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Forgot my TesSource user login


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Hi as the topic states I forgot my user login for the tes download site. Its different then my user name and when I send recovery requests it only tells me my password and my displayed name. Is there a way for my to find out my user name with out having this account deleted and starting a new one?
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There is no username for the TESSource login as I recall, it's been changed so you enter the email you used with your account. So just enter whatever email address you used to sign up for your account and your password and you should be good to go. If you've forgotten which email you used then uh... not much that can be done really besides trying every email you've got until it works. ^^;


Methinks this belongs more in Feedback, Suggestions and Questions. Moving...

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No username for site, email for forums.


I'm having identical problems except when I enter the e-mail I used for registration (confirmed because I still have the e-mail you're sent), and the password I just changed because I couldn't remember the old one, it still won't log me in.

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