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Do you act like a Normal Person in OBLIVION?


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Telyn - the book to track down is "The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England" by Ian Mortimer (ISBN 978-1-845-95099-6). It covers 1300-1400 pretty well, including things like wages, prices and social expectations for everyone from serfs up to the King. Easy reading too.
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DarkArgonian49, you can do almost all those things. Here is a house where you can woodcut: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28731

For mods that let you get married and mods that let you have jobs, see my long post in this thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/319678-a-whole-new-world/

Big long list of links there. :)

Actually you could probably make some kids as companions by using one of the smaller custom races you can find in the libraries here. They will look more like teens than small children though due to game restrictions.

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Yes, I do, most of the time. I usually avoid waiting unless it makes sense for them to wait that long, for instance, being in an inn, or somewhere where he wouldn't get bored. Usually I make them sleep after a while, but lots of times it seems like my characters are running on empty. :wallbash:
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