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Heads up Dark0ne & other site owners


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I have not see the law...just the article linked. Not sure it actually applies to this site however. Ads are not being tailored based on what other sites you visit. From what I understand, the ads are being tailored based on your IP address (geography) which is NOT stored in your cookie. Login (session) data is what's stored in your cookie to allow the site to know you are the same person that logged in just a few seconds ago on a prior page...thus not having to login again when you visit another page (hence the word "session").


Dark0ne does make use of the cookie in regards to ads but only as a condition in order to reduce ads being displayed. Such as being logged in, you see a video ad a certain number of times and then no more after that...which requires the session / cookie from page to page to know that you have already logged in, seen the ads and no longer need to see them again.


Another option to using cookies is the use of the uber-ugly URL session which puts the session key inside the URL of every link (which looks like an extremely long URL full of gibberish. This is not particularly helpful if any links are "hard-coded" such as a direct URL to a download page...without the session key tacked onto the end of the URL, you would have to login again in order to remain "logged in."


Again, I think all "targeted" ads are based on geographical location (IP Address) along with the pre-defined category that we are all gamers...which means we are most interested in game-related ads. This is also something which is not cookie-related.


So, #1, I don't think this law applies or covers how cookies are being utilized on this site in regards to displaying ads and #2, if the law is made to be all-encompassing (meaning everyone has to make changes regardless of how they are being used), then yes, this will just be aggravation with no actual benefit as to the real reason why the law was passed.



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Agree with your sentiments LHammonds, especially the one below as Euro MP's seem to be really effective at creating this effect.


if the law is made to be all-encompassing (meaning everyone has to make changes regardless of how they are being used), then yes, this will just be aggravation with no actual benefit as to the real reason why the law was passed.



But it would seem from this statement that it will be all encompassing:


From 25 May, European laws dictate that "explicit consent" must be gathered from web users who are being tracked via text files called "cookies".


Which will probably mean a lot of this :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: for web site owners.

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The fun with european laws is that the context has a less value if the law isn't specified. Like marthos said, you've got to give explicit permission to use cookies. The thing is that recent cookie use saves values for a long time (a month). At a local version of Amazon they've recently introduced an ad that traces back that cookie. So if you've recently checked certain items, they'll appear in that ad! And that surfaces across a lot of websites around the web. In an attempt to tackle its use they'll make a mainstream law to always ask for permission to use cookies. Even if it's stated at several places, it might be so that you've got to ask separately.


If someone would find the exact law we could read out if it'd really apply :).

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Or, a check box included in the sign up stating that this site uses cookies to identify you to the site, and for other reasons, and by checking this box you hereby give explicit approval for cookies - Most people won't read it they will just check the box and later claim they weren't informed.
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The phrase "being tracked" in this case is not clear. As said, we need to see the actual law. From what I understand, the ads being directed on this site is based purely on IP location and thus, cookies "being tracked" for this purpose does not happen as I understand it.


Besides, how are marketing people going to know to give you a specific ad if you are on the Lost Paladins mod page verses the Silver Dragon mod page? There isn't any kind of directed benefit for ads when it comes to page-by-page views. It is just a general "gamers" market...not specific products.

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Hehe, imagine a system on here (other cookie) saving what mods you've not downloaded yet, but simply watched and would be appearing as an ad like the hot files one :P ? Too bad there's little space for it :(.


ontopic: In essence it applies to the fact if such a thing would be used onsite/offsite from nexus. Like seeing another gaming place and nexus ads would appear. The strictness will decide if it'll be hopefully just limited to that. (as it wouldn't affect anything here if not done.)

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I'm not to concerned about cookies, you can zap em easy enough, what I think the Europrats should be doing is passing a law that permits the public flogging, birching, tar & feathering and vehicular neck stretching of hackers, scammers and malware & virus writers.


Just spent a couple of hours getting rid of a nasty piece of malware and now I'm paranoid, did I really get rid of it ?


Or is it hiding somewhere, waiting to get me.


I'm off to have a stomp round the garden and swear a bit.

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