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Altering mods color and textures


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MOD link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31047


so i decided to give this a shot myself and try to do two versions


1: steel plating over chainmail

2: black steel over chainmail


and i have CS and made it an active file opened it found the armor but... now what... i cant find any options to change color



(1st time using this) CS Construction


if anybody can help, sorry if the question seems so "fresh-faced" lol



Edited by peppock
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If you're gonna manipulate meshes and textures, it cannot be done with CS alone. You need tools to edit them.

can at least color be changed?


Not in the CS. You need a graphic package (Paint.NET is free), and you will also need a plugin that allows you to save .dds files.

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Many games, Oblivion included, use .dds files for their textures, because that format allows mip maps to be saved with the original image. Many graphic programs do not support .dds natively, so you need a plugin that allows this file format. Paint.NET is not only free, but natively supports .dds files already.
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