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What do you think of this class?


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Dont have athletics and Acrobatics as your minor or major skills because you will easily train them, obviously because in morrowind as you know you will be running around vardefell alot. Instead put marksman in minor and something like longsword in major skills.

I can't agree with you about the athletics skill, cause you don't increase athletics fast just by running.


If you spend most of the time swimming, maybe it worths.


What's wrong about marksman? I love marksman.

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All around looks like a good character, nice balance of magic and use of melee. i just know from personal experience that at first I always heavily rely on spells and then once become powerful enough to start enchanting I simply go for the enchants, especially on rings and amulets.


Mages are a lot of fun, especially if you use training spells you can get them really high level rather fast and max out your skills.

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Erm - Jouko was that last piece of ego-massage strictly necessary? I am sure you might want to post if you've had a re-think and changed your mind but... This sort of thing should not be done!

What he said. It doesn't do wonders for your reputation on the forums buddy, so I suggest you refrain from doing so :P plus it's pretty much spam.

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It's not so much that as if you put athletics as a major/minor skill as it is something (i hope) you do all of the time; this way it counts towards your leveling. Granted it takes a little while but it helps a lot since also I think it might decrease the amount of fatigue it takes to run around (don't quote me on that but I have noticed a difference through the levels).


Maybe you want to consider block as well, it's a very very very useful skill to have. Also if you're heavily armor/weapon reliant, maybe switching out mercantile with armorer...speechcraft at least.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about with the mercantile... I always have it as a minor skill.


To put it in perspective...


I was selling Indoril Pauldrens to Meldor in Balmora. He offered me 910 gold for just one pauldren. I still managed with a 55or so in mercantile, to squeeze out an extra 590 gold from him. It may not sound like a lot, but beleive me, after a nice day of killing Ordinators, and you got about 30 of em... it adds up to a nice sum. I think mercantile is totally worth it, if you want to make money.


And I always have speechcraft as a major ;)

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