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I was not suprised at how many people would recommend this site, I was a console only person until years into Skyrim I accidentally saw what people could do to it with Nexus. I immediately went and bought the highest end laptop money could buy and haven't needed to buy another game since.

P.s. My wife hates you

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In response to post #27629265. #27638305, #27646975, #27656345, #27670290 are all replies on the same post.

Roachbait wrote: I was glad to be of help, if I really was...what surprises me is the upper ages are so low in percentage, we were kids back when video games first came around...back in the 70's. We grew up and watched as they started to evolve, from the pre-cambrian-ages of computer life. I remember when there was no such thing as "Sonic, the Hedgehog", or, any of the others after that...there was "Pong", and like, what, three other games? The very first game, the space one, and a couple more, and they were very obscure, and you had to know the right people to even know about them...then Space-Invaders...Asteroids...Missile Command...Atatri (and others) hit it big with the consoles they put out...Donkey Kong later on...Dig-Dug...Defender...On and on...I spent mountains of quarters on them all...and then some. Maybe the rest lost interest, I never did, video games had me hooked...I found levels of "immersion" kids today will never succumb to in video arcades of the past, in new things called "Malls". Although they yet complain that what is around now isn't enough...you want real "immersion" go outside, and play in the yard, like WE did as kids...there was NO cable tv...NO real desktop computers...NO internet...NO cell phones...those things were all new to me, one by one, and many like me, decades ago. We wonder at the youth today, and wonder how they can even complain, they have it soooo easy, and so readily handed to them on a silver platter, with a velvet pillow...we had footballs, basketballs, baseballs, or, maybe, a Frisbee to play with...or Hot Wheels...and past that, it was the imaginations of those around us we used to inspire us, or our own thoughts and wishes...past books, Dungeons and Dragons, etc... Most kids, and young adults, couldn't even imagine a world without the internet...MANY of us were around, long, long, before it ever was. I only wished I had toys this nice...back when I was their age. That false sense of entitlement has always bothered me...they ask for so much, yet never lift a finger to enable it, or make it so...The world owes no one any favors, yet they complain about graphics? Or frame-rates? Or a connection they don't even pay for? There was no such thing, thirty+ years ago...
BlindJudge wrote: My first 'computer' was a Phillips Videopac. Followed swiftly by Sinclair Spectrum and then a Commodore 64. I remember vividly all the old games and the magazines I would get to see what was coming out. Who remember 'Computer and Video Games magazine'?

I'm 36 and still loving each and every game I play. A lot of my friends are older than me and they too continue to game and enjoy.

Glad to hear you do too. :D
Eolhin wrote: Anyone remember the old Zork text games? Some lines from those, like "No good surface", "Take it for granite", being eaten by a Grue and Verbose mode (which I am permanently stuck in) are still used around our house. :D
zcul wrote: Hi Roachbait, thank you for this post :smile:
Seems that I am not the only "dinosaur" here with the same experience as you described here ;) - but at least represented with about 2%.
I also remember times, game data were saved on audio cassettes and must be loaded on a C 64 before you could play the corresponding game - that was in the mid 80s as far as I remember - something young adults or colleagues of mine at work cannot imagine ;)
They cannot even imagine life without cable or satelite tv, the more less tv not running round the clock with 3 or max 4 channels ... ;)

Anyway, the results are most interesting for me.

Big thank you to BlindJudge for running this survey and for taking the huge task that now lies before him to assess and implement the results and suggestions he got.
May you do well, BlindJudge, good luck.

My first computer was a Schneider CPC 464. You had to load games from a tape and it literally took an hour to load it, with the possibility it could crash during load. Fruity Frank must have been the most funny game by that time...39 over here^^
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
Saerileth wrote:
I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
Signette wrote:
Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

That's the gaming industry today.
Saerileth wrote:
Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.

Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130, #27695640 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
Saerileth wrote:
I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
Signette wrote:
Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

That's the gaming industry today.
Saerileth wrote:
Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
Mofakin wrote: Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...

Being a female gamer/modder (though most of my mods I made for myself so they don't really count, IMO), it IS kind of suprising...
Just take a look at

As of 2013, about 45% of gamers are female. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's increased in the past two years.

There's an appalling amount of sexism, and comments about domestic violence, rape, and how "Women shouldn't be playing video games, they should be in the kitchen LOL1!1!1!"

Note: Their words, not mine. I don't agree with it at all- like I said, I AM a female gamer- I'm just bringing it to light, please don't flame me. ;) Edited by shadowslasher410
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Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
Saerileth wrote:
I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
Signette wrote:
Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

That's the gaming industry today.
Saerileth wrote:
Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
Mofakin wrote: Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...
shadowslasher410 wrote: Being a female gamer/modder (though most of my mods I made for myself so they don't really count, IMO), it IS kind of suprising...
Just take a look at

As of 2013, about 45% of gamers are female. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's increased in the past two years.

There's an appalling amount of sexism, and comments about domestic violence, rape, and how "Women shouldn't be playing video games, they should be in the kitchen LOL1!1!1!"

Note: Their words, not mine. I don't agree with it at all- like I said, I AM a female gamer- I'm just bringing it to light, please don't flame me. ;)

Didn't even have time to complete the survey, was basically away from anything with electricity for the past few days)
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130, #27695640, #27697270, #27702335 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
Saerileth wrote:
I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
Signette wrote:
Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

That's the gaming industry today.
Saerileth wrote:
Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
Mofakin wrote: Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...
shadowslasher410 wrote: Being a female gamer/modder (though most of my mods I made for myself so they don't really count, IMO), it IS kind of suprising...
Just take a look at

As of 2013, about 45% of gamers are female. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's increased in the past two years.

There's an appalling amount of sexism, and comments about domestic violence, rape, and how "Women shouldn't be playing video games, they should be in the kitchen LOL1!1!1!"

Note: Their words, not mine. I don't agree with it at all- like I said, I AM a female gamer- I'm just bringing it to light, please don't flame me. ;)
Winjin wrote: Didn't even have time to complete the survey, was basically away from anything with electricity for the past few days)

I don't know what planet you're living on. But the gaming industry here on Earth has done absolutely no such thing.
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130, #27695640, #27697270, #27702335, #27704350 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
Saerileth wrote:
I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
Signette wrote:
Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

That's the gaming industry today.
Saerileth wrote:
Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
Mofakin wrote: Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...
shadowslasher410 wrote: Being a female gamer/modder (though most of my mods I made for myself so they don't really count, IMO), it IS kind of suprising...
Just take a look at

As of 2013, about 45% of gamers are female. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's increased in the past two years.

There's an appalling amount of sexism, and comments about domestic violence, rape, and how "Women shouldn't be playing video games, they should be in the kitchen LOL1!1!1!"

Note: Their words, not mine. I don't agree with it at all- like I said, I AM a female gamer- I'm just bringing it to light, please don't flame me. ;)
Winjin wrote: Didn't even have time to complete the survey, was basically away from anything with electricity for the past few days)
NickSheperd wrote: I don't know what planet you're living on. But the gaming industry here on Earth has done absolutely no such thing.

"I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods?"

Nude doesn't bother me. Skimpiness does. Many females pay attention to style and sense of fashion. So if you have a nice armor and just cut out the crotch area and tights, it may attract a male, but is otherwise completely senseless and not aesthetically pleasing anymore. It just looks like they forgot to put on their trousers.
This makes me really sad because skimpiness for its own sake ruins some good designs.

I'd also like a tag that you just can hide it in the search. Saves much time.

Edited by Lamproly
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130, #27695640, #27697270, #27702335, #27704350, #27705270 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
Saerileth wrote:
I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
Signette wrote:
Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

That's the gaming industry today.
Saerileth wrote:
Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
Mofakin wrote: Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...
shadowslasher410 wrote: Being a female gamer/modder (though most of my mods I made for myself so they don't really count, IMO), it IS kind of suprising...
Just take a look at

As of 2013, about 45% of gamers are female. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's increased in the past two years.

There's an appalling amount of sexism, and comments about domestic violence, rape, and how "Women shouldn't be playing video games, they should be in the kitchen LOL1!1!1!"

Note: Their words, not mine. I don't agree with it at all- like I said, I AM a female gamer- I'm just bringing it to light, please don't flame me. ;)
Winjin wrote: Didn't even have time to complete the survey, was basically away from anything with electricity for the past few days)
NickSheperd wrote: I don't know what planet you're living on. But the gaming industry here on Earth has done absolutely no such thing.
Lamproly wrote: "I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods?"

Nude doesn't bother me. Skimpiness does. Many females pay attention to style and sense of fashion. So if you have a nice armor and just cut out the crotch area and tights, it may attract a male, but is otherwise completely senseless and not aesthetically pleasing anymore. It just looks like they forgot to put on their trousers.
This makes me really sad because skimpiness for its own sake ruins some good designs.

I'd also like a tag that you just can hide it in the search. Saves much time.

Lamproly, it already exists:

In the account options popup, click on "block content", then you have a whole bunch of things you can choose to block, such as skimpy stuff. For example, i use it to block translations and saved games. It works really well, shame so many people don't even know it exists.
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In response to post #27527609. #27527849, #27527994, #27528224, #27528879, #27528919, #27529224, #27529299, #27529544, #27529909, #27530019, #27530539, #27530744, #27531059, #27532069, #27532379, #27532479, #27532774, #27534654, #27536949, #27537029, #27537364, #27537434, #27537699, #27537784, #27538114, #27539284, #27542064, #27542384, #27543549, #27544024, #27544079, #27544349, #27545064, #27547409, #27549534, #27554170, #27554760, #27554915, #27555635, #27559975, #27561095, #27561920, #27562995, #27565100, #27565465, #27566025, #27566285, #27567170, #27570770, #27572065, #27576690, #27576960, #27579905, #27595795, #27598485, #27607280, #27608280, #27610230, #27613615, #27642130, #27695640, #27697270, #27702335, #27704350, #27705270, #27709465 are all replies on the same post.

Jokerine wrote: Gee. I had no idea girls were so rare around these parts... :laugh:
Elianora wrote: Especially when you consider so many of us authors that turn out to be girls!

Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

Man, now we just need more mod user girls since we have the author front covered! :D
crazytaz wrote: all so there are some people who didn't take the survey
MotoSxorpio wrote: Yeah, quite a shock about the gender numbers. I was sure it was closer to 70-30 male dominant.

Looking forward to what the future brings for the sites. Looks like BlindJudge is jumping in with both feet.
Niyogi wrote: Female user here. I'm super shocked by the gender numbers. I agree with Moto. I thought the gap wouldn't be so large. It does explain the lack of female tailored mods out there though. At least there are some! :)
Tamira wrote: Yeah, took me by surprise too :D
SolidusEkans wrote: Call NeoGAF!!! favicon.png
Madcat221 wrote:
Jaxonz, kryptopyr, Mattie, you and me, Tamira, zzjay....

You two and Tamira were apparent, but... the others? o_O And I thought I was on top of checking profiles to check gender to avoid such awkward moments...
Thumblesteen wrote: I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women. It's quite tragic, really. To all the women out there who still haven't given up on gaming as a passtime, I must say, I'm quite inspired. To put up with all the sexist nonsense is a proper show of strength.
AmiMizuno wrote: >.< Endangered species... lol more like just a dang rare sight. I was surprised too at this very skewed gender numbers!
thesniperdevil wrote: I am sure all those skimpy anime mods on the front page don't help in attracting female audiences.
EMS60 wrote: Hey, not every woman plays SIMS or how things like this are called. :pinch:

But if this is the reflection of the usership I'll never ever wonder anymore why half of the mods want to make your female Dragonborn look like some half nude kindergarten welp with the breast size of Chelsea Charms and the male ones like some watered down Final Fantasy toy boys. :laugh:
<= *praises fadingsignal and Maevan2*

But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small. o_O
madpaddy wrote: 3% of those females are probably men pretending to be women, its a bizarre internet phenomenon ive never understood.
Elbethien wrote: I thought the same about women, pretending to be male.
llamaRCA wrote: I "collect" girl modders (know who they are) because there are so few of us :)
Signette wrote: Not surprised really, my guess that if such question would be put out on ANY gaming-only site/community at its core the numbers would be close to that.

Many women/girls are convinced that gaming is too childish or stupid and don't get involved in it or hiding it as best as they can, but tbh in more or less civil countries EVERYONE is a gamer even if that means some casual mobile or browser gaming.

Stereotypes rules minds these days.
t3h0th3r wrote: I fact, 70% of the Top 10 adult mods are by a female modder ;)
Zchu wrote: People are always surprised I am female. I guess I should add something girly on my user name??? I mean my Avy is my female OC... but still.

I am a mod creator also, I just don't publish my work. I horde my things all for myself =p
The only thing published publicly I helped with is the Fine Faces texture. I worked on the neck, ears and redid the feet textures for SAM body.

One day i will publish one of my mods that is not too personal (not one of my OC's is what I mean)

I also download tons of skimpy armor and have nude mods. Not for any pervy reasons, rather as an artist I find the human form beautiful. I want my characters to be perfect and customized, every bit of them.

That's my 2 cents anyway ^^
Jeir wrote: I was also surprised by the gender results. I make no secret that I'm female (nor did Caliente, when she was still around) and I've never had any issues from other people about it; not even considering the fact I'm co-author of the most popular female body mod on Skyrim Nexus. XD I also know of a number of mod makers and users who are female.
It could simply be that a lot of the ladies around simply didn't answer the survey. Many people just come for the mods, and may not pay attention to the news, so may not have seen it.
nivea wrote: *Sobs* Well at least I know there are a few of us out there lol.

*Hugs Llama* :)
lydiacat wrote: Wow! We are rare. Interesting.
cavity75 wrote: I usually just ignore the skimpy mods, as a woman of course it turned me away from nexus mods for a while. But I've actually been working on creating mods, I've been into stuff like that since I was younger, and I've decided to start. I just block that content and stick to my female characters having their vanilla bodies.
cavity75 wrote: GIRLS ADD ME!!!! We need to stick together
llamaRCA wrote: @Nivea - *hugs* :)

@cavity75 - Hi! Went to add you, but you'd beat me to it!

:) llama
DerpyJones wrote: ^^ omg a girl!
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: yeah, not gonna lie, that's news to me too
bethjunkie wrote: The survey hung up on me and I don't think it ever submitted so that could have happened to more of us unicorns and skewed the results. I know quite a few female modders and mod users over the age of 35 on these sites.

8% 35-44...buncha whippersnappers! *grumble grumble*
Heaventhere wrote: I am a bit shocked not more of us woman on nexus, really just 9%, blows me away.... or maybe it is not many woman did the survey as I know a lot of woman and 9% seems really small....but even with my name have been called dude so many times in comments I wonder if anyone looks to see who they are commenting to lol.

Was just looking again and saw I am in the 55 to 64, 2 % range... gee many of us either.
taerie wrote: I've done my best but all my female friends just kind of roll their eyes and tune me out. I am a female user and (very rudimentary) mod author AND in the 55 to 64 2%! It is damn lonely out here being a unicorn!

All the front page female mods are only annoying to me because they are not balanced by front page male mods. Fix that and it might help the situation.
CaiusN wrote: I agree with Taerie that for me, it's somewhat off-putting to have few to no male front page mods to balance the female ones. I don't mind the skimpy clothing per se, but without male stuff to match it certainly gives me the impression this is a bit of a boy's club. It's not like the system cheats for this either, guys and gals often prefer to play dress-up with female characters. This is more a concern for managing people's first, second, and third impressions so they stick around to share and develop their talents.

So, thinking productively: "hide adult mods" is pretty narrow, but having a '-skimpy' tag setting as the public default for front page views would be a good test to see if it pulls more repeat users. Better tag integration would allow me to search for armor with meshes for both genders, but without avoiding skimpy.

Well I guess I'd better start contributing the sort of things I like in any case. That's the beauty of mods.
akparkison wrote: Happy female user here. And not shocked the number for women players was so low. Honestly. ;)

It is amazing given how MANY modders are females. Seriously. UGH.
JZBai wrote: So to offset the effect of the skimpy female armors and bring in a larger female user base to the Nexus, we need more skimpy male armors on the front page...

nyxalinth wrote: Nyxalinth :D
Eolhin wrote: I am a female mod author in the 45 to 54: 5%. I have to say, I knew that the numbers were skewed for age and gender, but I didn't think they were THAT skewed. o_O It would be interesting to see if, from a demographic perspective, female users are just less likely to answer surveys. *wry chuckle*

Interesting... if you add up the percentages, you end up with 101% for Gender, and for Age, both. There must be some funky rounding going on there somewhere.
Ash117 wrote: I don't even blink anymore when people say, "Hey man." Or call me dude.
I should probably change the colour of my spartan to pink, but blue is my favourite colour...
Eolhin wrote: I agree with you entirely regarding blue. :) I am not giving it up to dispel gender ambiguity for those that can't be bothered to look up the gender of the person they are addressing. I think "dude" is sort of becoming a universal unisex term though, a kind of gender-non-specific pronoun. Either that, or linguistically, unknown and gender uncertain situations are all defaulting male now.
Lisnpuppy wrote: <---is one of the 9%
thefinn wrote: lol only 5% of us between 45-54 :\
Zaldiir wrote: There may be few of you, but by the gods, do you contribute! I think the percentage would be a bit different had the survey only been for mod authors. :)
ukankissthis wrote: As for the gaming industry being aimed at men I am going to point out the obvious sexism, no joke these days but even the top CEO's in the gaming industry will state that that is their targeted market. I am starting to get an idea bout the modding tools and I am going to eventually create my own due to a serious lack thereof.
Saerileth wrote:
I mean, let's face it, the gaming industry have spent the last ten years or so making every effort humanly possible to alienate women.

Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.
Signette wrote:
Uh... I didn't notice any of all that. Maybe I'm playing the "wrong" kind of games? But I never felt put off, certainly not because of my gender.

Well, considering majority of most popular titles featuring brutal males with weapons (guns or swords) killing as a main goal (like in 90% of video games) making dumb sexist jokes on the go, or female character as main protagonist in waaaay too skimpy looks attracting young horny males...

Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females, that's why SIMS is n1 on fem gaming list, which is sad, really...

That's the gaming industry today.
Saerileth wrote:
Fightning, racing, building or sports don't usually attract females

You know, that's actually part of the problem right there - public opinion telling me and other potential gaming women that we have no business enjoying any of these things. Maybe you should start blaming the media for brainwhashing parents into believing that girls need barbies while boys get trucks and squirt guns, instead of condemning gaming companies for making great, successful games. ;)
BlueWarlord wrote: The gender results were not a total surprise. I think females tend to be casual gamers, but casuals lean toward console, while serious gamers tend to lean toward PC. So i don't think this poll is representive of the actual female gaming community, just the nexus community.
CriManto wrote: Male user here. Oh yea, i think that games and mods are not only for us guys. Games are for all. :D
tracysilva wrote: I thought there would be more ladies too. But in saying that I don't know any other women that play games. Lets hope that improves! :D (I'm a lady player and love using mods)
CoffeeShopSamurai wrote: Plus you've gotta keep in mind that internet surveys are never the most reliable source for information. The numbers they have are probably relatively good, but there is always potential for data to be skewed in one way or another. When there are more people answering, the data isn't as accurate.
megageeklizzy wrote: Well, the percentage of the gaming community that is female has been rising quite steadily, and while a lot of people think that females mostly play Candy Crush and other (horribly sexist) "girl games", there is also a growing population of PC and console female gamers. As a female who is a part of the gaming community, as well as a student studying to be an artist in the industry, I think games have taken huge steps toward being better suited to women. Sure, we still have our scantily dressed heroines with thunder-thighs and massive breasts, but at least they aren't stuck in a cage crying while they wait to be rescued by the male protagonist.
KaoFox wrote: to be fair i'm not all that surprised at the gap... given all the "Adult" content tailored to guys floods the front pages daily. i think it would be interesting to see the sexuality gaps instead tho.
Badgerwoman wrote: 9%. Dang. I figured there would be more men, but that's crazy. There has got to be more that just 9%. Even in the MMO good ol boys club, there's more women than that. Maybe its just that more men took the survey, proportionately?
tonycubed2 wrote: I am in that 5 percent group too. Makes me feel old...
Ithildin wrote: <== 9% gender group, 5% age group (first game I ever played was the home version of Atari Pong). I'm a mod user who sometimes creates mods for personal use, participated in the survey, and am very surprised about the gender ratio. o_O
Sertith wrote: I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods? I'm a female gamer, and I don't give a poo if there are some boobs on the front page. If you want more hot nudie guy mods on the front page, make them?

My only concern about any nude mods, male or female, is the amount of kids that play this game, and come here looking for mods. For the sake of not getting sued, you'd think the "adult" mods would only be visible behind a account creation. I know people lie all the time about ages on the internet, but at least if they HAVE to sign up to see naked elves, you have some defense if a suin' happens.

Socratatus wrote: Just the reality. males are far more into games than females, despite what the feminists say. And it isn`t because of bullying or anything like that. That`s just the way it is- Nothing wrong with that.
cavity75 wrote: Dude feminism is equality it had nothing to do with games yo
Dragonfire12 wrote: I am deeply troubled by the outcome of this survey regarding the participation of women. So much so that I would suggest to the Nexus Management that they generate a new survey from women only. This simply can not be a true testament to the contribution of women to our community. Please give them their own survey. They deserve it.
Eolhin wrote: I really don't see that a survey of women only would have much point... Other than perhaps to indicate what percentage of women who are active here, and answer surveys, are also mod creators, or the like.

A better idea might be a more extended survey (as in, over a longer period of time), in order to catch people with a wider range of schedules. At least a week would be needed to get a broader picture of things, and even then, this being Summer, the percentage of those still of school age is likely to be skewed higher.

If the only idea of the survey was demographics, I am sure there is some way for those in charge to access statistics on what percentage of account holders have declared themselves to be what gender, or what age in their profile (as well as those that decline to state). The site also tracks when an account holder was last active, and whether they have posted any mods, so if they wanted to limit the results to only currently active members, or only mod authors, that could be done as well. I would be curious to see those broader statistics myself. But I believe the actual point of the survey was to get opinions of what the site is doing right and wrong, and what users in general thought should be improved, and how. The demographic information on the respondees was, I think, provided more as an interesting aside then as the intended results of the survey.
Amiachan wrote: I'm a girl. I'm honestly kinda shocked at the numbers, but it IS true that a lot of girls pretend to be guys online and vice versa, so....how can we tell? Oh well, what does it matter? We're all gamers, that's the important thing~!
BluePianoTwo wrote: Wow- I thought that there would be more of us ladies as well. Interesting.
OzoneGames wrote: @Elianora now that you mentioned multiple authors that by name that are girls, then all sort of creepy, hopeful or desperate lonely nerds will add them as friends, including me.

Edit: No, Im not actually going to add anyone. I have too much bride to approach women (or alternatively just too shy)
v1p3r01 wrote: With all the sexed, skimpy "armor", body textures and what not is no wonder 90% are males. Many never seen a real woman naked up close, so all they can do is make their dream waifu in game while taking the worm out and start burping it with making 100 pics per day to share with the community for "OMG gief likes I am special look at my plastic gurl". Why not just play a direct adult game instead of turning this game into a porn/dressing/character simulator? Each their own. Just my thoughts.

Still adult mods are lore friendly, the children in the game didn't came out from nowhere. Nor should it be the lack of prostitution, gambling, profanity or generic adult pastures. TES games are so childish when compared to Witcher series.
Mofakin wrote: Jaxonz is a female? Now that is a surprise. Given all the technical Mods she created I could have sworn she's a male. I didn't expect kryptopyr to be a female as well...:)

Females enrich communitys, half of my friends on Steam are girls...so...
shadowslasher410 wrote: Being a female gamer/modder (though most of my mods I made for myself so they don't really count, IMO), it IS kind of suprising...
Just take a look at

As of 2013, about 45% of gamers are female. I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's increased in the past two years.

There's an appalling amount of sexism, and comments about domestic violence, rape, and how "Women shouldn't be playing video games, they should be in the kitchen LOL1!1!1!"

Note: Their words, not mine. I don't agree with it at all- like I said, I AM a female gamer- I'm just bringing it to light, please don't flame me. ;)
Winjin wrote: Didn't even have time to complete the survey, was basically away from anything with electricity for the past few days)
NickSheperd wrote: I don't know what planet you're living on. But the gaming industry here on Earth has done absolutely no such thing.
Lamproly wrote: "I'm kind of surprised so many ladies are bothered by the nude/semi nude mods here. Here we are, killing things in this game, kill cams and dismemberment but heaven forbid someone post boob mods?"

Nude doesn't bother me. Skimpiness does. Many females pay attention to style and sense of fashion. So if you have a nice armor and just cut out the crotch area and tights, it may attract a male, but is otherwise completely senseless and not aesthetically pleasing anymore. It just looks like they forgot to put on their trousers.
This makes me really sad because skimpiness for its own sake ruins some good designs.

I'd also like a tag that you just can hide it in the search. Saves much time.

tiwa44 wrote: Lamproly, it already exists:

In the account options popup, click on "block content", then you have a whole bunch of things you can choose to block, such as skimpy stuff. For example, i use it to block translations and saved games. It works really well, shame so many people don't even know it exists.

"But seriously... I never thought that the female percentage and my own age range would be so small."

I, too, was stunned.
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