged it opened leaving wounds, she dropped the healing seed upon them and patted them as he would have liked. She surrounded with all the others by her side, bird's of many colors alight around her head and shoulders, while near behind her flower's arise, and small fox and cat's adorned her every step, bounding with the rabbits in jest, and by that time I passed him by again, he had seen how the Spring water that refreshed his thirst, showed him his reflection from the melting snow.


The reflection he thought had been true had yet tricked his mind's eyes so he looked like a handsome prince, but the still mercury of the peering glass did not to him lie, as Spring left him to Summer who in her best dress made his white rimmed eyes rise and stir up tear's to rain upon all the color's that Persephone left in her wake.

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