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MO and Wrye Bash?


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if you let MO manage the archive, the bashed patch is inefficient .

i'm not using Wrye bash anymore, but, i don't have much mods which need to be leveled etc..


ex. Winter is coming works as attended with Mo without WB, cloaks are ig leveled.

Wet and cold as well can manage leveled list in it's McM menu and works perfectly.


you can check your saves aswell in MO like in WB, it will tell you if masters or .esps are missing, reload them etc..

move you load and install order at will like ..WB

at the end i was using WB only to tweak .ini's ... more summon, cell reset.


well not sure if it answer your question ;)


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Ah, so leveled lists aren't handled all that well by MO, eh?


A Bash Patch is very helpful. Even better would be using a Merge Patch using TES5edit, and deleting the Leveled lists during creation. Then install a Bash Patch over it just for the leveled lists.

Beyond cleaning master files and such with TES5edit, why is this better?

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If MO is telling you that the bashed patch is a dummy patch then you failed to create a bashed patch

right 100%.......

i've build a setup with

Immersive armor


Jaysus sword

Ghosus sword


rebuilt the patch, create my mod with the overwrite in MO and..done, no dummy :(


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