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Arica Harbor


I was on a tank. We we're down to 32 tickets and counting. My squadmate criticized how i was wasting my time and how firing the tank's main gun on the MCOM is "useless". I told him "its a waste of reinforcement points to keep charging and dying when you can destroy them from a safe distance". He kept insisting that my plan won't work and kept on charging to his death. Few seconds later, boom goes the MCOM. The other team was like "WTF they didn't even touch it!!!!". My squadmate never said a word.

Edited by Winterfall
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A guy in my squad was driving a tank with no machine gunner. I spawned on him as an engineer, and we began to kick ass. I would mow down people with the gun, and jump out to repair if required. I only died once, at the end of the game.

By said end of game, i was on 34 kills no deaths. Because i had only 1 death though, it still counted my KDR as 34.00



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Nice CC, I bet by the end of the round the enemy team was constantly making a B line for your tank. Happened on Arica Harbor for me was pushing on the last base and their whole team had spawned engy and went for me the only tank that didn't die from the start of the game, they got the tank but didn't get me. They lost the round shortly there after cause not one of those people bothered to defend the mcoms.
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They were coming for us, but didnt get close :devil:


Yesterday, i spawned in with a bunch of friends. We took the quadbikes (map was Harvest Day) and drove around like maniacs just roadkilling and mowing some guys down with an LMG on the back.

I got Wheels of Hazard that round :D

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Well, I had a fun one tonight:


A mortar strike wiped out almost my whole team, and then a medic charged, I shot him in the face with a SPAS at close range, grabbed his kit (anddefibs), revived our medic, and then heard a bang behind me, the enemy recon was rushing me with a Raffica, I charged him, whacked him with the Defibs, and then grabbed his kit, I had been a recon before, pulled out his lovely black M-95, and popped the medic one as he repwaned. Not very special, but it was very very fun(BF noob)

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  • 8 months later...
Can't recall all the details but I was an attacker on Valipariso. I was mostly using my sniper class and at the end of the round I got 101 kills. Can't remember my final score but I'm pretty sure I had roughly 40 something achievement (7 kills with sniper, nemesis, savior, etc...) pins at the end of the round.
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