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Favorite Game


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Anyway, currently, as of right at this moment, I'd have to say my favourite game is Call of Duty 2 (for the PC of course). Anyone who's anyone HAS to play CoD2, as it's much, MUCH better than the original CoD (graphics-wise, that is). It does immerse you into what the actual combat of WWII might have been like, although we'll never know what our soldiers actually felt, saw, and heard (but we do have a slight sense of that). And I have to admit that I am sort of a WWII buff. Not to get patriotic or anything, but you do have to thank the veterans who fought bravely and died honourably for us - if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have the freedoms we have today.




What actual combat was like... you're kidding, right? COD2 took every flaw in the original game, made them worse, and then took away the quicksave system for no apparent reason. The infinitely respawning waves of enemies are just incredibly poor design, and completely kill any sense of realism. I can't even count the number of times I'd toss a grenade or two, advance while putting down suppressing fire, killing everyone, then duck behind something to reload. And somehow by that point, all the soldiers I just killed have been replaced by identical clones, and there's a grenade landing at my feet (yay! respawn and do it all again!). Instead of realistic assaults on a defended position, using snipers/long-range rifles to weaken the defenses before the attack, etc, you have the idiocy of hundreds of German soldiers packed into a tiny closet.


Multiplayer, however, was alright, but the original was better.

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Anyway, currently, as of right at this moment, I'd have to say my favourite game is Call of Duty 2 (for the PC of course). Anyone who's anyone HAS to play CoD2, as it's much, MUCH better than the original CoD (graphics-wise, that is). It does immerse you into what the actual combat of WWII might have been like, although we'll never know what our soldiers actually felt, saw, and heard (but we do have a slight sense of that). And I have to admit that I am sort of a WWII buff. Not to get patriotic or anything, but you do have to thank the veterans who fought bravely and died honourably for us - if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have the freedoms we have today.




What actual combat was like... you're kidding, right? COD2 took every flaw in the original game, made them worse, and then took away the quicksave system for no apparent reason. The infinitely respawning waves of enemies are just incredibly poor design, and completely kill any sense of realism. I can't even count the number of times I'd toss a grenade or two, advance while putting down suppressing fire, killing everyone, then duck behind something to reload. And somehow by that point, all the soldiers I just killed have been replaced by identical clones, and there's a grenade landing at my feet (yay! respawn and do it all again!). Instead of realistic assaults on a defended position, using snipers/long-range rifles to weaken the defenses before the attack, etc, you have the idiocy of hundreds of German soldiers packed into a tiny closet.


Multiplayer, however, was alright, but the original was better.

I suppose I should have mentioned I never did play the original COD. Sorry about my misinformed statement. But I also noticed that the Krauts did respawn quite faster than seems realistically possible. I noticed quite a few flaws that I found questionable. I'd fix 'em myself and release the mod, but the file formats in which the game had been designed to use are foreign to me. I am a little familar with the DOOM 3 engine (which COD2 used in part), but the way Infinity Ward designed the game is unfamilar to me.



BTW, to get off topic here, but I'm starting to notice something about you Peregrine. Don't get mad or anything, but it seems you tend to find flaws and faults in almost anything I write about. I can recoginize this as my dad also carries on the exact same way. I doesn't matter what we're discussing, he'll find a flaw or anything to complain about, much like I'm noticing you doing.

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BTW, to get off topic here, but I'm starting to notice something about you Peregrine. Don't get mad or anything, but it seems you tend to find flaws and faults in almost anything I write about. I can recoginize this as my dad also carries on the exact same way. I doesn't matter what we're discussing, he'll find a flaw or anything to complain about, much like I'm noticing you doing.


I'm very cynical and find only flaws as well.


My favourite game(s) has got to be almost any rpg. As you can tell from my avatar, I enjoy Baldur's Gate. The entire Forgotten Relms series infact is quite good. I of course love Morrowind, however, Oblivion was a little disapointing. I thought it would be even better than Morrowind. Adventure is also quite good (I'm refering to Atari. It may be old, but it's still good). I also enjoy the QBasic Pong clone I made, because I made it :D (I actually suck at Pong...it's too difficult :blush: lol!) Strategy games are also quite fun.


Now the title says "Favorite Game" it doesn't say anything about video games...

My favourite game of all time is Descent: Journeys in the Dark. It is one of the few games that is even remotely sucessful at making an rpg board game. I have made several quests and campaigns with the Descent Campaign Editor and even uploaded two of them on fantasyflightgames.com. They are Farthay Castle: My pride and joy, took me six months to make! and The Epic Adventure (no relation to Epic Movie...I swear): Kind of a comical spoof of typical rpgs.

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BTW, to get off topic here, but I'm starting to notice something about you Peregrine. Don't get mad or anything, but it seems you tend to find flaws and faults in almost anything I write about. I can recoginize this as my dad also carries on the exact same way. I doesn't matter what we're discussing, he'll find a flaw or anything to complain about, much like I'm noticing you doing.


Such arrogance, thinking you are anything more than a trivial distraction to the Almighty Hellbird. You are a mere pawn, not even worthy of note. You are merely one of the many people He disagrees with and attacks. The Hellbird does not in any way consider you important enough to be worth stalking (though if He did, you should consider it a compliment to your worthless existence).


That said, you are also too sensitive to criticism. If anything, the Hellbird's Wrath was directed at the developers of Call of Duty II for screwing up a game with so much potential.

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BTW, to get off topic here, but I'm starting to notice something about you Peregrine. Don't get mad or anything, but it seems you tend to find flaws and faults in almost anything I write about. I can recoginize this as my dad also carries on the exact same way. I doesn't matter what we're discussing, he'll find a flaw or anything to complain about, much like I'm noticing you doing.


Such arrogance, thinking you are anything more than a trivial distraction to the Almighty Hellbird. You are a mere pawn, not even worthy of note. You are merely one of the many people He disagrees with and attacks. The Hellbird does not in any way consider you important enough to be worth stalking (though if He did, you should consider it a compliment to your worthless existence).


That said, you are also too sensitive to criticism. If anything, the Hellbird's Wrath was directed at the developers of Call of Duty II for screwing up a game with so much potential.

Now you listen here, I never said ANYTHING about you attacking me specifically. I'm quite sure there are other people whom you've attacked. But I'm not gonna let you do that to me. Don't think that just because my membership means almost nothing that I'm just gonna let you shoot down anything I post. There's not a snowball's chance in Hell I'm gonna let you get away from me.


So what if I'm more sensitive to critisism than the countless others you've attacked. At least I can tell the difference when someone is telling about my mistakes so I can fix them, and when someone is blatently attacking me for spite. At least I have the cojones to stand up to you, the so-called "Almighty" HELLBIRD. To me, you nothing but a tyrant in a chicken suit.


Si vis pacem, PARA BELLUM. Strong words that I live by, both here on the forums, and in real life.

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BTW, to get off topic here, but I'm starting to notice something about you Peregrine. Don't get mad or anything, but it seems you tend to find flaws and faults in almost anything I write about. I can recoginize this as my dad also carries on the exact same way. I doesn't matter what we're discussing, he'll find a flaw or anything to complain about, much like I'm noticing you doing.


Such arrogance, thinking you are anything more than a trivial distraction to the Almighty Hellbird. You are a mere pawn, not even worthy of note. You are merely one of the many people He disagrees with and attacks. The Hellbird does not in any way consider you important enough to be worth stalking (though if He did, you should consider it a compliment to your worthless existence).


That said, you are also too sensitive to criticism. If anything, the Hellbird's Wrath was directed at the developers of Call of Duty II for screwing up a game with so much potential.

Now you listen here, I never said ANYTHING about you attacking me specifically. I'm quite sure there are other people whom you've attacked. But I'm not gonna let you do that to me. Don't think that just because my membership means almost nothing that I'm just gonna let you shoot down anything I post. There's not a snowball's chance in Hell I'm gonna let you get away from me.


So what if I'm more sensitive to critisism than the countless others you've attacked. At least I can tell the difference when someone is telling about my mistakes so I can fix them, and when someone is blatently attacking me for spite. At least I have the cojones to stand up to you, the so-called "Almighty" HELLBIRD. To me, you nothing but a tyrant in a chicken suit.


Si vis pacem, PARA BELLUM. Strong words that I live by, both here on the forums, and in real life.



Lets see... over-sensitive, AND no sense of humor. Since you didn't get it the first time:


1) I didn't single you out for attack. Most of the time I don't even look at the poster's name unless I'm making sure I attribute the quote properly. As much as your ego might hate it, I don't care about you enough to have some silly vendetta with you. If you think I'm picking on you unfairly, stop being wrong so often.


2) The post you're talking about wasn't even directed at you! I was attacking the COD2 developers, not you. So again, as much as your ego might want to, don't assume everything is about you.

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Stop being a troll, Peregrine. As much as you don't see it, I do actually have a sense of humour. But don't make jokes like this, especially when I might take it the wrong way.


And where did you get the idea I have an ego? I couldn't care less about arguing with you. Only reason I do argue is I have to stand up for myself. I'm not gonna let someone think they can just walk all over me, for their own amusement. YOU may think this is a joke, but I don't.

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Oh please, anyone with a little common sense would realize the whole "Almighty Hellbird" bit wasn't serious, but you didn't. Just like you didn't realize "your ego is trying to steal the flames from COD2's devs" was a joke. I don't know why you take this so seriously, but I don't have some vendetta with you.


If you're upset because you think I'm picking on you specifically, I'm not. I had to go dust off the search tool to even remember you were the guy I was arguing with about texture realism. So just take a look around, realize that you're not alone, and drop the whole thing.


If you're upset because I'm not living in some happy feel-good fantasy world where nobody disagrees with anyone and we all just politely share our opinions, too bad. If you post something I disagree with, I don't care who you are, I'm going to rip it apart and show you point by point why you are wrong. If you don't like it, stop being wrong.

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Sheesh, you're really cutting quite the swathe of disruption here tonight aren't you Peregrine? Your way of joking may work in the real world where things such as vocal tone and mannerisms can let people tack on to your sarcasm. On the internet though, people don't have that luxury, as you well know, so when you start picking on people, whether it be for real or teasing, people may well take it the wrong way. So, quitting it might be an idea.


Also, Rob, do try to calm down. No point responding to trolls (unless you're a moderator and have to :P), is there?


This has gone very off-topic. Let's not derail this any further eh?

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