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Skyrim to Fallout Total Conversion, need just a bit of help


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Ive been working on making a total conversion in skyrim turning it into a fallout game. I intended on just doing it myself but I've ran into some speedbumps


Obviously I cant import vanilla fallout assets into skyrim, so Ive been using modders resources as well as making new content but I also have limits to my abilities


Basically, I need help converting a mess of fallout mod resource assets to skyrim, and any help would be appreciated even if you help with just one, and ofcorse you will be credited


the assets in question are:





http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/6902/? done


http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/6903/? done








http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59783/? done








http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/6308/? done


http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/6905/? done


http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/14825/? done










Theres ofcorse more but I just need help spreading the workload





also if you can edit the animations of the staff and crossbow and want to help let me know

Edited by septango1STG
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You cannot make Skyrim into Fallout, even if the engine is the same. The mechanics are changed, and everything is hardcoded for you to change something in the engine without the source code. You are basically embarking on a flight that is set to crash as soon as you depart.
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Heh, says you



Fallout is a stetting, Im not out to hard copy 3 and nv, fallout has been everything from an isometric crpg, a first person shooter rpg, an rts, a twin stick shooter, and a micromanagement game


actually oddly enough, from what I can and cant do, its actually turning into something closer to fallout 4

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Good luck trying kid but I think you seriously underestimate the amount of work an undertaking like this requires. It'd require a dedicated team of modders years to do a total conversion like this and that doesn't even begin to touch the animation problems you'd run into.

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  • 2 months later...

I think you're trying to go to big. As has been mentioned a TC is gonna take a long time to accomplish.


What I'd suggest is making it kind of a DLC. Create a new quest that has you finding some strange artifact or building, and have an Elder Scroll at the location that "flings" you into Skyrim in the FO era. That way you can create a separate land/landscape, and any small glaring asset issues like certain buildings or items that seem to be a part of vanilla Skyrim are explainable. It would also make it more modular, where you could add content as conversions were done.

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nah, I got this, and really all a TC has to be is an alt start in a new world


I figure I'll release it in "episodic" chunks


and I really dont want to try to connect the world of TES with Fo


the reason Im using skyrim is a whole other thing, this is basically killing two birds with one stone while I build a framework for a different mod so I doubt it will ever be the size of skyrim

Edited by septango1STG
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I admire your tenacity and it's good to think big, but maybe trying a smaller DLC at first wouldn't hurt. With my as-yet-unsuccessful-author hat on, there is a lot to be said for successfully completing a smaller project first before trying something huge. Look how long the Skywind and Skyblivion teams have been working on their TC, and that's set in the same Universe! Also I think for people to give their time to help they have to know it's a project that isn't going to be abandoned due to other commitments (Fallout 4 being released in less than a month?) or waning interest. Again, an example of where having completed smaller projects can be an advantage. Just a thought, but good luck whatever you decide to do.


P.S. The pics look great, but you might want to look at the textures on the wooden house in pic 3 and the brick building on the left in pic 4. There are some very obvious repeating textures going on that could do with either being replaced or broken up.

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