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Regarding Site Listed as Pirate Site and more.


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Why is this being discussed? Every time LL is mentioned here the staff goes into a tail-spin. Lady Milla didn’t like what she read in the OP and censored a phonetic spelling of L*****L**. I know because I read it before she did the edit. She was so upset with the OP she compared account info just to see if she could get something on him, which she did. The OP didn’t break any forum rules in his post and she had no valid reason to compare accounts, she just didn’t like what she read. And despite Dark0ne’s ‘Oh never mind’ attitude after that point the OP is still valid because Dark0ne treated it that way initially.
And then there is Dark0ne’s epic level of butt-hurt because people say rude things about him on other forums. ‘You’re drinking Kool Aid if you believe that stuff,’ is a cop out. I’ve been a member here since tessource and Dark0ne was 15. Some of the things said about Dark0ne are true because I’ve seen them with my own eyes. Dark0ne does get too much hate directed at him though.
Then we have the staff here who blatantly state LL nothing but a pirate site and a den of mod thieves. Talk about drinking the Kool Aid. The only two staff members here who seem to have a reasonable grasp on reality are bben and Dante, but even then their opinions are tainted about LL.
So why is this being discussed or even considered? No one on the staff really wants it so just leave it alone.
And the OneShotAccount name? Because I’m long-standing member here and I’m not in the mood to have my real account sacked because some staff member that’s been here less time than I have decides they don’t like what I’m posting and wants to ban me. Sad that I have to hide on my home forum just to say what's on my mind. The account was made with a new email and registered with a proxy, fyi.
I know this post will be hidden and only the staff will be able to view it, but the staff is who I'm talking to.



Well I saw your post, not just staff, and I've got to say that the very nature of a one shot account kind of dims any hope of credibility in my eyes. Not that I have any problems with the ban or plan to weigh into this topic in any more depth than that.

Edited by Oubliette
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Why is this being discussed? Every time LL is mentioned here the staff goes into a tail-spin. Lady Milla didn’t like what she read in the OP and censored a phonetic spelling of L*****L**. I know because I read it before she did the edit. She was so upset with the OP she compared account info just to see if she could get something on him, which she did. The OP didn’t break any forum rules in his post and she had no valid reason to compare accounts, she just didn’t like what she read. And despite Dark0ne’s ‘Oh never mind’ attitude after that point the OP is still valid because Dark0ne treated it that way initially.
And then there is Dark0ne’s epic level of butt-hurt because people say rude things about him on other forums. ‘You’re drinking Kool Aid if you believe that stuff,’ is a cop out. I’ve been a member here since tessource and Dark0ne was 15. Some of the things said about Dark0ne are true because I’ve seen them with my own eyes. Dark0ne does get too much hate directed at him though.
Then we have the staff here who blatantly state LL nothing but a pirate site and a den of mod thieves. Talk about drinking the Kool Aid. The only two staff members here who seem to have a reasonable grasp on reality are bben and Dante, but even then their opinions are tainted about LL.
So why is this being discussed or even considered? No one on the staff really wants it so just leave it alone.
And the OneShotAccount name? Because I’m long-standing member here and I’m not in the mood to have my real account sacked because some staff member that’s been here less time than I have decides they don’t like what I’m posting and wants to ban me. Sad that I have to hide on my home forum just to say what's on my mind. The account was made with a new email and registered with a proxy, fyi.
I know this post will be hidden and only the staff will be able to view it, but the staff is who I'm talking to.



You say to "just leave it alone" yet you go to the trouble of hiding behind another account because you couldn't address this on your real account. Maybe you should follow your own words and "just leave it alone". But you had to add fuel to the fire by posting this on a throwaway account. If you're going to get involved in any discussion and want someone to take you seriously: Don't hide behind another identity. But I suppose you laced your post with contempt towards a moderator and it could be damaging to your "long-standing member" reputation, so, you settled on making a throwaway account to take the fall, and it's like what Oubliette said:



I've got to say that the very nature of a one shot account kind of dims any hope of credibility in my eyes.


I really don't care if you have been here longer than LadyMilla. She's a moderator. You are just a member. Your registration date means nothing in comparison to the title of moderator. There are lots of people who have been here just as long as you but they most likely earned their respect. They didn't just expect it from people because of their registration date. If you expect that you need to realize your registration date is the not the be-all-end-all. It's just a date. Get over it. You treat others with respect if you want them to respect you. Which you didn't with LadyMilla.

Edited by JayCrane
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You guys are missing the point. Within two pages the staff demonstrated why removing LL from the ban list is a not a good idea. There are too many hard feelings, so pretend LL doesn't exist and move on from this.


And if you haven't noticed I'm not championing LL's cause.

Edited by OneShotAccount
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Not publically no. Would kind of defeat the point of blacklisting them if we just listed their names for people to trace.

I get the obvious things like linking to pirated content and pornographic images. But I'm asking more for things like "what armor is that", "oh I got it from (website link). Places like modders blogs, japanese mod sites, etc.

Edited by InfamousNate
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Lady Milla didn’t like what she read in the OP and censored a phonetic spelling of L*****L**.



It has nothing to do with liking or disliking the original post. We have a word filter on the forums that censors certain blacklisted words, and the filter was intentionally circumvented (See the rule "Do not attempt to circumvent the word filter" in the Terms of Service). As to your post, we do not ban people for controversial opinions. We ban them for breaking the rules. Our bans are appealable, but once the appeal options have been exhausted they are final, meaning that any accounts the banned member creates after the ban will also be banned when found, and accounts are routinely checked when we have a reason to believe that we might be dealing with a previous banned member.


On that note, I am now closing this account of yours as you have admitted to knowingly breaking our "one account per person" rule. Your posts will remain here as I have no reason to remove them (actually, I find them quite amusing as they fall into the "I shot myself in the foot" category).


As to another straw man argument:



What angers me is seeing a blatantly detest-inspired statement that content blatantly illegaly extracted and converted is the best and most prominent LL has to offer



There is a difference between "easy to find" and "best and most prominent LL has to offer" and I have never said the latter. As a staff member who routinely deals with ripped content and knows where to find ripped meshes/textures and extraction tools on the internet, I can easily spot such mods and check them. And in regard to such content, we have rules that the staff is expected to enforce ("Do not post links to/advertise a third-party site that is unrelated to the mission of Nexus, or is engaged in selling products or offering services of a dubious nature, or hosts or provides access to illegal content" and "...you may not link to sites or files where you can download files that do not adhere to copyright laws. Examples include sites that include files with rips from other games and stolen work from other mod authors without the authors permission. Ignorance is not an excuse. Before you link to a site YOU should ensure that it is safe to link to. A simple search of the site should tell you very quickly whether its acceptable or not."), not to mention a fairly detailed explanation in Dark0ne's post about ported content.

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I've got to say that the very nature of a one shot account kind of dims any hope of credibility in my eyes.


I really don't care if you have been here longer than LadyMilla. She's a moderator. You are just a member. Your registration date means nothing in comparison to the title of moderator. There are lots of people who have been here just as long as you but they most likely earned their respect. They didn't just expect it from people because of their registration date. If you expect that you need to realize your registration date is the not the be-all-end-all. It's just a date. Get over it. You treat others with respect if you want them to respect you. Which you didn't with LadyMilla.

You don't have to care if someone's been here longer that someone else (though the person might have more experience then a certain portion of the staff combined), a one shot account may damage someone's credibility, but have you stopped to think that there is something seriously wrong here (trying hard to not use the profanity that would just perfectly fit in the place of "wrong")? Being a moderator doesn't automatically grant you the Mr.Perfect mix of wisdom, knowledge, character and compassion. Heck, I'd say that the title of moderator can even further damage your credibility if you're the "right" kind of person.


Now, can we appreciate some revelations here?

- A long-timer sets up a kamikaze account because he's afraid of the moderators.

- Professionals built the Titanic, which subsequently sunk

- Professionals made Medal of Honor: Warfighter, which ended up a commercial failure

- Professionals got Call of Duty to go from Anumber1 to an aging running joke on the internet

- Professionals made Crysis 3

- Nexus staff uses language - they present a straw man argument that I am presenting straw man arguments: it was super ineffective

- Amateurs made DotA; it's still being played

- Amateurs made Counter Strike; 1.6 the living legend!

- I set this account up only because I wanted to download stuff! Ask half the account holders whether they had a different reason to set up a Nexus account in the first place


But, why do this? Why?

Venture into the internet and keep an eye out for links to forum discussions where mods vomited all over another site!

When I set up an LL account to try out certain mods that seemed too good to really work as advertised (and they do) was seriously afraid of all the Kool Aid bull.. stuff that I aquired here on the Nexus. I was afraid of getting malware... And now I go about giving newcomers tips on how to set up some things they're not yet familiar with.


Thumbs up to the guys here that are cool, though.

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Unlike yours, my statement was not a straw man. It was a simple statement of fact. There is ripped content on LL, and for that reason, as the rules dictate, we are obliged to block links to that site. LL is not the only site that we blacklisted so LL is not singled out in that regard. Also, I do not think any of the staff members claimed that you would find malware on that site (at least I did not find any moderator posts to that effect). Any site that displays ads from a third-party provider might occasionally contain malware delivered in those ads, and pornographic ads are reportedly more prone to contain malware. Even though we do not display porn ads, we also had reports in the past that certain ads were not exactly benevolent, and such cases were handled by Dark0ne. It is also a fact that Nexus was hacked, sometimes it goes down due to server issues. Nobody is perfect, and I certainly do not claim perfection. We enforce rules, and when we make a mistake, we do apologize. Dark0ne regularly reviews moderation actions, and ensures that they are well documented.


As we said, the reason why LL is blocked:

a) its pornographic ads;

b) the hosted ripped and other unauthorized content or content that violates UK law;


There are indeed talented people there. They are not shunned here in any way as long as they follow the old adage: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". Nexus has different, more stringent rules, but these rules are in the Terms of Service and moderator action is always based on those rules.

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