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New Mod Ideas (Inspiration for those who have the skills and desire to create new mods for Skyrim)


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Every now and then I see something that is just no quite right in Skyrim, but alas time is rarely a commodity in my line of work. So as many mod users I look to see if someone has already created something for what I am looking to change. Often I am not alone in my critique of the game and someone has already addressed the matter (just download and keep playing). However, this is not always the case. Sometimes the mod has not been made or, for whatever reason, was placed in a category I would not think to be it. So I thought I would start a suggestion box of sorts for new ideas to give to those who have the skills and are looking for a new project.


Note: If you see a suggestion here and there already is a mod for it on the Nexus, please help out and provide the link.


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To start this off, my first idea is not an old one but one that may be possible now:


Manually lit braziers in dungeons

  • In unexplored dungeons the player would need to use a torch, fire arrow, or a fire spell to light the braziers, candles, and torches
  • In dungeons where there are known occupation either by bandits or other quest related NPCs the braziers could be already lit

Is this mod idea plausible?

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We can't move a post, just a full topic.

You didn't specify what game though so I wouldn't have been able to move it anyway.

In Oblivion one of my favorite mods had exactly this - And I could go around lighting lanterns and wall torches using the nearly useless fireball spell you get when you start the game.

Dungeons of Ivellon. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13714/? :thumbsup:

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You didn't specify what game though so I wouldn't have been able to move it anyway.


Well, he actually did:


Every now and then I see something that is just no quite right in Skyrim


(Skyrim is also in the title)

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To start this off, my first idea is not an old one but one that may be possible now:


Manually lit braziers in dungeons

  • In unexplored dungeons the player would need to use a torch, fire arrow, or a fire spell to light the braziers, candles, and torches
  • In dungeons where there are known occupation either by bandits or other quest related NPCs the braziers could be already lit

Is this mod idea plausible?


Step 1) make your own combo triple: brazier + fxfire object + lighting object, linked together and scripted so that it behaves as required

Step 2) replace existing braziers, fire effects, and lightings with the new ones.

Repeat for fire sources other than braziers.


Perhaps there is a way to do 2) without manually going through each dungeon brazier.


Perhaps there is a way to reuse existing objects.

But I guess that since existing object triples - braziers, fxfires, and lightings - are not linked together, it probably is going to end up a tedious labor which you won't be able to automate easily - it might be possible with some extraordinary tool hacking.

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