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Your Favourite Book?


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Self explanitory, really.


What is your favourite book in this game? That is, if you even read teh books, haha. i didn't use to, but they aer quite interesting.


I am partial to the book "Purloined Shadows", regarding how the original Gray Fox stole Namira's Shroud, and used a girl to get it. That was cruel, but it was a great read.


Another is "Legend of Krately House", the stage play regarding a family and a pair of thieves.. This was indeed one freaky book. :P

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I remember the first book I read in Morrowind... It was Azura and the Box. After that one I read every book I could find. Did the same in Oblivion.


My favourites... Two that could be found in Morrowind as well: The Lusty Argonian Maid and the Horror of castle Xyr. Palla I is nice too.

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Hmm, my favourite book(s) that I have read can be found in the DB, in the training room chest. One of them is alled The Ribbon merrit and the other is about Netchhide armour methinks. I would check but Oblivion is being tepremental.
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Guest Tessera

My fave is "The Real Barenziah" series.


It's a nice story of a very important lady.

I think it's four volumes... I can't remember now.

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The real Barenzih, 5 tomes I belive. The uncensored versions. Along with The Lusty Argonian Maid. Ah Too bad it was so short. The only book in the game that made me gigle.


After that one I read every book I could find. Did the same in Oblivion.


Even when entering a library o_O ?

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The real Barenzih, 5 tomes I belive. The uncensored versions. Along with The Lusty Argonian Maid. Ah Too bad it was so short. The only book in the game that made me gigle.


After that one I read every book I could find. Did the same in Oblivion.


Even when entering a library o_O ?

Oblivion has libraries? *runs in circles to find them!*


Well I don't read all of them at once, of course :)

I don't enter the Mystic Archives and stay there until I've finished every single one of them. I'm not that wood elf in the IC who talks about his obsession with books and how he can't walk past a book shop without going inside first. o_O

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Any skill books :P

otherwise probably The Real Barenziah (gotta agree with you there, good series)


I have my own library... I'm a thief. All stolen books. Only 8 books to go and I have the entire collection.


I've also robbed every house in four different cities.

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