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Not understanding FWE's installation guide.


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Someone pointed me to the videos one of the creators put online.



At 0:35 when he goes through Darn installation, he mentions that a series of plugins are NOT required to be activated since they are already in the MMM and FWE FOIP patch. However, I am not really interested in installing MMM at all, so I should just go ahead and install those plugins anyway?


I am not installing FOIP either, since I don't want any of the other mods that relate to FOIP either (aside from FWE itself).

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That looks like an FOIP installation guide, not an FWE guide. And the plugins he is talking about that are integrated into the FOIP are MMM plugins, not DarnUI - Darn has no optional plugins. Basically about 90% of that video has no relation to your situation if you are just going to be using DarnUI and FWE and not any of those other mods he mentions (MMM, WMK, PB or EVE). Also, it looks like he is using an older version of FWE, because the current version does not have a full FOMOD scripted installer like the one he is using. There is a DarnUI fix for use with FWE like he mentions in passing, and you definitely want that. But almost nothing he talks about will affect you since you will have to do a mult-file FWE installation, unlike him, and you will not be installing most of the rest of the stuff he talks about. Edited by proconsu1
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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
I've spent the past 3 days trying to figure out how to install Fallout 3 mods (I have to say, it's way more complicated then installing them for Skyrim, or most other games I've installed mods on), and this was by far the most helpful explanation. Finally, someone who can articulate the whole process for recreational mod users (laymen) like myself! The steps for using FOMM were especially helpful for me. I've never come across a mod manager quite like it. Anyways, thanks proconsu1!
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Heh. I was a navy puke once upon a time.


Heh. Same here. All the abrv. terms are easier now having served. It's just a matter of a paying attention, and a conscious effort to "connect the dots" by mentally cross referencing them with known information.

It can, and does, cause a headache now and then though.


Haze gray and underway!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can anyone help me make sense of FOSE?

I can launch FO3 GOTY with the FWE installed, but when I get into the birth scene{where you choose boy or girl} I keep getting a pop up telling me FOSE is either not installed properly or not up to date.....I have version 1_2 beta2.


FO3 GOTY is a steam version.

Edited by pugge
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