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New Female Body Texture Mod in the Works


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Well, I did the grayscale thing, but it NEVER ends up how I want it to. Either it's too sharp, or not sharp enough. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I've never actually really tried to figure it out (just goes to show how amateurish I am).


Edit the range of gray, or blur the edges of the gray/white regions. You have a full 256 values to work with, so use them all. White is full displacement, black is zero. Something like 128 gray would be mid-range displacement. 010 gray would be very subtle displacement. Go read some tutorials on bump mapping in normal 3d software, it really helps if you actually understand how the game engine is processing what you're giving it.


And the multiplier thing, I don't quite follow you. What modelling software? If you mean NifSkope, there's nothing like what you described that I've come across in that handy program. The only time I use NifSkope if I need to change the name of the texture the NIF actually points to (amongst other things).


Every map (bump maps especially) should have a multiplier that tells the renderer how strongly to apply that map. If Oblivion lacks this basic feature, it sucks beyond any hope of redemption, so move on to another game. Or you could just fake it, to cut the multiplier bring your entire map closer to black.


Well, just to lay things to rest, it's more of a hassle than you think. Most people can d/l things of 10MB or more with no problem, thnx in part to high-speed internet. But I don't have that luxery. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm still on DIAL-UP :ohmy: . I won't be going wireless anytime soon either (that's a whole other dilema tho). So when I tell you I had to go the route I've gone, it's because of my internet connection. I tie up the phone-line everytime I reply on this forum.


That makes absolutely no sense. How does your slow internet connection prevent you from copy/pasting files on your own computer?


It has nothing to do with being lazy about doing this little bit of extra work. It's all about RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. I'm kinda starting to understand why game devs give us cheap looking textures in the first place. I don't think you completely catch what I'm trying to tell you, but the kind of realism you're asking me to emulate CAN'T be done by me. Not to get sharky or anything, but if you want that kind of realism, I'd be more than happy to let you fiddle around my textures. I understand that realism is something that many strive to recreate in the game world, but sometimes, you HAVE to sacrifice it in order to maintain minimal resource consumption. It's a delicate balance as I said before.


What resource management? The only resource involved is your time, and if you're not willing to invest the time in doing it right, why bother?


I can't get the scale down any further, cause the original image I used was quite large to begin with (which BTW is the best I have on hand; I'm not spending my time looking for the "proper" one either). And if I mess with it further to make sure the scale is just so, it wouldn't be much of a texture to look at, thereby defeating the purpose of realism altogether. Besides, the actual mesh as you can see has rather large nipples anyway.


That's just lazy editing. I re-scaled it on the finished product in about two or three minutes of work. And that's just a quick rough version, with a little more time I could easily smooth out the edges and fix your color issues. But now I have to run to class.


DOOM 3 stuff

Well, I'll never agree with you, so let's just agree to disagree, alright?


You will agree with me, or you are wrong. Period. 95% of the time fancy shaders are used in games, it's "OMG our engine can do bump maps!! How can we make show off our new toy??", not "Our engine can do bump maps. How and where can we use them to increase the overall realism?'. Far too many game artists don't even know the meaning of "subtle", and their work shows it.

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That makes absolutely no sense. How does your slow internet connection prevent you from copy/pasting files on your own computer?

It makes perfect sense. I suppose I should have explained myself more. See, I intend to release this once every kink has been work out. If I'm going to pack everything into a neat little ZIP or 7-Zip archive, I need to be concerned about how much space on my hard disk the whole thing is going to take up.


Taking into consideration people will want large, hi-rez 2048x2048 px textures, and some will want lower resolution 1024x1024 px textures, my package will probably be HUGE. Let me enlighten you:


- A normal, uncompressed DDS or single-layer PSD diffusemap (one that actually has the colour values) is roughly 16MB in size, and a TGA with RLE compression is roughly half that. Now, factor in that these textures have to be compressed, so, a DDS texture 2048x2048 px in size is about 2.5MB (with DXT1 compression); one 1024x1024 px in size about 700KB. A normalmap (one with heightmaps AND specularmaps in the case of Oblivion) would be bigger on my hard disk, about twice the size in fact (with DXT3 compression, because Oblivion's normalmaps have alpha).


- Now, there a 11 races in Oblivion (Imperial, Nord, Argonian, Khajiit, Breton, Redguard, High Elf, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Orc, AND Dremora), and what you do to one race must be done for the others. If I was to listen to you and create 11 seperate diffusemaps for the sake of "realism", that works out be about 27MB (already TOO much for my internet connection)! Factor in that I'd also need to have my lower res 1024x1024 px textures, and that's another 8MB added on.


- So, if I compress a set of texture files about 35-40MB in size, they would only end up being about 20-30MB in a 7-Zip archive (RAR is slightly less, but I can't compress files to RARs). Now, and this part is very crucial so I want your FULL attention, I can d/l files 1MB in size in about 10 mins. My d/l speed is approx. 28.8Kbps, which works to be only about 3-3.5Kbps, and it's even slower to upload files because I'm behind a firewall (Windows' very own handy dandy "Windows Firewall", which can be turned off, but I won't really be able to do to much if I do). So, not to be too technical about this, but that's probably about 2-3 hrs. of waiting for my file to upload. In the mean time, I'm tying up the phoneline, so my mother can't make important phone calls and whatnot. And what I'm doing to begin isn't that very important ANYWAY.


So, and pardon my big spiel, you need to understand the reason why I'm not going to create extra textures for every other race (well, those that use the Imperial texture anyway). I know I'm sacrificing quite a bit of "realism", but then again, I never really cared to strive for absolute "realism" to begin with. Which brings me to my next point...


What resource management? The only resource involved is your time, and if you're not willing to invest the time in doing it right, why bother?

Not only is my time involved (which I have PLENTY of BTW), but it's the precious little time I have to be on the internet each day. Thank God my ISP doesn't charge me for every second I'm on the net, otherwise, my mother, not me, would have a HUGE phone bill to pay at the end of every month.


That's just lazy editing. I re-scaled it on the finished product in about two or three minutes of work. And that's just a quick rough version, with a little more time I could easily smooth out the edges and fix your color issues.

Oh, whoopty-do, you photoshopped my SS. Ooo, I'm amazed by your EXPERT image-editing skills. Quite frankly, I'm starting to get pretty P'Oed right now, and I'm not in the mood of flaming someone now. So what if it was lazy editing, I'M NOT DONE YET. That's not even finished product yet (I'm not even close to HALF done!). And by the look of what you edited, I can see that IF (and that's a BIG if) I actually was to scale the texture down to within what YOU refer to as normal, it wouldn't look right on the mesh. If you want to, you take this problem up with Corwyn, but don't insult me because of someone else's fudge-up (if it EVER was a fugde-up, cuz I don't think it was).


The main reason I'm using Corwyn's mesh in the first place is because it looks much more realistic than other nude female meshes. Growlf's are WAY too out of proportion (HUGE unnatural looking breasts, which don't even look right for the body size of the mesh he uses, such as that teeny-tiny waist). And Eshme's, as you know, are unnaturally thin for the kind of game Oblivion is. So, when I seen Corwyn's mesh, it looked more feminine, exactly the kind of figure I look for in women; buxom, not HUGE, fugly breasts, nice "womanly" curves, a decent badonkadonk, not too atheltic but not fat either. However the textures weren't quite right.


The tex I'm using as the basis for this texture mod, I assume, was taken directly from female anatomy photos. Certain things on the tex didn't look right to me, which is where this whole mod comes in. If you want, just PM me and I'll gladly send the original tex I used, as well as the mesh. And you make you're own analysis. If you're still not understanding something, then I guess I'll never get through to you.


You will agree with me, or you are wrong. Period. 95% of the time fancy shaders are used in games, it's "OMG our engine can do bump maps!! How can we make show off our new toy??", not "Our engine can do bump maps. How and where can we use them to increase the overall realism?'. Far too many game artists don't even know the meaning of "subtle", and their work shows it.

No, I WON'T agree, nope, not in a million years. Even if a gun was held to my head, I would never agree with you. If you don't like how game devs are creating their textures, you complain to them about their so-called shod-a$$ work. Like I said, DON'T insult me because of someone else's fudge-up, and make me feel like I have absolutely no idea of what I'm doing. Cuz I'll tell you right now, I know a heck of a lot more about what a human female body looks like than most other amateur texturers will EVER see in their ENTIRE lives. I know I don't know everything, and I do appreciate it when someone is nice enough to let know if I don't. But I DON'T like it when someone rubs in it in my face every garl-darn stinkin' time. Pardon me for being blunt about this, but I don't appreciate it when someone tries to shove what they perceive as "normal" on me, or what they think will increase overall "realism".


And pardon me for thinking this way, but "realism" really kills the overall "fun factor" of a game. I'm not saying "to hell with realism altogether", but it should not be included in EVERY aspect of a game. Why in Sam Hill do think games were made in the first place, eh? I apprecaite your trying to help, but let me do what I need do.


Yes, I have my preferences - you can plainly see by looking at the textures, albeit as incomplete as they are. But you don't see me overzealously shoving my preferences on someone else. If someone doesn't like what I'm doing, fine. But DON'T tell me I don't know what I'm doing, cuz it insults my intelligence. With all the problems you've pointed out, I appreciate it, and I will take all of it in stride. But your perceptions and my perceptions are different.


So, before this turns into a big stinkin' debate, and as I said before, let's just agree to disagree.

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It makes perfect sense. I suppose I should have explained myself more. See, I intend to release this once every kink has been work out. If I'm going to pack everything into a neat little ZIP or 7-Zip archive, I need to be concerned about how much space on my hard disk the whole thing is going to take up.


- So, if I compress a set of texture files about 35-40MB in size, they would only end up being about 20-30MB in a 7-Zip archive (RAR is slightly less, but I can't compress files to RARs).


So what if it's 35-40 mb worth of textures? That's nothing compared to modern hard disk sizes, and really nothing compared to the multiple gigs you already have taken up by Oblivion. Complaining about having to store 40mb is just silly.


Now, and this part is very crucial so I want your FULL attention, I can d/l files 1MB in size in about 10 mins. My d/l speed is approx. 28.8Kbps, which works to be only about 3-3.5Kbps, and it's even slower to upload files because I'm behind a firewall (Windows' very own handy dandy "Windows Firewall", which can be turned off, but I won't really be able to do to much if I do). So, not to be too technical about this, but that's probably about 2-3 hrs. of waiting for my file to upload. In the mean time, I'm tying up the phoneline, so my mother can't make important phone calls and whatnot. And what I'm doing to begin isn't that very important ANYWAY.


Why does any of this matter? You only need to do it once, it doesn't matter how big the mod is until it's time for the final upload. And once you're ready to do that, just leave it on overnight or something. But honestly, if 2-3 hours is a crippling burden for you, you you don't really have the time to invest in modding anyway.



Oh, whoopty-do, you photoshopped my SS. Ooo, I'm amazed by your EXPERT image-editing skills. Quite frankly, I'm starting to get pretty P'Oed right now, and I'm not in the mood of flaming someone now. So what if it was lazy editing, I'M NOT DONE YET. That's not even finished product yet (I'm not even close to HALF done!).


I know what a work in progress is, and if you'd just said "I'm still working on it" I wouldn't have said anything. But you're inventing this whole "it's major editing" thing, when the changes I'm talking about would maybe take 15 minutes. We're talking about some basic editing here to change the size, not a full re-paint or anything.



And by the look of what you edited, I can see that IF (and that's a BIG if) I actually was to scale the texture down to within what YOU refer to as normal, it wouldn't look right on the mesh. If you want to, you take this problem up with Corwyn, but don't insult me because of someone else's fudge-up (if it EVER was a fugde-up, cuz I don't think it was).


Why would it cause alignment issues? The only reason it looks off is because I wasn't careful to keep it centered. But the nice thing about circles is you can easily scale them from the center point, you're not going to be off-center if you do it right.


The main reason I'm using Corwyn's mesh in the first place is because it looks much more realistic than other nude female meshes. Growlf's are WAY too out of proportion (HUGE unnatural looking breasts, which don't even look right for the body size of the mesh he uses, such as that teeny-tiny waist). And Eshme's, as you know, are unnaturally thin for the kind of game Oblivion is. So, when I seen Corwyn's mesh, it looked more feminine, exactly the kind of figure I look for in women; buxom, not HUGE, fugly breasts, nice "womanly" curves, a decent badonkadonk, not too atheltic but not fat either. However the textures weren't quite right.


I said it to Tessera, and I'll say it to you: just because one mesh sucks doesn't make the other good. So what if the others suck? We're not talking about those other meshes. The fact that Corwyn's has fewer issues doesn't mean we should just ignore them and pretend it's perfect.


The tex I'm using as the basis for this texture mod, I assume, was taken directly from female anatomy photos. Certain things on the tex didn't look right to me, which is where this whole mod comes in. If you want, just PM me and I'll gladly send the original tex I used, as well as the mesh. And you make you're own analysis. If you're still not understanding something, then I guess I'll never get through to you.


Please do. And I'll make your "major edit" in about 5 minutes.


No, I WON'T agree, nope, not in a million years. Even if a gun was held to my head, I would never agree with you. If you don't like how game devs are creating their textures, you complain to them about their so-called shod-a$$ work. Like I said, DON'T insult me because of someone else's fudge-up, and make me feel like I have absolutely no idea of what I'm doing. Cuz I'll tell you right now, I know a heck of a lot more about what a human female body looks like than most other amateur texturers will EVER see in their ENTIRE lives. I know I don't know everything, and I do appreciate it when someone is nice enough to let know if I don't. But I DON'T like it when someone rubs in it in my face every garl-darn stinkin' time. Pardon me for being blunt about this, but I don't appreciate it when someone tries to shove what they perceive as "normal" on me, or what they think will increase overall "realism".


Look, you'd have a point if I was commenting on something that was actually a question of preferences. It's not what I percieve as normal, it's what is normal. Find me an example of real skin that has the exaggerated bump texture you see in games. You won't be able to, because it doesn't look that way.


And I'm complaining about game developers too, but that's not the issue. And I'm not insulting you because they screwed up, I'm arguing with you because you defend that work.


And pardon me for thinking this way, but "realism" really kills the overall "fun factor" of a game. I'm not saying "to hell with realism altogether", but it should not be included in EVERY aspect of a game. Why in Sam Hill do think games were made in the first place, eh? I apprecaite your trying to help, but let me do what I need do.


How does visual realism kill the fun factor of a game? Do you suddenly stop having fun if someone develops a better hair shader? Is the sight of accurate lighting so offensive that you can't play without absurd bloom effects?


That just doesn't work as a defense. It's either ignorance of how the world looks, or exaggeration to sell expensive video cards. Pick one, both are equally bad.

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I know what a work in progress is, and if you'd just said "I'm still working on it" I wouldn't have said anything. But you're inventing this whole "it's major editing" thing, when the changes I'm talking about would maybe take 15 minutes. We're talking about some basic editing here to change the size, not a full re-paint or anything.

Well, it's major editing to me, especially when, being the stupid a$$hat I am, never bothered or even though about saving a backup PSD with layers, so I can go back and make those minor changes. So, I think this argument is done. I've got a brand new PSD I'm working on now, so that's that.


I said it to Tessera, and I'll say it to you: just because one mesh sucks doesn't make the other good. So what if the others suck? We're not talking about those other meshes. The fact that Corwyn's has fewer issues doesn't mean we should just ignore them and pretend it's perfect.

Well, that's just my preference. I know it's not perfect, and as I said before, perfection is something one can strive for, but will never achieve. It's up to someone to take these imperfections and try to minimize them, or embrace them. This is not an ideal world, and the virtual world sure isn't perfect either.


Look, you'd have a point if I was commenting on something that was actually a question of preferences. It's not what I percieve as normal, it's what is normal. Find me an example of real skin that has the exaggerated bump texture you see in games. You won't be able to, because it doesn't look that way.

I can find you an example of real skin, and you'd be right. But the virtual world IS NOT the same as the real world, is it? The virtual world allows for exaggeration. So, you say this isn't a question of preferences? This IS ALL about preferences. You prefer things to look real in the game, me, not as real as you. You don't like the way I see it, TOUGH!


And I'm complaining about game developers too, but that's not the issue. And I'm not insulting you because they screwed up, I'm arguing with you because you defend that work.

I think it is the issue, or you would not have brought it up. Let's talk about it, get it off you're chest. What exactly is it that's wrong? Enlighten me here. Is it because game devs are not implementing enough "realism" in the virtual world? What exactly do you have against game devs?


How does visual realism kill the fun factor of a game?

When it becomes a hinderance to the exaggeration one wants to create. Like I said, if you don't like it, TOUGH!


Do you suddenly stop having fun if someone develops a better hair shader? Is the sight of accurate lighting so offensive that you can't play without absurd bloom effects?

These are excellent things to have in a game, and I'd still play games that had a new hair shader, or if a game dev implemented SM 4.0 shading code. But these things are beside the point.


That just doesn't work as a defense. It's either ignorance of how the world looks, or exaggeration to sell expensive video cards. Pick one, both are equally bad.

Ignorance, huh? If I ignored how the world looks, it wouldn't be much to look at, now would it. You may not think of me as one who pays much attention to detail, but I do. To tell you the truth, my textures look FAR better than Torbold's originals. You wanna see for yourself, a link to the mod d/l page is right here. If you still don't like they way my textures look, TOUGH!

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Things are getting a little heated in here... though well done Rob B. for not outright flaming. Peregrine, quit it already. If your rather... abrasive form of advice is annoying the guy and he makes that clear then continuing is trolling. So stop please.
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Things are getting a little heated in here... though well done Rob B. for not outright flaming. Peregrine, quit it already. If your rather... abrasive form of advice is annoying the guy and he makes that clear then continuing is trolling. So stop please.

Thnx for looking out for us, Switch. Not to sound like a brown-noser or anything, but if it wasn't for you (or any of the other moderators for that matter), this forum would be a freakin' warzone! You do it for the sake of the other forum members who are younger than the rest of us (the "13 yrs and under" group to be precise). However, it is our responsilbility as (hopefully) mature individuals to set a good example, and not to take the inappropriateness factor to the umpteenth level.


If someone on the forums is irritating me beyond the heavens, they're gonna know about it. But I'm not gonna let my temper (which can get pretty short at times) flare up, and end getting myself, the irritant, and perhaps a few other individuals who decided to join the fray, into a bit of splash damage and get banned off the forums. I know some people don't care if their accounts are deleted, but I sure ain't one of 'em.



BTW, and not that this has anything to do with the issues at hand, but where's Tessera? Did he get banned or did he just decide to leave?

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Things are getting a little heated in here... though well done Rob B. for not outright flaming. Peregrine, quit it already. If your rather... abrasive form of advice is annoying the guy and he makes that clear then continuing is trolling. So stop please.

Thnx for looking out for us, Switch. Not to sound like a brown-noser or anything, but if it wasn't for you (or any of the other moderators for that matter), this forum would be a freakin' warzone!



BTW, and not that this has anything to do with the issues at hand, but where's Tessera? Did he get banned or did he just decide to leave?

Odds are that most large fora would be either warzones or scorched earth if they didn't have moderators.


Tessera both left (for the second time) and had his account deleted.

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Hehe, well thanks. It's nice to be appreciated. :)


And yes, Tessera simultaneously decided to leave (for the nth time) and was banned/deleted. Now let's get this back on-topic shall we?

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Well, it's major editing to me, especially when, being the stupid a$$hat I am, never bothered or even though about saving a backup PSD with layers, so I can go back and make those minor changes. So, I think this argument is done. I've got a brand new PSD I'm working on now, so that's that.


And it's not done. If you would just admit you don't understand what you're doing, I could easily show you how to salvage the textures and make some of the edits I was talking about. But I can't do that if all you do is insist that it's not possible and it's perfect anyway.


Of course you should consider this a lesson: always use layers. You can never have too many layers, and they will save you countless hours of frustration when you make mistakes.


Well, that's just my preference. I know it's not perfect, and as I said before, perfection is something one can strive for, but will never achieve. It's up to someone to take these imperfections and try to minimize them, or embrace them. This is not an ideal world, and the virtual world sure isn't perfect either.


No, we do not embrace imperfections and lack of realism. We try to minimize it up to the limits of the software/hardware. And when I say "imperfections" I mean "it doesn't look like this in reality", not "it doesn't match our idealized view of 'perfection'". Embracing the second kind of imperfection is one thing, saying "those bodies are too 'perfect' and idealized, here's a better one" is a good goal. But we're talking about the second case here, there's no reason to embrace poor texture quality, a poor lighting engine, etc.


I can find you an example of real skin, and you'd be right. But the virtual world IS NOT the same as the real world, is it? The virtual world allows for exaggeration. So, you say this isn't a question of preferences? This IS ALL about preferences. You prefer things to look real in the game, me, not as real as you. You don't like the way I see it, TOUGH!


But WHY are you exaggerating it? It's not because it looks better, it's because you want to make sure the bump map is visible. You're repeating a major flaw in modern game art, the idea that a new shader/map type/etc is only good if it's blindingly obvious. Far too many game developers/artists consider a list of shader types the only important factor (and more is always better). So you get a visual style where the newest engine elements are heavily exaggerated, not because they look better, but to prove their product is more advanced than the competition's.


And I'm not just making this stuff up, everyone does it. I know I've definitely used my share of exaggerated maps/post-production/etc after discovering a new toy to work with. You just have to move past it and understand the value of subtle detail. Of course some people (Bethesda, for example) don't, and the results are ugly and unfinished.


I think it is the issue, or you would not have brought it up. Let's talk about it, get it off you're chest. What exactly is it that's wrong? Enlighten me here. Is it because game devs are not implementing enough "realism" in the virtual world? What exactly do you have against game devs?


I already said what my problem with game developers is: they don't know the meaning of the word "subtle". All these new map types are supposed to be subtle. But instead, they're over exaggerated to prove to the xbox fanboys that yes, their $500 console is really delivering all the fancy shaders the advertising promised.


When it becomes a hinderance to the exaggeration one wants to create. Like I said, if you don't like it, TOUGH!p


What exaggeration, and why do you want to create it? None of this stuff (your texture mistakes, Oblivion's lighting, etc) is creating an exaggerated style. They're creating "exaggeration" which is really just a flawed attempt at photorealism.


These are excellent things to have in a game, and I'd still play games that had a new hair shader, or if a game dev implemented SM 4.0 shading code. But these things are beside the point.


No, they ARE the point. You said ""realism" really kills the overall "fun factor" of a game. While you might have a point with realism in the form of "one bullet = instant death" gameplay or something, we're talking about visual realism. And that NEVER harms the "fun factor" of the game, it can only improve the experience.


Ignorance, huh? If I ignored how the world looks, it wouldn't be much to look at, now would it. You may not think of me as one who pays much attention to detail, but I do. To tell you the truth, my textures look FAR better than Torbold's originals. You wanna see for yourself, a link to the mod d/l page is right here. If you still don't like they way my textures look, TOUGH!


And I will repeat what I just said: just because you've done better than one version doesn't mean your job is finished or your mistakes should be ignored. Congratulations on improving the quality of textures available. Now keep working and improve it more. To paraphrase a well-known quote: "good art projects are never finished, they are only abandoned". Your work (and mine as well) is done when you reach complete perfection, not a moment sooner.





Things are getting a little heated in here... though well done Rob B. for not outright flaming. Peregrine, quit it already. If your rather... abrasive form of advice is annoying the guy and he makes that clear then continuing is trolling. So stop please.


And right on schedule with your usual anti-Peregrine bias. I have to admit, that's even more impressive than usual, complimenting him on not flaming when he's using at least as aggressive a tone (if not more) than I am.

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And right on schedule with your usual anti-Peregrine bias. I have to admit, that's even more impressive than usual, complimenting him on not flaming when he's using at least as aggressive a tone (if not more) than I am.

Geez, give it a break. I heard you guys bickering here from another thread.


As far as texturing goes, you're doing alot better than most the 4 dozen or so nude mods. Flawless isn't going to happen when you have an engine with wonky lighting, and a mesh with less than a 5 billion polly count. Bump maps were made to get around having to manually adapt the mesh to give the impression of a raised surface. As a result, it is by definition, imperfect, and when combined with a lighting system where the edges of those bumps glow, hardly realistic. Meanwhile getting back to the point, will the scores of teenages who download the mod (and who have never seen a real woman naked) notice any problem, much less care?


Sorry to say, but as much as peregrine is right about the technical aspects, they really don't matter in the long run. Besides the point, Oblivion is so hopelessly flawed that trying to make anything realistic is beyond any mortal capability.

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