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Political Correctness,


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"Political correctness" is a term used to shut people up and brand them insane. Of course, affirmative action and treating perfectly capable adults like they are special snowflakes is also ridiculous and it does happen, but that's not to say it will do anybody any good to wish ourselves back to Victorian times or some such nonsense, because then, if you weren't a straight white guy, you were a lesser being (only applies to US and UK really).
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But sadly, political correctness in action can very often lead to discrimination against anyone who has their own opinions.


I can give a bit support to that from another source in addition with some simple question.

INot long ago I a friend of mine asked me what is discrimination of disabled persons. i send him the full speech of:

How acts discrimination?

The example of the hostility to disabled

Paper presented at the conference Ethics and Disability - Theory and Practice

Man Institute, Ethics and Science 12th May. 2006

Catholic Academy in Berlin

by Birgit Rommelspacher

It comes down for me on this Excerpt:

"If disabled people are discriminated, then non-disabled people are privileged. This is the logical episode, as the antonym of discrimination is privilege.

How now looks the privilege in the context?"

The questions that is bothering me on that is is it political correct to let non-disabled persons take steps to rule out that disabled persons are discriminated ?

Is it politicall correct to uses a horizontal approach on discrimination witch leads to a discrimination of groups that have less lobbing and there for fragment the main body of anti discrimination by furthering more minor discriminations on groups that belong to two or more discriminated groups at the same time, even if it is proven by social sciences that there is a discrimination against the human rights ?


On the matter of the Frankfurt School I have to thank Jim_UK and roquefort for bringing it up because it saved me a loot of hassle searching up English sides of the Frankfurt School.

On this mater I can say a lot but I leave it to one additional point of awareness and a problem I see in today society.


Cultural Theory: Frankfurt School Critical Theory on YouTube;)


A major problem I see in the developmet of mass art as it is described in this video in today's Art because most of those of you that are rember the 80's remember that the cultural waves that where caused by the late 60's moment was a cultural criticism of society with art and the thus build-up common conciousness of the work that comes with critical art en mass.

Nowadays I personal see a problem in the music industry taking the approach that social critical music is in decline and by the major music companies not sell able to the mass. And in this lowering the awareness of work of modern days society by censorship of the music industry.

( I know that this can be disputed, with reasoning of the growing awareness of the internet, and underground music which i love to hear sometimes.) I mainly argue that most social critics come basically today in written (via internet) form and less and less in acoustic form. This may be worth a new topic altogether that is worth debating in my opinion, if anyone is interested to debate it.


On my personal view from experience it is important to use common sense in addition with some good scientific reads on discrimination and anti-discrimination to measure political correctness and raise the proper awareness for daily live that develops us further in becoming better than we actually are as a society. In addition political correctness has to be constantly weighted by the information of social sciences because it is constantly in a state of motion. I think the key word is balancing here and we need still to find the answer how this is done well.

Edited by SilverDNA
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As usual a most balanced view there, SilverDNA. The importance of that little phrase common sense should never be understimated. Sometimes when political correctness is rigidly enforced there is very little of that, and we have had cases in the UK of primary school kids getting "a record" due to bad things being yelled during playground spats (when the more sensible course of action would be to call in the parents and ask where they learned the bad words...).


As for comments by others, I hadn't noticed anyone in this thread wishing us back to the Victorian age. I had noticed, and rolled with ironic laughter, at some typical political correctness. Darkfox85 complains that if you are politically correct you are sneered at and then goes on to sneer at and to stereotype Daily Mail readers (yes, I read the Daily Mail, as well as the Torygraph and the Times, the Grauniad isn't quite so amusing since they sorted out the typos somewhat. As well as being middle class and churchgoing, OMG, Ginny a la lanterne already!).


The problem is that the politically correct often think that they are absolutely correct. Good grief, even the Pope doesn't claim infallibility these days! And they stereotype anyone who dares to disagree as backward, racist, homophobic or religious fanatic enemies of the people

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Thing is, some people do actually use the "political correctness gone mad" nonsense to shut their opponent up, as I said. Words change their meaning, and what was polite yesterday won't be so today. Some people are living in a real-life "fish out of water" comedy of errors and aren't used to, well, not being able to call someone something too bad to repeat, without being seen as totally and utterly rude. At least, that's the sort of thing I see happening.
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I came from a time before "political correctness" became the thing of the day. You can make people say the right things...but that doesn't make them believe them.


My parents taught me a much better thing, it's called RESPECT.

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The problem is that the politically correct often think that they are absolutely correct.



Quote of the day


Nail hammer head :thumbsup:



I absolutely agree, Marthos!! You hit the nail on the head Ginny.

By the way, so did you LisnPuppy, with your above post, "I came from a time before "political correctness" became the thing of the day. You can make people say the right things...but that doesn't make them believe them. My parents taught me a much better thing, it's called RESPECT."

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First, please excuse my rantings. This topic makes me blood boil, it does.


I have only ever experienced Political Correctness as a kind of Neo-Communist Plague that stifles individualism and personal freedom. It needs to be stamped out, and fast. It's gone so far that even things like Halloween get banned because they're afraid of hurting someone's feelings.


The only solution is that everything must be allowed, absolute freedom of speech. Doesn't matter if it's right or nice...especially if it's not. The consequences of said action will arrive on their own, there's no need to "systemize" the reaction-giving process and therefore bias the balance. Racial slurs, religious sensitivities, sexual insecurities...they all have to be fair game in order to assure everybody's well-being.


There is a large part of me that despises weakness. Not physical weakness or disability or anything like that, I'm talking real weakness. Of character, of spirit. Trials are the sharpening stone of the soul. No trials, no sharpening, no soul. At least, not one that's got enough power to do anything with.


I could give a lot of examples to that point, but I just erased them. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/yes.gif The point is that people have to put up with this crap for everybody's sake. I should be allowed to watch South Park and see Mohammed's image on screen, goddammit. I should be able to have my kids trick or treat in school at Halloween, or have a Christmas play with Santa Claus, trees, and the whole spiel, even if I'm not Christian.


**** everybody's sensitivities, for everybody's sake. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif



Be very careful bringing any religious aspects into the discussion, because if this turns into a religious debate, this thread will be locked fast enough to make your head spin. -myrmaad

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Political Correcntess is a crock of shite used by people who want us to all be the same as we hold hands and dance around a maypole while singing mind-numbing songs.


We're all too thin-skinned these days, and the lawyers are loving us for it.

Edited by Sync182
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